Super Hornet Super Sale - plus for subscribers: discounted Starfarer!


Vice Admiral
Oct 10, 2016
RSI Handle
The only problem with this stuff is the discount... it makes little sense. If they want money then a time-limited sale right after the Free flight week should be enough. Or they could've sold the outpost.jpeg for a bunch of hundreds, maybe thousands?

Nah I'm guessing they did this discount after seeing a sizable rise in new Star Citizens with loads of mustangs and Auroras and then hoping to bind them with a shiny SH... maybe. I don't know! Waffles!

I'll just keep doing what I've been doing: wait and wait and wait. Especially now that I have my laptop and can run SC with a comfy 60 fps most of the time, but can't connect to the mini PU because of network reasons ... 3.0 can't come soon enough, hell go for 3.0 then for 2.6! :upside_down:


Vault Dweller
Aug 5, 2015
RSI Handle
the amount there spending kitting up their studios with star trek air doors and etched glass eveywhere
I think that RSI has been kind of surprised by their overhead costs.
"Those SC bugs aren't gonna fix themselves! Buy more expensive furniture!"

EDIT: That might have sounded a bit toxic. It's not. I'm just waiting for CIG to deliver.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
The best strategy now would be for them to be transparent and admit it one way or the other. This crowd funder has always been about getting rid of publisher limitations and publishers pressures and publisher smoke-screens... doing so they have fragmented the funding base to lots of individual funders rather than two or three big ones. Their issue now is not singular publisher pressures but mass crowd pleasing, the overall impression of progress from people waiting for something they want and know they want verses demand for return on investment from a publisher who needs to make more money to make more projects...

...Saying "we are working on new real-time colour-bleeding techniques that will blow your socks off" is all well and good, but in an age where people are choosing to watch Youtube cat videos at 480p over a movie that cost a billion dollars to make on a 4k larger than life cinema screen, at some point you have to ask yourself "unless this is going to help fund the game by being able to sell licences to other game makers to use it, how does this help me get my Merchantman in the sky and overto Tyrol to sell some Rubbertree wood?" In short, it doesn't...

If they're fine, say "Hey we are fine, but are aiming to generate a steady $xxx to ensure when we finish the game we have as much funds as possible to continue to refine it and keep the servers free as originally promised."

And if they are not say "Hey, we are on course, we are on track, but getting us to this point has been a huge draw on the resources. We've not just had to make a game, we've had to make a new part of the industry from the ground up to give you this new game experience. We don't want to throw in the towel and push out whatever we are capable of right now, we want to give you what we know we are capable of giving you." at this point it will be the choice of the backers as to what happens. We will vote. We will be the publisher. How unexpected.

I want to go on record that i am not a doubter. I do not think they have issues as such...

...However I believe a rolling contingency plan has to be drawn up: Numbers off the top of my head here - CIG has to work out what % of the cash they have left and what % of it hey would need to push completion at any given moment. For instance, if they still have 75% of total pledge funds and it will take 13% of total pledge funds to push completion right now, they re okay, however if they have 75% of total Pledge and it would take 50% of total pledge to complete right now, they they seriously have to think about puling the trigger on bringing product to the table. The nearer it gets to the numbers matching each other the harder they have to think about saving some things for later when they have more than just one revenue stream and pushing the product out, because at the moment all they have is us. Once the game (a game) is out, they will have us and a game as revenue generator. And once the PU is out they will have a game, the PU and us. and maybe we will take a back-seat and become a minor revenue stream... maybe that is happening already?

Time to focus on taking all the eggs out of the basket...? Maybe...

I have asked a lot of questions and answered none of them. Just a little transparency...
Actually, I can shut my damn mouth.

I rented a 350R tonight and my "I only need 2 ships" policy is now a "I only need 3 ships" policy. Can't wait to get one and get from A to B in the shortest time possible :slight_smile:

CIG, shut up and take my money!

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
Actually, I can shut my damn mouth.

I rented a 350R tonight and my "I only need 2 ships" policy is now a "I only need 3 ships" policy. Can't wait to get one and get from A to B in the shortest time possible :slight_smile:

CIG, shut up and take my money!
Sure you don't need 5 ships of various roles?


Space Marshal
May 7, 2016
RSI Handle
I think it's not such a bad thing if we look at the 10$ discount for CCU, it's at least something for people to get the most popular/useful Fighter somewhat cheaper.

I personally don't have interest in it for 2 reasons:

1. I don't see the vaule of well over 100€ in such a small Ship, even less so when it's not limited etc. meaning I can just earn one relatively easy.

2. It doesn't have cargo capacity, and if I buy a small ship, it should still be able to haul some loot i might eventually find on a Planet/Wreck etc.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Sure you don't need 5 ships of various roles?
Ah, you see with the Connie Taurus being "Multi-role" I thought I had that one all warpped up... apart from the fact it 'aint the fastest at getting to places...

Floating Cloud

Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I've always thought that the second seat is one of the Super Hornet's best features. I took the plunge and bought the discounted upgrade from Hornet Ghost to Super Hornet. I haven't applied it yet, and indeed may never do so, but at least I can now ignore all the 'I want one, I don't need one, I want one' crap that has plagued me when I've seen the ship come up for sale in the past :)

I once read about a technique to avoid impulse purchases, where you consider the object of desire, and the think about having the cost in cash in your hand (£140 UK Pounds in this case), and that helps focus the mind on which is more important to you. In my case the Super Hornet has always won out, I've just been too afraid of my wife.

Don't get :person_frowning: angry. You wouldn't like :imp: when they're angry.
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Jun 27, 2016
RSI Handle
I am still mulling over whether to upgrade to a SH but I DO Love my Tracker.
If the SH is going to get the new HUD, (which I believe it will), then I want it.
If Not, I don't. It'd still a ridiculous price to buy outright.
Bring me an F7A and we'll talk.
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Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
The problem with a huge concept sale that gives you huge numbers is that people need time to recharge. 750 bucks is a TON of money. That means anyone who bought it, even the "whales" will be thinking very hard about buying anything else anytime soon.

Also, most ships have been out there long enough and enough times that the people who really want them, have already bought them. With the exception of just a few (Javelin, Idris, a few Warden variants, the Orion, 890 Jump, Phoenix, and maybe a few others), people have bought the ships they want. They are going to be sitting on the ships they have, waiting for them to be released.

The anniversary sale will probably be the next big week for them, because the ultra rare ships will be available then. Once that week goes away, only new ships and new players will be bringing in the cash. Unfortunately, I think the growth in new players has slowed and new people (edit and current donors) are waiting for actual results before going in more.

This means, CIG is going to need to generate new revenue streams. Sales for subscribers mean more subscribers potentially, with more revenue and nothing they need to produce as a result. (and getting a subscriber for a year will more than compensate them for the sale price).

To me, this signals that CIG needs to get 4.0 out ASAP, call it Beta, and get close to publishing. I figure they have a year of funding left on their current model excluding any major ship releases, after that, people are going to want to see something for their money. Considering that most AAA games take 5-10 years to develop (just look at Diablo III), this is going mean cutting features. ( the short term)

They NEED to get the improved netcode in place to make it an MMO
They NEED to get the various occupations in place to make the game playable.
They NEED to get the new FPS model in.
They NEED to get the female model in. Lots of women (and probably 20-50 percent of the men) will want to play those

Everything else is pretty much gravy and needs to be put off till after launch.
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Space Marshal
Mar 10, 2016
RSI Handle
I do believe they have enough money not to rush, that being said whilst I accept a lot of things are in development it doesn't seem much has changed since I started backing. (I am not expecting release for a couple of years given the current state of CU especially net code).

I do think the way they have done insurance is not great for new backers though, (sure I know you can ccu) but would you really spend $300 bucks on a ship that you can loose? I understand you can buy insurance in game but no one has the details so although its been said its not as helpful as it could be (Would you have ten ships all using insurance up when you can only fly one?). I also feel for older backers who feel they should have something special for their long term loyalty just I do not think insurance is it. It might seem easy to say in hindsight but maybe ship costs should have increased slightly each year, maybe going up by 5% each anniversary. I am pretty sure they have done that at least for new concept sales, compare the terrapin cost to the dur or hornet tracker.

Anyways for me the ship purchase system seems to be to either buy a ship you want to play with immediately or to buy a huge ship that you probably wont have time the save up for in game. (Even though you have no idea whether you can fly them due to multicrew requirements).

Oh and grats on the VAN picture, it looks even uglier like that. (Tis a shame its such a good on paper ship if you can avoid vomiting).
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Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
$10 is $10... so.. just replaced my SH CCU (non-giftable) to a new SH CCU (giftable) and saved $10 while doing it. :D
I'll have to buyback my original LTI dragonfly base (traded for) from the non-giftable CCU melt but heh, that's okay, just more $$ in CIGs pocket and base would have been ungiftable anyway unless I melt/buy it back cash. So.. win-win!
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Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
In light of all the discount complaining, new concept ship just dropped from CIG, the Mustang Snowflakes FTW edition

It's the fastest ship in the galaxy, with the Snowflakes FTW edition you can be the first to complain about any little thing CIG does just based on the pure mindless speed the Snowflakes FTW edition offers for citizens. It defies all LOGIC! Also works well as a massive paper weight.
50% cash discount for new pledgers only for a limited time.
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