Imagine, tribesman duke it out, or entire tribes fighting epic battles for the position of most powerful. Make your captives or dinos battle to the death for your own sadistic pleasure.
I thought this was a great idea to both feed some of your PVP cravings in a controlled environment and without the need for raiding another players base, while giving ARK noobs and PVE players the chance to prove themselves if they choose to without concern for losing all they have built and achieved. We can setup events to be held. Contests if you will, with prizes for winners as well as death and humiliating defeat for the losers.
What do you think? Post a reply or PM me @Hydro_Axis with your ideas. Building this thing to match my vision will be a monumental task in itself and i will need tribes to come and work together with me on it's construction. I will provide all the necessary supplies if you guys are willing to help put in the work.
Happy Hunting :)