The decision to release a project schedule!

Do you like that Chris Roberts has released there internal 2.6 schedule?

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Space Marshal
Mar 16, 2016
RSI Handle
I absolutely love that Chris Roberts has released there internal schedule for 2.6 to us! I hope everyone will understand when dates change on this schedule. I hope every Test member will stand up to anyone complaining when this schedule changes by weeks or more. I personally want this practice to continue and we need to make sure that some idiot out there does not mess it up for all of us...

A huge thanks to Chris Roberts!


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
It's refreshing, and the letter from the chairman and the Web Page itself clearly explains that these are the internal reports the teams themselves get on a daily basis as to how progress is going as a whole and can and do change sometimes small sometimes big.

In terms of progress I don't think they could be much more transparent. It's unprecedented access for people outside of the organisation to have and I doff my cap to them not only once, but three times because I own three hats.

This is the kind of access I would have at least expected them to hide behind the subscriber wall so thanks for letting all backers see the nitty-gritty! :slight_smile:
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Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
I watched the stream, and saw that the Herald and the Caterpillar will be flight ready in 2.6

did they slso announce the Cutlass will be in there while I wasn't paying attention?


Grand Admiral
Apr 17, 2015
RSI Handle
I dont think the cutlass will be ready but they showed work in progress of it and it looks great. also it looks like the 85x will come out with 2.6


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Disclaimer: It's been a depressing week at work, and also my beer ran out!

I love the idea but I voted "No". Now that "No" is a 52% vs 48% in my case. I love it that I can follow along and it's actually very well represented and broken out.

I do know how development works, and fully understand when something just gets pushed back by a day, then a week, then changed just a bit, then it's broken for a day, then recreated in a better way, and pushed back again, until there's either no more time, money, or it's "perfect" (that one never happens :D )
For me, this schedule being posted publicly is awesome news, because I can fully appreciate what it actually means. But for the majority of ppl, the meaning of "Release Aim Date" will translate as "it will happen on that exact date or before that, and that's a promise!"

Dates mean they not just can-be attacked by the public and media on occasion, but that now they will be under attack constantly for pushing back goal dates by a few days/weeks. It gives soemthing concrete for the haters to grab onto, and not let go until they stop posting it.
It can cause serious backlash, and this is a project that doesn't need any of that. "People" who ran out of fresh games to hate on will jump on reddit and such crapholes to boast about how the release of alpha n.n was pushed back by half an hour and so SC is a total scam, yada yada... What's more worrying is that they might start theories about who on the dev team is personally responsible for the delay, and no matter if its true or not, they will torment said person on social media, forums, or any other way they can reach. So yeah, I'm worried about this not ending up as intended.

I would have been perfectly happy if something along these lines was released but with no deadlines/goals shown. Maybe "estimates" in some cases where it was deemed safe to add. I know that there's the monthly report that shows something like this, but this clear breakdown on a much more frequent basis is much easier to read through and understand. It's reassuring to know whats happening, and what is planned to happen.
It's a small secondary worry of mine, but it feels to me a little like a desperate attempt to calm the waters that are churning with no SQ42 shown anywhere during the Cons, and 2.6 still rather farther away then expected.

TLDR.: I love it, but I don't believe in the kindness or intelligence of humanity enough to warrant putting a huge target on their backs. This could end badly both for the devs as ppl, and for the game as a whole.
(and for me, myself, and meeeeee!!!! as well. I want the best damn space sim g'dammit! :D )


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
TLDR.: I love it, but I don't believe in the kindness or intelligence of humanity enough to warrant putting a huge target on their backs. This could end badly both for the devs as ppl, and for the game as a whole.
(and for me, myself, and meeeeee!!!! as well. I want the best damn space sim g'dammit! :smile: )
I'm pretty sure CR's intent is to hold the devs' feet to the fire

and I would bet that he's holding them to the dates they gave him, not dates that he imposed arbitrarily


Space Marshal
Sep 24, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm glad for the extra info. I've worked on large projects in the construction industry and I've seen timelines shift right and blueprints turn into red prints. I get it, and I appreciate the attempt at transparency. Haters are going to hate. Trolls will hide under bridges and feed off gullible passers by. Give them nothing or everything, and they are going to hate, hate, hate, and troll, troll, troll. IMHO since they are going to hate/troll no matter what they are given, I'm going to keep ignoring them and tip my cap to CR for providing something for the rest of us.


Space Marshal
Mar 16, 2016
RSI Handle
I hope there will be instances were cig delivers on the schedule ahead of plan so when the trolls start ragging on a time line moved out and claiming sc is a scam we can push back with that example. Either way I plan to support sc weather they are behind schedule or ahead! Everything I have seen about this game is awesome and I don't believe any other game can even compare in scope and magnitude of what cig is trying to achieve.


Space Marshal
Sep 10, 2016
RSI Handle
The more open and honest they are the more we open are pocketbooks.....I told myself I was done funding ship development, but yet with this move I will now probably buy another ship or two if there is any chance that I might play it in game. Was really tempted to buy an Idris this morning when it was available.....haha
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