Stay a while and listen


Rear Admiral
May 22, 2018
RSI Handle
Hello Test,

I am armyfreak. I am from Texas in the United States. My RSI is Star Citizen piqued my interest in that it aims to be an immersive world to explore with an engaging combat system, with a wide array of ships to explore. The first game I remember playing was Earth Defense Force on the SNES. My main interests in SC are Space PvP and operating in teams to accomplish goals. I play Warframe, Arma3, Heroes of the Storm Diablo 3 and many others. I've heard of Test from other orgs and by watching the largest orgs in the community tab. I am interested in getting to know more people, you seem to be an inviting org with an active base. Picard 10/10 best Captain.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
Welcome to TEST @armyfreak, from, well not quite Houston but the general area. I speak kind of funny for a Texan though, I'm only Texan by marriage. I'm really a Canadian eh. But my mother was an American, and my wife is from Texas.

For what it's worth, my first trip to Texas was interesting. I ordered a medium drink at a Sonic. The server brought this cup that I could at the time only describe as a small keg. It had to be close to a quart. I asked, "Geez, this is a medium? What do I get if I order Extra Large, a bucket?" My wife said, "If you go to KFC it even has handles". The server said, "If you want, I can change that to a Route 44" I said, No it's ok it might take me a day and a half to drink this.
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