I am very confused about the hate towards TEST Squadron that floats around various SC communities.
What is it? Is there anyway to remedy it? Do we even want to?
I personally can see no rational reason for it. Could people be angry that we're having fun? Someone stated they even hated seeing our memes. Lel. But like the smooth jagermeister I'm drinking, it runs deep. It's like the fear all young humans have of the dark. Can someone quantify this???
Any suggestions?
What is it? Is there anyway to remedy it? Do we even want to?
I personally can see no rational reason for it. Could people be angry that we're having fun? Someone stated they even hated seeing our memes. Lel. But like the smooth jagermeister I'm drinking, it runs deep. It's like the fear all young humans have of the dark. Can someone quantify this???
Any suggestions?

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