TEST Warthog Bindings Development Group


Grand Admiral
Apr 25, 2014
RSI Handle
Hello, everyone!

It's been a while since I've started a new thread, but this is something special for all our glorious Thrustmaster Warthog HOTAS owners out there in the 'verse. With the advent of Star Citizen Alpha 2.0, it is a safe assumption to make that most of the control inputs will be nearly finalized, and we can start planning for it!

@WarrenPeace and I have been looking at SolarFly's profile for the Warthog, and we've come to the conclusion that it's a bit too complex, and it utilizes programming that can cause mistaken inputs. Thus! I would like to propose a long-term group for TEST Warthog owners: The TEST Warthog Development Group!

The mission: Develop a user-friendly, but highly flexible, highly practical Warthog Profile that everyone can use without needing to constantly refer to a guide.

If you own a Warthog HOTAS and would like to participate in this project, please speak up here!

The list below will indicate what we are thinking of regarding a custom Warthog profile:
  • Easy to use
  • Possibly creating two separate profiles for different purposes: Fighters, and Heavy Craft (Cutlass and up).
  • The use of mode switches to change the context of certain control inputs.
  • Has easy access to Boost, Afterburner, and Quantum Drive.
  • Has the ability to adjust between Warthog Input Profiles (up to a maximum of 3) that is tailored to the needs of the average TESTie. (These input profiles will not take into account custom builds like a force-sensing version of the Warthog.)
  • Has the ability to easily access various functions on the HUD/MFD.
If you have questions, ask them here as well! :)
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Nov 13, 2015
RSI Handle
I own only the Stick one, not the Gaz ...
I play my fight with that both KB and the Stick.

Must I buy the Gaz too for my Connie ?


Grand Admiral
Apr 25, 2014
RSI Handle
I own only the Stick one, not the Gaz ...
I play my fight with that both KB and the Stick.

Must I buy the Gaz too for my Connie ?
Don't have to. We can probably develop a profile that works for stick-only users.


Grand Admiral
Apr 25, 2014
RSI Handle
Here's the control scheme I have in mind at present. If you have any questions, ask. There's still a lot of blanks to fill in, too!

If you have any suggestions, please propose them in this thread, too.

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Grand Admiral
Apr 25, 2014
RSI Handle
I keep changing these every time I play, but here is the current one. I think there are a few things missing here that I did not add yet.
Your layout doesn't take into account the control scheme required for the persistent universe. You did, however remind me that I still need to find a place for decouple and ifcs safeties. Possibly the China Hat?


Grand Admiral
Apr 25, 2014
RSI Handle
I just dug into the TARGET GUI software, and it looks like we have UMD and I/O layer switches integrated into the software. The problem with that is that it doesn't let me change the Boat Switch into its own targeted layer switch. Hmm...more investigation is required.


Rear Admiral
Apr 29, 2015
RSI Handle
What I really need is for someone to develop a script for a Warthog thruster and a CH Flightstick. I bought the pair used for a great price, but it seems that people have customised scripts for a complete set of products, not a mix and match setup.

Curse my reckless spending frugalness.


Grand Admiral
Apr 25, 2014
RSI Handle
What I really need is for someone to develop a script for a Warthog thruster and a CH Flightstick. I bought the pair used for a great price, but it seems that people have customised scripts for a complete set of products, not a mix and match setup.

Curse my reckless spending frugalness.
I plan to make the profiles available for standalone use, meaning there will be versions for the situation you just described.
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Identifies as an Aurora Missile
Jul 18, 2015
RSI Handle
I just posted this thread elsewhere, but figure it's also pretty relevant to this group:


Also, I mapped out every button/switch/whatever on the Warthog Stick and Throttle, including the use of Solarfly's I/O switch, UMD pinky toggle, and short and long key presses. I also mapped out the final output from the TARGET software for each button press, be it a DX input or a keyboard input. Then I tied that together with his intended function bindings and their respective in-game and xml names.

First thing I noticed was Solarfly's stuff was sometimes assigning a DX value to a controller button, even though there was already an in-game keyboard mapping for whatever function. For example, if launch countermeasures is mapped by default to Z, Solarfly's TARGET scripts would instead assign DX "Button3" to the button he wants to use to launch countermeasures. This means that you then have to also manually (or through his xml) map "Button3" to the launch countermeasures function on the Joystick tab in-game. If instead you assign a key press of 'X' to that same button in the TARGET software, you don't need to map it a 2nd time. In the Google sheet above, I made a lot of these fixes to limit the amount of joystick tab mappings I needed.

Solarfly's TARGET scripts are actually pretty easy to edit. In his solarfly_mappings file, he assigned the end output value to variables named exactly after their SC xml name. Following the above example, solarfly might have:
define v_weapon_launch_countermeasure DX3
You would then have to go in-game and bind Button3 to launch countermeasures under the joystick mappings tab. Instead, you can change the line to read:
define v_weapon_launch_countermeasure 'z'
Now, no new bindings are needed, as the key press 'z' is already bound to launch countermeasures. This simple change can be done for any of the other bindings he has in his files.

Long story short, I think Solarfly's base code is great in that it allows for so many more bindings than basic buttons/switches we have as Warthog owners. The pinky U/M/D toggle, I/O switch, and ability to track short and long presses is great, and even if you don't bind them to stuff, his code works as a good baseline. From there, and using the above info, we can customize it to our liking with a huge number of options available to us. Anyways, let me know if this helps any of you guys out, or if you have any questions.
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May 7, 2015
RSI Handle
Absolutely wonderful idea.
I picked up a warthog about a year ago.
I read through the Thrustmaster manual and went to RSI and found little to no official information from RSI on configuration.
By that I mean a defacto, official how to, including full directory paths, critical files and what they do, etc.
Like most companies today, they create a forum and throw you into that in order to figure things out so they don't have to be bothered with actually, you know, supporting the product (Apple comes to mind).

When you start going through and trying out all the online hotas warthog how too's (as I did, including solarflys massive CIG post) it quickly turned into a wad of @#$@, with files over here, files over there. Directory paths and names changed and broken by updates from CIG complicated things even more by making running changes. Instructions from people that mean well, but invariably assume things about the readers knowledge at one point or another which leads to problems and a non-functional hotas.

So I turned to the mouse/keyboard.
I'm an old school, real world aviation guy. You push the stick forward and the houses get bigger. You pull the stick back and the houses get smaller.
For a trackball, that means when you roll the top of the ball away from you, the ship is supposed to dive.
I found that CIG/AC is defaulted for the opposite of that, in order to cater to all the younger players who grew up not actually flying real airplanes I suppose.
I also found that no matter which pitch/y-axis setting I tried to invert, nothing would correct the pitch movement to be correct. It remained inverted from the way it was supposed to be.


So anyway, if I had a whole day or two to roll up my sleeves, read through all the stuff again I suppose I could probably sort it out, just too busy (for the hotas).

I think it would be a great idea to develop a simplified, no @#$@ how to that explains the directory paths, files required, etc. for configuring the TM hotas warthog. If anyone knows how to invert that mouse, I'm REALLY listening!

Oh and Merry Christmas!
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Dec 6, 2015
RSI Handle
I have the Warthog Hotas and Saitek Combat Pedals.

Currently i just use a custom keybinding.XML file provided by skupples in this thread

It works decent enough for my mapping needs, i used it as an base layout and then went on from there.

I support your project tough! and perhaps ill use your setup as a starter point in the future.


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
tl:dr binding warthogs sounds kinda kinky to me
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Space Marshal
Dec 10, 2015
RSI Handle
I saw this post a week ago as I was beginning the Solarfly StarCitizen Warthog Profile Update for 2.0, now available and released at http://3dpipeline.net. And your comment that it seemed too complicated is correct. As my own worst critic, there are things I hated, especially the extra shift state on EAC and how views and landing modes were handled. I took it to heart. At the same time, I'm sure by now you've realized that with the abundance of controls CIG keeps adding, it's no easy task.

I am proud to present the 2.1-PTU profile, which streamlines many of the operations and groups things nicely. Landing operations, IFCS toggles, Quantum drive, a really awesome Afterburner/Boost interaction and View Modes brought to the front of Hat1 are just some of the changes. Weapon controls, shields, power and HUD control all remain in-tact.

I added links and diagrams for the 2.1 version down in the thread below, and deleted the images here so as to keep it less spammy!

Please let me know what you think (make sure to pp_rebindkeys <enter> once to load defaults, then go ahead and load the profile).

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Space Marshal
Jan 3, 2015
RSI Handle
damn, that's complex and awesome profile. Gonna give it a spin now.


Vice Admiral
Mar 8, 2015
RSI Handle
Going to need some ones help with mind in 2,0 ill see if i can get supertokyo again its borked lol. Wish i was more techish like yall


Grand Admiral
Apr 25, 2014
RSI Handle
I saw this post a week ago as I was beginning the Solarfly StarCitizen Warthog Profile Update for 2.0, now available and released at http://3dpipeline.net. And your comment that it seemed too complicated is correct. As my own worst critic, there are things I hated, especially the extra shift state on EAC and how views and landing modes were handled. I took it to heart. At the same time, I'm sure by now you've realized that with the abundance of controls CIG keeps adding, it's no easy task.

I am proud to present the 2.0 profile, which streamlines many of the operations and groups things nicely. Landing operations, IFCS toggles, Quantum drive, a really awesome Afterburner/Boost interaction and View Modes brought to the front of Hat1 are just some of the changes. Weapon controls, shields, power and HUD control all remain in-tact.

Please let me know what you think (make sure to pp_rebindkeys <enter> once to load defaults, then go ahead and load the profile).


I'll be sure to give this a spin and give you feedback. I'm still of the mind that the Boat Switch on the throttle should govern different types of command inputs for the Speedbrake switch, as I'd illustrated previously.
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