Technical Question on RAM


Space Marshal
Jan 31, 2016
RSI Handle
So, on a hunch I checked my memory performance in CPU-Z and turns out I had mixed 2 2GB sticks in that are 1333 MHz with the 2 8GB sticks that are 1600 MHz - so I now know the MoBo will treat it all as 1333.

I removed the 2 slower sticks, back to 16GB from 20 GB, but at 1600 MHz instead of 1333, and my FPS went up about 2.

I am not wanting to throw a lot more money at this as the Holidays are tough on my wallet (I am sole provider) and I know I will eventually build or buy a more serious rig.

Question is this - I am willing to buy 16GB of RAM, but should it be either ANOTHER 16GB of 1600 MHz (for a total of 32GB but at 1600 MHz), or go for 16GB of 2400 MHz memory? Which do we think will have a more marked improvement in performance?

I have already set a 30 GB pagefile on my SSD which in truth did not generate much improvement for me.

Thanks for inputs.



Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
Mixing ram modules even if exactly the same, from different manufacturing batches used to be risky (eg performance and compatibility issues, or no boot). It's why they sell kits with your target capacity/speed instead of only a la-carte ram sticks. I don't know if it's still risky, but I'd imagine if you got the exact same model number for ram modules... making 32GB at 1600Mhz... it hopefully would work well. But whatever you do, try hard not to mix and match model numbers/manufacturers of ram sticks, honestly surprised you haven't had any issues to date.

on a side note,
A massive amount of your FPS AFAIK comes from your GPU computing power, so... considering DDR4 ram prices, maybe 2 more sticks of matching 1600Mhz ram, and an upgraded GPU will do wonders. As opposed to limiting yourself to only 16GBs of ram even though new speed could be 2400Mhz


Space Marshal
Jan 31, 2016
RSI Handle
@DirectorGunner , GPU is now a GTX 1050 Ti, 4GB - up from an R7 360 2GB that was producing 5-10 FPS, now see 10-15 FPS on average with some servers providing a little more.

The 1050 Ti load shows as average 30%, no more than 50% in Afterburner. CPU FX-6300 six core averages 50-70% load spread evenly across all 6 cores. Hangar gives ~30 FPS and AC gives ~60 FPS. The R7 360 was 95-100% all the time and poor FPS everywhere.

Guys with older 960's are reporting getting 50% to 100% more FPS so I am confused and am looking for answers beyond 'netcode' on server-side for limitations client side. I know CIG has said there are issues they don't even understand yet as to why some machines struggle when others with same/similar spec's get good results.

My base build specs meet or exceed their requirements, and others with same or older gear get better FPS so I'm looking for something I might have missed.

You should not need a $600 GPU to play this or any game at 1080 - hell, I can run Flight Simulator X at 4K and get ~20 FPS.

I can get 16GB of DDR at 1600 MHz or 2400 MHz for about the same overall cost from Fry's - just wondering if RAM speed (in this case a 50% improvement) would improve my gameplay experience at the minimum recommended 16GB or if more RAM at 1600 MHz will.

Thanks for the breakdown on Memory - I remember it being an even bigger issue back in the day too.

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Space Marshal
Jan 31, 2016
RSI Handle

CPU is AMD FX-6300 6 core, 3.5 GHz but runs 4 of six cores at 4.1 on built-in turbo, doesn't like OC'ing (haven't found a stable OC on AMD Overdrive).
GPU is new GTX 1050 Ti, 4GB
MoBo is Gigabyte 970A-D3P I think
16GB DDR 1600 MHz
SC and a 30GB pagefile on a Samsung 850 Pro 250GB SSD

I am thinking I may just leave this as-is, if it sucks it sucks.

The MoBo/CPU/original GPU (R7 360 2GB) and original 8GB memory were the bundle that the Mustang Omega came with 3 years or so - surprised there would be issues with that. Even with the old R7 360 previous versions in Live produced ~20 FPS, something changed with 3.0.

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Space Marshal
Jan 31, 2017
RSI Handle
I would wait till the first quarter patch. I have a 4670k (stock), 16gb ram (1600), 1080ti, no config file, page files or anything else. I play it on 500gb 850 evo ssd that just has Star Citizen on it. Once I disable Avast AV and steam the game runs well. My only issues are missing doors and initial load doesn't load sometimes. Delete the user file and it loads up in less than a minute.
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Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
good point @Doyzer, there are many things involved - AV, Firewall (Port fwding if it applies), bandwidth, cpu, processor, gpu, other applications and processes, etc... if anything is broke in the communications and data path... it will cause performance issues.


Space Marshal
Jan 31, 2016
RSI Handle
Interesting, I tried the TCP optimizer that BoredGamer recommends and can't get those settings to stick, and I also can't seem to turn windows anti-malware all the way off, but I do shutoff almost all other resource consuming processes where I can.

I know that part of the issues are server-side, because as I have it set up now would have been running 30+FPS in 2.6.3, maybe close to 40 based on difference between the R7 360 2GB and the 1050Ti 4GB.

I'll just be patient - it is playable for space trucking and exploration, just not good for FPS combat or dogfighting.



Floating Cloud

Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Before buying additional memory I would check to see if all of your existing ram is being used. I strongly suspect that you can run SC in 16GB ram and have plenty to spare. I have not checked this though so start the Task Manager (press CTRL-ALT-DELETE and choose that option) then fire up SC, go visit a world, do a few different things, and now and again ALT-TAB to the Task Manager window to view memory usage.

If you run at/near 100% RAM usage then extra memory might very much help. As to speed, you should get a handful of extra FPS with 2400 RAM, but if you put that money into a better graphics card you are going to get a better return on investment.

The caveat to all that is that SC is not optimised, so even the best hardware is going to be throttled to some degree. Poor performance is the price that we pay for Beta access, so saving that money in a pot for future upgrades might be the best (or at least a reasonable) option.


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
With the 970 I got 20 FPS at 2560x1440, 100% GPU load, 100% GPU memory load, doesn't matter, USA or EU. With the 1080ti I also get 20-25FPS at 6400x1440, 60% GPU load. I have 32GB RAM, memory load is 19GB free of 32GB, GPU 4GB free of 11GB.

This what I get at 1920x1080. Your 1050Ti should be good at 1920x1080. It is weird that you only get 10-15FPS


Space Marshal
Jul 21, 2016
RSI Handle
@AstroGimp01, I've also got the 1050ti, just bought it right before Christmas for myself. Now, my machine is still underpowered and I know it. I need to get *up* to 16 GB when budget allows. But, I try anyway, and only after putting in the user.cfg from @marcsand2 did I get to the point where SC would load, but I could get up and walk around. Last night I even got in my Mustang for a quick flight around at 10 fps. But, I think the bugginess I'm seeing is caused by the underpowered memory. Examples:

1. To get out of the room I spawn in, the door says "Close" and it's partway open already, I hit the "Close" and it opens.
2. Four separate times in a row I got to the airlock and I could not activate the "Open" there. Tried for an hour one night with no luck.
3. Last night, finally flying, I couldn't get the HUD or my mobi-glass working quite right. Couldn't get to hyperspace. That could be user error, as my fps had dropped to single digits, and who the hell knows if I was activating it correctly.

Fortunately, I had a large supply of beer on hand, and after a while I didn't care how bad the play was, I was just happy to be in space looking at the planet.:rocket:

I also was able to play the 2.6 version just fine after installing my 1050ti. It was a pleasure to fly so smoothly, which wasn't happening before. But joy was short-lived, as I only got 2 flights in before the 3.0 rollout.
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Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
2. Four separate times in a row I got to the airlock and I could not activate the "Open" there. Tried for an hour one night with no luck.
This happens a lot, just go to the another airlock walk outside to your ship

3. Last night, finally flying, I couldn't get the HUD or my mobi-glass working quite right. Couldn't get to hyperspace.
I also got a lot Mobiglass problems, its not a hardware problem, it is a server problem. Hit F1, Mobiglass comes and goes away or comes, goes away and comes a second time or you want to get it away and it always comes back again.

You could try to delete USER folder. Also the launcher should be started as ADMIN. If you land in a bad server, try to go into another region. It doesn't affect FPS a lot.
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Nov 21, 2017
RSI Handle
With my PC

here comes the long boring bit...........

32GB Ram ( Crucial )
Sammi Evo Pro 250GB
32GB Pagefile
SC On the Same drive as the pagefile

On a good day it's a average of 27fps and 9GB of Ram used

bad day it's a average of 20fps and 9GB of Ram used

i don't think its a ram issue

Ping however seems to be , my average ping is about 46 which = 20/27fps , If i get ( rarely trust me ) a 16ping i've seen up to 60fps .

I think the ping thing is the issue , well ok at least on my part .
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