Me neither! :smile:
I may not have a SF or SF-G to convoy, but i'll help you carry your beer!
Awesome! As captain I'm in need of a flawless beer chain for carrying this heavy burden of sitting around, gazing though the windows. You'll be the commander-in-beer-chief, ha :smile: :beers:
How do we hook them all up together!?
As we proved in minute 2:52 there is no way to hook them up; at least when you are sober (which we were. Should've drink more beer!).
That's super cool Sam... Thanks for sharing this.
I like how they are belly to belly at 0:52. That would be an incredible defensive position if under attack.
Thats how little Starfarers are made! :couple_with_heart::grin:
Sam, you have a definite talent for putting together videos. This was fucking awesome.
I never knew that SG's could mate. That's a sight that I'll never be able to unsee.
I couldn't believe it either when I saw this "thing" the guys were doing. That was an
incredible stunt!
Thanks for your compliment!:thumbsup:Although I'm not that satisfied because some cuts are too rough and I would have needed more filming material.
But under the line: it was a spontaneous Sunday evening action, nothing was planned, and after an hour (or two?) gameplay I went offline for putting together this little "movie trailer" in a hurry, because it was late Sunday night, bedtime. I'd like to do such mission on a planned basis, with three hours+ of filming material, that would be great. But everytime I try to plan such things, they not become as planned. And the best, most fun SC sessions + movies, up to today, resulted during such unplanned missions. "Hey, we are 12 people in one gaming instance?" "Great! How about doing a convoy with Starfarers?" "Awesome! Lets do it!"
Haha :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::thumbsup::thumbsup::v::beers: