Rear Admiral
An hour before captain Richards stream would be nice for me coz I think that is around 7am or 8am :)
Invite your D&D friends along for the ride and get them to join TEST.Because I suffer from reading comprehension problems, I voted before I found out it was on a Friday. Earlier-ish is better for me because I host a D&D game every other Friday that starts at 7. 5PM would be perfect.
Have they not taken a moment to hear about our Lord and Savior of PC Games Chris Roberts and the Apostle Montoya?but the others want nothing to do with SC because they are weirdos.
I am officially submitting a Witcher 3 and Batman Arkham Knight Giveaway for this meeting. I will give you the codes via email. You handle the the actual giveaway/contest?So far 7pm is in the lead, so lets plan this for 7 for NEXT Friday.
That is 7pm Ease Coast time, Friday 29th.
bby u can get on me anytime ;)Whatever time, I'll do my best to get myself and my dudes on.
"an" office slutbby u can get on me anytime ;)
intoxiwastedImma gonna be so <insert favoured inebriation adjective here> by midnight.
schwastedImma gonna be so <insert favoured inebriation adjective here> by midnight.
In NZ/AUS we are in the future, Night Shift represent.Seung we have traveled through Space and Time to be closer to each other.
indeed, this friday meeting is a saturday meeting for usIn
In NZ/AUS we are in the future, Night Shift represent.