Wondering through the wilderness recently I found myself in the shadow of a vast mountain home to a huge salt mine. In the shadow of the mountain, but sheltered away from the mine, I stumbled across a fallow garden. It lay empty but with rich soil - little touched but full of potential.
That garden is the TEST org forum section of Spectrum.
I am expending a little effort to breathe some life in to SpecTESTrum at the moment, as Spectrum is eventually supposed to be implemented in game in the Persistent Universe and I have a theory when it does it'll suddenly have a lot more point to it - somewhere for TESTies inside and outside of the game to converse with each other at the same time without having to run the gauntlet of the greater Spectrum experience.
Right now SpecTESTrum is quiet and peaceful with a population of 1 regular (myself) and a few visitors and it's a nice place to be if things get too Extra elsewhere, so please feel free to swing on by and start a few threads and sew a few seeds to see if we can bring the garden to life.
Will it catch on? I don't know it depends on how well they weave it into the game, but if it does there'll be someone there to provide a welcome.
Has anyone seen anything recently on how they intend to integrate Spectrum in game and if we think it'll catch on for casuals who won't be bothered or in some cases able to dual box or have a browser running other comms in the background?
That garden is the TEST org forum section of Spectrum.
I am expending a little effort to breathe some life in to SpecTESTrum at the moment, as Spectrum is eventually supposed to be implemented in game in the Persistent Universe and I have a theory when it does it'll suddenly have a lot more point to it - somewhere for TESTies inside and outside of the game to converse with each other at the same time without having to run the gauntlet of the greater Spectrum experience.
Right now SpecTESTrum is quiet and peaceful with a population of 1 regular (myself) and a few visitors and it's a nice place to be if things get too Extra elsewhere, so please feel free to swing on by and start a few threads and sew a few seeds to see if we can bring the garden to life.

Spectrum - v7.16.0
RSI’s Spectrum is our integrated community and player interaction service, including chat, forums, game integration, and Player Organization facilities. Player Organizations (“Org”...

Will it catch on? I don't know it depends on how well they weave it into the game, but if it does there'll be someone there to provide a welcome.
Has anyone seen anything recently on how they intend to integrate Spectrum in game and if we think it'll catch on for casuals who won't be bothered or in some cases able to dual box or have a browser running other comms in the background?