I crashed my Aurora soo, the count is back down to ∞ - 1. *sigh* :(
Space Monkey Vice Admiral Donor Feb 21, 2015 636 809 500 RSI Handle FlyingSpaceMonkey Apr 1, 2015 #201 I crashed my Aurora soo, the count is back down to ∞ - 1. *sigh* :(
UnderSc0re Space Marshal Mar 17, 2015 398 235 2,350 RSI Handle UnderSc0re Apr 1, 2015 #202 I know I'm lame, but I've some how managed to spend $150 in game and $35 on reddit for two ships, a golf cart, bunch of decorations.
I know I'm lame, but I've some how managed to spend $150 in game and $35 on reddit for two ships, a golf cart, bunch of decorations.
Lead Poisoning Space Marshal Mar 28, 2015 30 55 1,860 RSI Handle LeadPoisoning Apr 1, 2015 #203 X5 Completionist packages (btw, welcome to April!)
Gearen Space Marshal Jan 27, 2015 2,009 6,691 2,910 RSI Handle Gearen Apr 1, 2015 #204 +1 Pisces Bessius
Choppanob Space Marshal Jul 10, 2014 483 230 2,270 RSI Handle Choppanob Apr 1, 2015 #205 +1 Freelancer (MIS) +1 Cutlass (Black) +2 Mustang (Omega : AMD) +1 Hornet (Super) +1 Caterpillar +2 Herald +1 Reclaimer +1 Xi'an Scout +1 Starfarer And that's it for now :)
+1 Freelancer (MIS) +1 Cutlass (Black) +2 Mustang (Omega : AMD) +1 Hornet (Super) +1 Caterpillar +2 Herald +1 Reclaimer +1 Xi'an Scout +1 Starfarer And that's it for now :)
Lienna Space Marshal Feb 27, 2014 348 816 2,480 RSI Handle Lienna Apr 2, 2015 #207 First update since page 1 of this thread, remove my aurora, add a vanguard. So I should be 1 avenger, 1 vanguard now.
First update since page 1 of this thread, remove my aurora, add a vanguard. So I should be 1 avenger, 1 vanguard now.
Randson Space Marshal Oct 6, 2014 160 446 2,300 RSI Handle Randson Apr 2, 2015 #208 +1 Mustang Omega +1 Mustang Alpha
PhosphorusForFun Space Marshal Mar 14, 2015 342 323 2,200 RSI Handle PhosphorusForFun Apr 3, 2015 #209 +1 315p +1 Vanguard +1 Redeemer
TheZekk Space Marshal Mar 23, 2015 169 118 1,700 RSI Handle Zekk Apr 3, 2015 #210 +1 Mustang, +1 constellation, +1 aurora, +1 300 series
Tooterfish Vice Admiral Donor Nov 29, 2014 190 237 460 RSI Handle Tooterfish Apr 4, 2015 #211 Updated to 4 April 2015. Thank you K1NG for taking ownership of the fleet graphic generator! Also, sorry for the infrequent updates, I've been very busy with work and I don't get any days off out here. Reactions: K1NG, WarrenPeace and Randson
Updated to 4 April 2015. Thank you K1NG for taking ownership of the fleet graphic generator! Also, sorry for the infrequent updates, I've been very busy with work and I don't get any days off out here.
P Pandoz Grand Admiral Mar 22, 2015 83 66 1,310 RSI Handle Pandoz Apr 5, 2015 #212 +1 Constellation (Andromeda)
Jhonon1 Space Marshal Mar 1, 2015 203 241 1,760 RSI Handle Jhon-On Apr 5, 2015 #213 I'm +1 on the Vanguard, Totaling 1 each of Aurora (LN) Herald Orion Vanguard
Lancang Captain Mar 8, 2015 9 7 175 RSI Handle https://robertsspaceindustries.com/citizens/Lancang Apr 5, 2015 #214 +1 Vanguard +1 Avenger
Cybernav Commander Apr 3, 2015 8 12 125 RSI Handle Cybernav Apr 6, 2015 #215 I have ten missile hornets. *Seriously though: -Constellation Aquila -Super Hornet -Hornet Ghost -Vanguard. Last edited: Apr 6, 2015 Reactions: Tooterfish
I have ten missile hornets. *Seriously though: -Constellation Aquila -Super Hornet -Hornet Ghost -Vanguard.
Maxgerber5250 Grand Admiral Apr 2, 2015 338 933 1,350 RSI Handle Capt-Spicer Apr 6, 2015 #216 Vanguard Orion Constellation
Tilorop Space Marshal Jul 3, 2014 37 34 2,320 RSI Handle Tilorop Apr 8, 2015 #218 Ok, some springcleaning since the Javelinsale. -2 Auroras (total 0) -3 300 series (total 0) -1 Avenger (total 0) -1 M50 (total 0) -2 Hornets (total 1) -1 Cutlass (total 0) -1 Freelancer (total 0) -1 Gladiator (total 0) -1 Starfarer (total 0) -1 Constellation (total 0) -1 Retaliator (total 1) +1 Vanguard (total 1) +1 Orion (total 1)
Ok, some springcleaning since the Javelinsale. -2 Auroras (total 0) -3 300 series (total 0) -1 Avenger (total 0) -1 M50 (total 0) -2 Hornets (total 1) -1 Cutlass (total 0) -1 Freelancer (total 0) -1 Gladiator (total 0) -1 Starfarer (total 0) -1 Constellation (total 0) -1 Retaliator (total 1) +1 Vanguard (total 1) +1 Orion (total 1)
Kersakov Rear Admiral Donor Apr 1, 2015 279 215 360 RSI Handle Kersakov Apr 8, 2015 #219 +1 Vanguard.
Thanatos Lieutenant Apr 8, 2015 11 2 75 RSI Handle Thanatosty Apr 9, 2015 #220 Add a Constellation in there for me!