Starfield Gameplay reveal


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Well well well! So the sci-fi reskin of Fallout 4 does exist! hehehe

A 1000+ planets to land on anywhere, flora and fauna to find and fight, mining minerals, bare bones space combat, landing and takeoff pre-animated, probably like 2-3 dozen actual hand crafted places to explore for the story... sounds familiar? No Mans Sky. A big empty nothing. All this customization, base building, ship building and endless planets to explore is pointless without the Quests! And there hasn't been much mention of em really. We saw the factions yes, but there was no mention of new and improved sidequests, automagically generated "radiant quests" or whatever the next name for it would be. I hope we get a lot of em, that's what makes these games stand out!
I do like the graphical improvements, the characters looked real nice! The visual style is great, the grounded approach to how ships and buildings look is great. The ui felt a bit obnoxious with the big XP rewards and location notice in the middle but I'm guessing these things will be tuned later. (or by modders upon release as is customary with every Bethesda RPG)
Yet after the first few seconds in first person view I felt like I was watching fallout 4. Maybe it's the weapon sway and placement on the screen or the way everyone moves, it just felt the same. Not that it's a bad thing, I'll happily live with that if this turns out to be as much fun as it looks!
Anyways, I'm looking forward to playing this. It'll tide us over until we get a stable version of Pyro, so till 2024 probably.

Oh and one good thing that was not mentioned: no one talked about this being an online game, which gives me hope that it really truly isn't, and that there won't be any microtransaction bullshittery! Nothing that can't be modded in at least!


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Well well well! So the sci-fi reskin of Fallout 4 does exist! hehehe

A 1000+ planets to land on anywhere, flora and fauna to find and fight, mining minerals, bare bones space combat, landing and takeoff pre-animated, probably like 2-3 dozen actual hand crafted places to explore for the story... sounds familiar? No Mans Sky. A big empty nothing. All this customization, base building, ship building and endless planets to explore is pointless without the Quests! And there hasn't been much mention of em really. We saw the factions yes, but there was no mention of new and improved sidequests, automagically generated "radiant quests" or whatever the next name for it would be. I hope we get a lot of em, that's what makes these games stand out!
I do like the graphical improvements, the characters looked real nice! The visual style is great, the grounded approach to how ships and buildings look is great. The ui felt a bit obnoxious with the big XP rewards and location notice in the middle but I'm guessing these things will be tuned later. (or by modders upon release as is customary with every Bethesda RPG)
Yet after the first few seconds in first person view I felt like I was watching fallout 4. Maybe it's the weapon sway and placement on the screen or the way everyone moves, it just felt the same. Not that it's a bad thing, I'll happily live with that if this turns out to be as much fun as it looks!
Anyways, I'm looking forward to playing this. It'll tide us over until we get a stable version of Pyro, so till 2024 probably.

Oh and one good thing that was not mentioned: no one talked about this being an online game, which gives me hope that it really truly isn't, and that there won't be any microtransaction bullshittery! Nothing that can't be modded in at least!
Yeah, when you asked if it sounded familiar, I said Star Citizen. It certainly seemed like they were having a few digs in at SC. It also looks like SC may (repeat may) not have the lock on full planet tech anymore. We will see if it’s just landing zones, or if the entire planet can be traversed. I suspect it’s just a large zone and not the whole planet. We will also see if you can fly down to the planet surface or if you go through a zone line transition.

Yes, it reminds me of no man’s sky too, as well as a little bit of rebel galaxy and SC. We will see.


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Yeah, when you asked if it sounded familiar, I said Star Citizen. It certainly seemed like they were having a few digs in at SC. It also looks like SC may (repeat may) not have the lock on full planet tech anymore. We will see if it’s just landing zones, or if the entire planet can be traversed. I suspect it’s just a large zone and not the whole planet. We will also see if you can fly down to the planet surface or if you go through a zone line transition.

Yes, it reminds me of no man’s sky too, as well as a little bit of rebel galaxy and SC. We will see.
From the way it was shown off it seemed pretty clear to me that there is no in-atmo flight, only transition cut scenes. The way the map was shown it looks like you pick a point and you get teleported from space if you are close enough, and land via cutscene. I'm guessing they are doing procedural zones, not "real" full persistent planets as SC. It wouldn't make much sense for a single player game like this. Have your points of interest that persist, and generate the rest for show/grinding. I doubt you could land at the same spot and get the same map back unless you build a base on it or sumthin, but who knows. We shall see.

I ran through a couple of youtubers coverage, and they are already hailing this as the game that shows us how stupid we were to pay money for SC(am) when this will cost less and it will be done and it will be better. Obviously they never played SC but the sentiment is there regardless. To me this has nothing on SC. It'll never have the sheer scale paired with presence that SC has. It's in a different ballpark, and I'll enjoy it for what it is.

Patrick Spaceman

Grand Admiral
Oct 4, 2020
RSI Handle
Looking good! I'll love to see Star Citizen have some of this well....gameplay in the future lol. Especially the interactions with fauna.

It's interesting reading the comments on some of the videos about it, regarding how it's an ED and SC "killa"....people seem to not understand it's a single player game, that only needs to render the immediate area around ONE person at any given time...not the areas of hundreds of people at the same time. Then if there are many people engaged in PvP or doing an activity together, rendering all the locations for multiple people and working out the physics of firefights between human players and so on.

At least being a single player game they can't complain about PvP....

It looks really nice, but i'll spend my time becoming a better pilot in SC....

(flying decoupled around space stations is fun..)

Pro-tip: Have more than one ship at the space station so you don't need to wait to claim a ship when you

EDIT: I bought a Tobii 5 and it arrived a week early! Huge difference flying (Still flying Kb + M in de-coupled....HOSAS soon)
Last edited:

Patrick Spaceman

Grand Admiral
Oct 4, 2020
RSI Handle
Well well well! So the sci-fi reskin of Fallout 4 does exist! hehehe

A 1000+ planets to land on anywhere, flora and fauna to find and fight, mining minerals, bare bones space combat, landing and takeoff pre-animated, probably like 2-3 dozen actual hand crafted places to explore for the story... sounds familiar? No Mans Sky. A big empty nothing. All this customization, base building, ship building and endless planets to explore is pointless without the Quests! And there hasn't been much mention of em really. We saw the factions yes, but there was no mention of new and improved sidequests, automagically generated "radiant quests" or whatever the next name for it would be. I hope we get a lot of em, that's what makes these games stand out!
I do like the graphical improvements, the characters looked real nice! The visual style is great, the grounded approach to how ships and buildings look is great. The ui felt a bit obnoxious with the big XP rewards and location notice in the middle but I'm guessing these things will be tuned later. (or by modders upon release as is customary with every Bethesda RPG)
Yet after the first few seconds in first person view I felt like I was watching fallout 4. Maybe it's the weapon sway and placement on the screen or the way everyone moves, it just felt the same. Not that it's a bad thing, I'll happily live with that if this turns out to be as much fun as it looks!
Anyways, I'm looking forward to playing this. It'll tide us over until we get a stable version of Pyro, so till 2024 probably.

Oh and one good thing that was not mentioned: no one talked about this being an online game, which gives me hope that it really truly isn't, and that there won't be any microtransaction bullshittery! Nothing that can't be modded in at least!
All single player..

Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
"I used to be a pilot like you...until I took a plasma bolt to the knee."
"Do you visit the Star district often? What am I thinking? Of course not"
"I am sworn to carry your burdens" -Some pissed off loader bot
"Pilot! Another settlement needs your help!" ....wait. Wrong franchise...


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
Well I really like what I see, this defenettly show some very very intteresting thing: crafting, exploration, ship combat, faction, a real charater creation procedure....
I'll be happy for a single system with full planetary exploration, but having a 100 system?? huuu thats seams to good to be true: SC has spend a lot of time for even having a single system on the state we have right now, having 100 system,, even of r a single player game, to the same fidelity... I need to see them.
Sure bethesda is not new to crete large immersive enviroments, if they can keep the same grade of detalis they have in Skyrim I'll be sold.
I bett there will be several loading screen for interior and ships, like FO4 and Skyrim have...

Damn..remember when we were this hyped about Cyberpunk 2077 and everyone was hyping it up on the Discord channel? :thump:
I see your point, but there is a difference, sevreal one actually.
First Bethesda is konw to theyr open word game, with a lots of interaction and exploring, CDPR has never done something on that scale
Same thing for crafting, faction caracterization, role playing, meaningfull skill tree etc, and on different settings, CDPR, while tthey put together some good games, they always lack all the aspect of the RPG, since the Witcher series don'tt need them and the lack of experience it shows a lot to me.

I'll also have to point out that Bethesda's game are well know for not really be bug free, some the expectation are already tuned while CDPR was seen as the messiya of the game industry so everithihg that came out from then will be perfect.

I'm not saying that Strafiled won't have any problem, or will be perfect, but I'm quite confident that Bethesda will delivered all that is shown in the video (not like CP2077. has done), what I'll expect are also the limitation of the game they don't show, like athmospheric flight, ship interiors, outpost customization, NPC interactions etc...
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