That brings us to 10 nominations so far! Nominations will close out Sunday night and the voting will begin on Monday when I post up the list of all our great nominees!
just cause you got lucky last month doesnt mean you will this time, give us a nominee! I really enjoyed Starship Troopers.I'm not going to nominate this month because my selection won last month (high score = Beerjerker, git gud skrubs), but hyped to find out what I'm reading next!
While I wait, I'm on book 3 of the Horus Heresy (50 books to get caught up?). Not a nomination, but when you get the time, check it out!
Added.I'll throw out Galaxy's Edge. It's like two stories in one book so there's that. Pretty good though
Legionnaire (Galaxy's Edge Book 1)
Foundation would be a good start!How about Prelude to Foundation in Asimov's Foundation series? Or since he later made it all in the same universe we could start chronologically with the first novel in the robot series, The Caves of Steel
A repeat of last month's nominee's, maybe this is a good read after all...I'll add Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson to this months list
Ohhh a monster book, nice.Monster Hunter International by: Larry Correia
*is ready to vote*The nomination process is hereby closed! Voting thread to be put up shortly.