Transport TEST Logistics Corps - All your Hauling & Transport Needs


Grand Admiral
Apr 25, 2014
RSI Handle
Alright, as we haven't seen any particular activity for a dedicated general-purpose logistics transportation group, I'll be starting the template for one. Here we go! (PLEASE REMEMBER THAT THIS IS NOT OFFICIAL...not yet anyway, I would think.)

TEST Logistics Corps will be focused on moving cargo by contract, as well as offering regular travel fare to TEST members that need to get from Point A to Point B on established routes. Members of TLC can also establish their own routes and fares according to their operating expenses and desired profit. In other words, members of TLC will be operating on their own terms.

TLC is a place where you go to relax, shoot the wind on the CB radio, be a hauler, and make the logistics magic happen. You'll be hauling scrub-runs from Terra to Nyx, you'll be doing red-eye flights from Sol to Stanton, and what have you. There'll be action. There'll be drama. And there'll be a whole lot of nothin' in between.

I intend to set up a general "contract board" mechanism for TEST members to submit their contracts to (most likely via the in-org contract board ingame), for haulers to pick up on. On top of that, we'll be looking at the possibility of offering travel fares to TEST members aboard haulers on established routes.

Here's how one such fare would work:
We have a regular hauler, let's name him Jameson, and he travels between Stanton and Sol round-trip at least once a day. He posts on the ticket board that he has room for two seats, and sets it for TEST members only, and includes the fare price. Two TESTies in Sol see the price, and pick up the tickets, and board his ship to travel to Stanton.

For cargo shipping, let's say you have two large crates that you need shipped from Sol to Stanton. You put up a contract, and label it accordingly so that TLC can identify it quickly and pick it up. We put up collateral, so that if the cargo is lost en-route the sender doesn't lose much (it'll also be insured), and then deliver the cargo to Stanton. Upon completion, the collateral is paid back to the hauler.

Activities I expect TLC to engage in:
(Credit to WarrenPeace for this)

Solo trader/hauling: you don’t want to be told what to do, and that’s fine. But just because you’re flying lonely out there, doesn’t mean you can’t coordinate with other truckers. Share info on safe and profitable routes, and give a heads up to your fellow cargo haulers.

Organized Convoys: Sometimes, you run across those jobs that you just can’t handle alone. Time sensitive cargos that you won’t be able to shuttle in over multiple runs, or routes through dangerous sectors of lawless space with trigger-happy pirates just aching to leave you poor and hungry. Or maybe you just get bored and want to fly with your friends. Whatever the case, form up a group, grab a few escorts, and hit the spacelanes.

TEST Shipping & Contract Shipping: Our mining wing already has at least half a dozen independently owned Orions, plus the org owns two as well. That’s gonna be a lot of raw material that needs moving. In addition, in whatever territories we decide to claim as our own, we’re going to want to make sure we keep it well stocked.

Combat Resupply: Want to get in to a combat zone, but maybe not the best dogfighter in the world? Or maybe your Hornet’s in the shop after that last dogfight, and you’re lacking a dogfighter. Our pilots will need fuel, ammo, and other supplies to keep flying. Go in hot, dump your load fast, and GTFO.

Passenger Transport: Own a Starliner, and want to move a lot of bodies around, dead or alive? This is the activity for you. We'll be shipping injured/wounded TESTies out of the warzone on a regular basis to more robust medical centers, that's for sure.

What do you guys think? This is purely for haulers and passenger transporters. :)
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Space Marshal
Oct 20, 2014
RSI Handle
Unless there is real money to be made in casual passenger transport, it isn't high on my priority list. However trade and logistics (and manufacturing if that's ever a thing) are.

I don't have any real thoughts on how TEST should prepare to structure things at this stage of development, but I've got ideas for a few logos that might be of interest. I'll fire up the old photoshop tonight and make some drafts.


Grand Admiral
Apr 25, 2014
RSI Handle
Unless there is real money to be made in casual passenger transport, it isn't high on my priority list. However trade and logistics (and manufacturing if that's ever a thing) are.

I don't have any real thoughts on how TEST should prepare to structure things at this stage of development, but I've got ideas for a few logos that might be of interest. I'll fire up the old photoshop tonight and make some drafts.
I'm all eyes. Let's see what you've got! Also, you can use my low-profile logo template as a basis, too:
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Grand Admiral
Apr 25, 2014
RSI Handle
That is exactly what I'm talking about; the current train of thought in the bomber group is that outsourcing to other specialized TEST groups is going to be a common thing.
That's not a bad idea to have - leave the heavy lifting to people like us, and we'll get you the cargo you need where possible. Just remember, this is a "leisure" logistics group, not an "on-demand" logistics.

So if you find yourself short-handed on torpedoes (which you really should've seen coming) and you demand a shipment immediately, nobody's gonna take that shipment immediately unless you fork up a massive wad of credits.
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Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
That's not a bad idea to have - leave the heavy lifting to people like us, and we'll get you the cargo you need where possible. Just remember, this is a "leisure" logistics group, not an "on-demand" logistics.

So if you find yourself short-handed on torpedoes (which you really should've seen coming) and you demand a shipment immediately, nobody's gonna take that shipment immediately unless you fork up a massive wad of credits.
Shipping on a premium, like overnight shipping.


Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
RSI Handle
There was definitely some interest in it some time back. That said, the thread went dormant after the release of the Reliant due to a lack of new information. Unfortunately, we're not likely to get too much in the way of cargo hauling activities until very near the release of the PU.

Either this, or exploration, will most likely be my primary activities in SC, subject to change on actually playing the full game. I'm planning on running a regular route in my Banu MM, with smaller time-sensitive shipments being taken via Freelancer MAX or Hull B. Sensitive shipments will be carried at premium price aboard my Retaliator with cargo pod loadout.

Edit: Gotta mention my favorite division name from that post: AlcoHaulers (credit to AntiSqueaker)
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Amon Morell

Space Marshal
Jun 19, 2015
RSI Handle
Amon Morell
Count me in NKato...
Im realy interested in hauling and i own a Max for now.
Im not sure sure if i will stick with the Max i like the Hull B and the Cat to....
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Jimmy Dean

Rear Admiral
Apr 27, 2015
RSI Handle
As much as I love combat, I can see myself spending most of my time with my other ships. I've got the ships to operate a small support fleet with a hospital, soon to have a place to repair (whenever they release the Crucible) and a massive place to store ammunition and hopefully fuel.

I'm a fan of logistics, spreadsheets and research.. so whatever TLC needs I'll do my best to help out.
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Space Marshal
May 28, 2014
RSI Handle
That's not a bad idea to have - leave the heavy lifting to people like us, and we'll get you the cargo you need where possible. Just remember, this is a "leisure" logistics group, not an "on-demand" logistics.

So if you find yourself short-handed on torpedoes (which you really should've seen coming) and you demand a shipment immediately, nobody's gonna take that shipment immediately unless you fork up a massive wad of credits.
In terms of immediate-need resupply runs, it's going to be a matter of "for whom, and how soon" in most cases. Fleetcom sanctioned ops and other planned sorties should have the run-up time required to requisition things like fuel, crew, and materiel; things like anti-capital QRF duties are sort of up in the air at the moment in terms of supplies, mainly due to we don't know who's going to be on when and how we'd even organize it since the bomber group is, at the moment, an all-volunteer group. Merc deployments are at the discretion of the pilots involved, meaning either expenditures are figured into billing to the customer, provided by the pilots, or otherwise not reliant on a TEST branch.

At the end of the day, anything that becomes a rush job involving more than one TEST group is probably going to be some dire-straits situation, meaning credits will not be of immediate concern to involved parties.


Grand Admiral
Apr 25, 2014
RSI Handle
In terms of immediate-need resupply runs, it's going to be a matter of "for whom, and how soon" in most cases. Fleetcom sanctioned ops and other planned sorties should have the run-up time required to requisition things like fuel, crew, and materiel; things like anti-capital QRF duties are sort of up in the air at the moment in terms of supplies, mainly due to we don't know who's going to be on when and how we'd even organize it since the bomber group is, at the moment, an all-volunteer group. Merc deployments are at the discretion of the pilots involved, meaning either expenditures are figured into billing to the customer, provided by the pilots, or otherwise not reliant on a TEST branch.

At the end of the day, anything that becomes a rush job involving more than one TEST group is probably going to be some dire-straits situation, meaning credits will not be of immediate concern to involved parties.
A good assessment.
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Space Marshal
Jul 2, 2014
RSI Handle
Sign me up as I plan to help the miners with this too. I like the solo plan you outlined. How does smuggling factor into all of this? I like the idea of sneaking in illicit goods for my fellow members. I even think non-hauler specific ships like the Cutlass may be great for this.


Grand Admiral
Apr 25, 2014
RSI Handle
Sign me up as I plan to help the miners with this too. I like the solo plan you outlined. How does smuggling factor into all of this? I like the idea of sneaking in illicit goods for my fellow members. I even think non-hauler specific ships like the Cutlass may be great for this.
Smuggling would be a Black Flag activity, I don't think we cover that. At least, not as a sanctioned activity. Part of the problem with running logistics and having illicit cargo being piloted by an inexperienced smuggler, is that it risks dinging TEST's reputation.

I'd prefer to keep our logistics clean where possible. :P
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Space Marshal
Oct 20, 2014
RSI Handle
Here's a couple. There's a few more WIPs (really rough) on the way, but they might have to wait until the weekend.

These aren't very clean as I have no idea what I'm doing in Illustrator to convert things to a vector format.
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