Other Sub - Org (Guild Affiliation Ideas)


Space Marshal
May 31, 2014
RSI Handle

You think CIG wants to fracture every single one of their 90,000 orgs into an additional 6 sub orgs, so now we have 540,000 orgs, all with their own org tools and management because that just makes more sense?
Then they would need to backtrack the statement about 1 org aligned with 1 guild.

That or we join a second/third org that are in guilds we need for our main professions.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Then they would need to backtrack the statement about 1 org aligned with 1 guild.

That or we join a second/third org that are in guilds we need for our main professions.
Will Orgs require Guild alignment? Is it mandatory?

Will there be alternate org benefits available outside of guild alignment (unavailable if affiliate to a guild) which, while maybe not as good as guild affiliation, will still be as useful for members of an omniOrg like TEST? Like Insurance / healthcare / shops / shipmaker affiliation that guilds may not have?

We won't be the only ones effected by only being able to align to one guild so there's gotta be some plan for all-rounders of only a handful of members up to orgs of 20k+...?

Here's a thought, players can't jump around Orgs progress penalty free but will an Orgs guild affiliation be fixed forever or can it be changed at the Org Leaders whim depending on what is most urgent at any one time penalty free, to incentivise members, especially for Orgs the size of TEST, to work on what's most important at the time?

I really should go watch that part of the presentation... :-D
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Space Marshal
May 31, 2014
RSI Handle
Will Orgs require Guild alignment? Is it mandatory?

Will there be alternate org benefits available outside of guild alignment (unavailable if affiliate to a guild) which, while maybe not as good as guild affiliation, will still be as useful for members of an omniOrg like TEST? Like Insurance / healthcare / shops / shipmaker affiliation that guilds may not have?

We won't be the only ones effected by only being able to align to one guild so there's gotta be some plan for all-rounders of only a handful of members up to orgs of 20k+...?

Here's a thought, players can't jump around Orgs progress penalty free but will an Orgs guild affiliation be fixed forever or can it be changed at the Org Leaders whim depending on what is most urgent at any one time penalty free, to incentivise members, especially for Orgs the size of TEST, to work on what's most important at the time?

I really should go watch that part of the presentation... :-D

Org affiliation can be changed but then you lose all progress to the guild you departed. There wasn't any mention of a benefit of being "Guildless". I believe the intent to is to promote affiliation to other Orgs. But we shall see what comes to pass. I'm simply offering an option (opinion) for posturing within the current parameters.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
Will Orgs require Guild alignment? Is it mandatory?
Their idea was that if you run a mercenary org, they you align with the mercenary guild, it just makes sense for PVE.

Now when you have a bigger org with that has more than 100 people who want to do different things, it starts making less sense to align with one single guild.

Im not sure what their thinking is along these lines. They clearly want and cater to large orgs with 6 space stations spitting out 6 Bengals, but how does that alignment to a single guild benefit thousands of members that want to do focus on other things?

Im just pinning this in the "will revisit when we have more data" category but there is no way they want all the big orgs to fracture into smaller orgs.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
CIG wanting to do this org aligning to a single guild thing is still very early in the concept/development stage. What little theory crafting and discussion we have in this community has already brought forth potential problems.

I'll rather not have our org fracture into smaller orgs. I think us backers need to make our voice heard on Spectrum before CIG really puts this all down in stone.
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Space Marshal
May 31, 2014
RSI Handle
Their idea was that if you run a mercenary org, they you align with the mercenary guild, it just makes sense for PVE.

Now when you have a bigger org with that has more than 100 people who want to do different things, it starts making less sense to align with one single guild.

Im not sure what their thinking is along these lines. They clearly want and cater to large orgs with 6 space stations spitting out 6 Bengals, but how does that alignment to a single guild benefit thousands of members that want to do focus on other things?

Im just pinning this in the "will revisit when we have more data" category but there is no way they want all the big orgs to fracture into smaller orgs.
I'm not suggesting to fracture TEST. I'm saying our Main Org would be TEST. But we need to have these "sub Orgs" to allow benefits for specific careers. These sub-orgs (affiliations) would be headed by a trusted TESTie. Think of it like a presidency with cabinet members. The cabinet members are the heads of the sub org.

I agree it is early. I just thought it would be good to have these sub orgs created with names as placeholders if needed. I'm Sure a tone of us have ALT accounts that could achieve this.
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Space Marshal
Feb 25, 2016
RSI Handle
If we as an org NEED to have a single guild alliance, it will have to be anything that makes it easier to mine and move goods around.

Our main focus will be building bases and Bengals.

A Bengal carrier for every member!
Someone vote this man in as our future glorious leader....


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
I just thought it would be good to have these sub orgs created with names as placeholders if needed. I'm Sure a tone of us have ALT accounts that could achieve this.
We already did that. 10yrs ago.


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
If we as an org NEED to have a single guild alliance, it will have to be anything that makes it easier to mine and move goods around.

Our main focus will be building bases and Bengals.

A Bengal carrier for every member!
WOOHOO, sign me up for number 23000 please!!!!
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