Starfield - Discussion Thread


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Definitely excited for this. Will get it for sure. I look forward to some lively discussion about how long it took to make compared to Star Citizen's progress so far, too.
First it's not SC. 1) it's not Multi-player. 2) It's not going to be fully explorable planets. I highly suspect it will be a map generated by game, very similar to how SC was going to be prior to 3.0.

That said, it's going to deliver a lot of what people want from SC. Think about all the complaints you have heard from CIG and from players online who just want to play in their ship, not have to worry about a crew, not have to worry about the murder hobos, etc. Sound familiar? It does to me. Honestly, for me, and maybe a substantial number of the SC community, this is going to really scratch that itch.

It's going to deliver a lot of the gameplay SC has promised and is "in development", but at a finished level (non T0 level). It's going to have AI crew, customizable ships, outposts, etc. Not going to go through and list it all, but 80-90 percent the gameplay SC wants is in there. Yes, that 10-20 percent is a pretty big chunk, but it's also going to lower down the aggravation rate people have, plus the ability to drop in and play for a few minutes without having to worry about all the "realism" that SC is putting in that is just going to end up being time sinks to be time sinks.

Not saying it's a SC killer, because it may actually help SC...but if the community decides that it likes Starfield on a long term basis, it could end up in reduced funding. I think that this year's CitizenCon, IAE and next year's ILW will be the big tells. If they have a substantial drop in revenue for the CitizenCon ship, IAE 2023 and ILW 2024, then CIG might just be in trouble.


Space Marshal
Jul 13, 2016
RSI Handle
Remember the holy commandment. All who defy it shall be branded a Heretic.

N:glorious: Pre:glorious:rders

Memes aside, I do have my eye on Starfield, but can't forget Failout 76. i will be waiting for post-launch reviews and fully expect it to flop. if Bathsalts release this game in an actually good state, i will be surprised and might buy it then.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Well, I'd never say 'no' to another game existing.
Another space sci-fi game is definitely welcome, worst case scenario is I'm just not interested in it and then that's that. But it does look promising. I've got the sorta backlog that I can afford waiting for player reviews to come out though.


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
Starfield look good even if not, visually speaking, on the same level of SC.
Gameplay wise non the other hand it seams to chek a lot of boxes, with customisable ships, poutpost building, proper RPG gameplay (Bethesda in a master in these type of games after all) and a good exploration gameplay...
It will have bugs, but nowaday all games are like that, and it will disappoing some players that expect something like SC, but for me, if it keeps the vibe of exploration that the TES series have, and it looks it does, it will the be THE game for the next years on my PC.

While SC promese more and with more detailed enviroment to explore, those are aspect of the game far from being implemented so, for the time being, SC will go on the shelf untill it deliver a lot more and in a stable enviroments.

I'm not a fun of preorder games, but for Bethesda I'll happly do an excetpion: the TES series never disappointed me and I'll more then willing to trow a 100 bucks for the delux edition, after all I'll spend less for a complete game then to a single ship in SC with the promese of, eventually, a better gameplay in a day in the future.. eventually.


Space Marshal
Feb 16, 2016
RSI Handle
I think Starfield is beautiful and exciting because it is actually getting release dates and some environmental diversity. I think it has all the potential to be a cross between Bethesda adventure games like Fall Out and No Mans's Sky.

I don't have the energy to get into another experiment. SC is kind of my limit. The last bit of time I have to give is going to a full-feature game, which SC still offers and nothing else really hits right. Maybe I got old, I'm just not doing it.

If the dream is all the parts of the gaming experience in one place, getting a piecemeal version of the dream is not enough, because the games that give us polished focused gameplay are already widely available.

Starfield prediction: It will strut and fret its hour on the stage, and then is no more.

I wouldn't be sad if it proved me wrong though. :)


Space Marshal
Jun 9, 2017
RSI Handle
I will probably be a day one player unless it gets tanked by preview reviews. I hope for HOTAS support and because of Skyrim and Fallout, VR support. Although I sold my Quest 2 a few months ago.
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Space Marshal
Mar 11, 2016
RSI Handle
I am looking forward to playing it. I have not watched the starfield direct videos, I am waiting for the "surprise" of the game when i can play it first hand with no spoilers.


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm loving what I'm seeing!
As it was already said by many, it has everything a lot of us would want from SC. It won't have the same depth for sure, but it most certainly won't be as tedious to do certain things. Whether this will benefit it or lower the sense of achievement to the point that it becomes boring, we will have to find out later. I'm glad we are getting this single player experience, very much looking forward to spending my autumn/winter jumping between Night City and this.

I doubt SC will have anything to show for us at citcon apart from the usual "we made stuff, wait more years, okay bye!", so I see no reason why I wouldn't be coming back to this a couple of times in the next few years. Especially when the modding gets going and we get basic Hotas support modded in (cos I'm 99.9999999% sure it won't have any at launch) along with a bunch of fun stuff like ligthsabers and fussrohdahs lol

They pull a Fallout 76 with no modding, payed content only, microtransactions, and it being Always Online. For some reason in the specs it does list broadband connection. Is this there cos it's a digital release, or is there another reason, like an ingame shop and such nonsense?
Anyways, I'm not preordering cos I see no reason to preorder a single player game regardless of "rewards"' and crap, I'm hyped but will remain cautious.
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Jul 3, 2022
RSI Handle
I have been waiting for it for a while. Gonna preorder it at the beginning of the month. I really like the ship customizations and like that you can also customize your base. All the ways you can customize are just amazing.
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Sky Captain

Space Marshal
Oct 13, 2018
RSI Handle
Looks cool! Maybe some motivation for RSI to release Squadron 42.
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Vice Admiral
Oct 15, 2022
RSI Handle
Really looking forward to it. Will most likely be playing it bar a catastrophe of a review.
Big big burn from Fallout 76 though so I will be cautious before deciding to get it.
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