Star Citizen XenoThreat event delayed


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
A delay of one/two months to get a successful event will be worth it compared to the half year/years it would take to repait the damage an unsuccessful bugged/glitchy event would bring.

And as Montoya pointed out in the video, it's not worth crunching the Devs at holiday time even if it would result in a successful event. My play time isn't worth some poor sod working 24/7 and suffering stress illnesses.

Good move on CIG's part I'd say.

Patrick Spaceman

Grand Admiral
Oct 4, 2020
RSI Handle
CIG was aiming for a Xmas release, but it seems they are not satisfied with the current state of the event. Im guessing some Evocati guys found a way to break it and now they need to patch it before releasing into the wild.

That and maybe because people are still playing Cyberpunk (which looks glorious on max settings on my PC).


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
I looked at the starmap and couldn't figure out which xeno species are close to Stanton

it will be a good demo/test of gameplay, but squaring it with the Lore may be problematic


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
I looked at the starmap and couldn't figure out which xeno species are close to Stanton

it will be a good demo/test of gameplay, but squaring it with the Lore may be problematic
No alien species is close. It's not about them. It's about a group of generic space Nazis vs the UEE/advocacy as far as I understand it. Pretty lame imo, but having content like this should be interesting for little while at least.


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
I looked at the starmap and couldn't figure out which xeno species are close to Stanton

it will be a good demo/test of gameplay, but squaring it with the Lore may be problematic
Hmm I think there is a wrong assumtion here: even if right now we don't see any alien speeces in game doen't mean that Stenton doens't have any.
I'll expect that in the future there'll be alien speces around in nay UEE system even if in different population %: don't forget that Stanton is a BIG commercial hub in SC with 4 major megacorp having theyr "home planet" in there, so I'll expect all kind of people and rappresentative going back and forth from this system in the (far far away) future.

Patrick Spaceman

Grand Admiral
Oct 4, 2020
RSI Handle
Waaait a second.... Ok the big Idris fight has been deleyed a second time... I guess is still SC after all delays are in order....

But no one have notice the suggested video in the right colum of YT:



Just hoping is not a reboot, but form the teaser it seams not....
That was Liara, hopefully a continuation. I saw a good vid on YT, explaining why in part Andromeda one gave a shit about the Ryder twins, they were nobodies, just children of an N7 guy, blank slates with zero expectations.

I also hated Andromeda, the story sucked (including social justice injected forcefully) and I wanted to set fire to every Angaran, they look too much like furries. At least with Mass Effect the first time through the series, the Reapers were terrifying.


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
That was Liara, hopefully a continuation. I saw a good vid on YT, explaining why in part Andromeda one gave a shit about the Ryder twins, they were nobodies, just children of an N7 guy, blank slates with zero expectations.

I also hated Andromeda, the story sucked (including social justice injected forcefully) and I wanted to set fire to every Angaran, they look too much like furries. At least with Mass Effect the first time through the series, the Reapers were terrifying.
Well the Ryder twins defenetly doesn't have the charisma of Sheppard, but Andromed is not THAT bad, the real problem is that is quite evident that there was a lot of cut in the development, form character story to enviroment implementation (com'on at least a retexture of the assets from ME:3 was mandatory) to some part of the story a bittoo much ruched away...
But weapons mod, the jump jets, the ability system wasn't bad and give a lot of replayability... there's worst out there.

We'll shit, it looks like it's about time for my quarterly commitment to get into game and play more.

Soon (TM)
About time you do that... but for real this time that is about a year you say that at every patch....
More commitment man!! Or at least make that your objective for the upcoming 2021...
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