Taking a break for the time being.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Don't worry, I'm not leaving TEST nor giving up on Star Citizen. I just thought I'd start a thread for those that have to take a break for a while for whatever reason, so that those that care about them here would be able to know that things are alright.

In my particular case, I'm in the process of moving again. The moving company will be disconnecting the power from my home the morning of Sept 30 to begin preparation for moving the home to a new location. If all goes well, I'm hoping that I'll have my power & net back on in a week or so, though getting everything set back up might delay being back online for a bit longer as you may imagine.

I'll be more than happy to post updates here if possible along the way & let you all know when I'm actually back. Currently I'm thankful that it should all be done before CitizenCon.

Anybody else that would like to post a message of them needing to be away for a bit is also welcome to use this thread as well to help us all keep in touch in things like this.
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