The Hull C is now $500



Yeah that is what I feared. Thank you for the important information time traveler! :o7:


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Could I ask what kind of price increases for in concept ships can be assumed in the future? I read somewhere that the Hull C was expected to go up to 380-420, but what actually happened is something no one guessed based on my internet research.
I'd suggest securing a CCU or two from Gemini to Endeavor and Crucible.
Those are among the oldest concepts that haven't gotten any attention, price or development wise, yet. It's not guaranteed or anything, but I've got a feeling those two got just about the best price increase potential around. Particularly Endeavor, which is a capital class ship. (Though Endeavors price is divided between the ship and the modules, the ship is obviously the main part and would likely receive the lions share of the price bump). I'd say a reasonable guestimate would be around $650-750 for the Endeavor (without modules) once flight ready. Crucible, well, I'm guessing less but I could be wrong also. I'm thinking like $400-450.

And I mean, obviously Hull D, if you can get it for $450, is something you'd want.

More generally, any ship that's not flight pretty much will go up by $5-$10 at least, unless the ship starts at like $50, then it's a bit iffy if there will be any increase at all.

Oh, Genesis Starliner might also go up by like $50-100. And I mean, it could be more but let's be reasonable in our questimations.
Orion too, though it's already had a big bump, CIG is not afraid of ramming a big bump after big bump.

On the cheaper end of the spectrum, well, a Hull B is definitely going to get a flight ready bump. How large it will be nobody knows, but looking at Hull C, something like $25 would seem downright reasonable, which would be quite a lot for that price range.


Thank you for all that information!

I picked up a few Crucible and Endeavor CCUs last IAE because I'd heard that they'll probably go up quite a bit still in price. What I didn't anticipate was that the Hull series would get another big bump, I'd thought I was already too late.

Regarding the Endeavor it seems like I can't use that in a CCU chain because apparently it will only be developed after the game is released and with beta CCUs disappear?!

Is anything known regarding the Crucible, if it will increase in size to fit game mechanics?

As far as I know the Hull B is up for a complete redesign. Was anything ever mentioned when that might happen?

I'll have to look at the Genesis Starliner, didn't know about that. :like:
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Vice Admiral
Dec 10, 2022
RSI Handle
I kind of envy you all these "cheap" ships from way back when. I can't believe you were able to buy CCUs to the BMM when it was around $250 and the Carrack at $350.
Just remember that due to inflation those $250 BMMs are equivalent $328 todays money. You can quite "easily" get a BMM sub that.
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Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Good questions, I'll try to answer the best I can.

Regarding the Endeavor it seems like I can't use that in a CCU chain because apparently it will only be developed after the game is released and with beta CCUs disappear?!
Where and when did you hear that? I do seem to have some vague recollection like that as well, but I wonder if it was before or after they came up with the new plan / schedule for pushing out all capitals from a specific manufacturer and then moving on to the next, as that could affect Endeavor as well.

In any case, it's entirely possible for a ship to appreciate in value before it is released, or possibly even before any major work is done on making it. This could happen with the Endeavor as well. They could literally just decide at next IAE that "the pricing for capital ships starts at $500 and as such we'll bump up Endeavor by $150 which would've been pretty much the only capital below this price point." I mean, they probably won't, but something like that could happen. Wouldn't be the worst reason CIG has come up with imo.

Basically, the point is that we, nor even CIG themselves, do not know what will happen before the launch. Tying up $10 for speculative CCU for the chance that that turns into $100 or something CCU and then sitting on it is how you play the CCU game. I mean, that and not betting everything on one CCU but taking all the probable and semi-improbable chances depending on how committed your wallet is.

Is anything known regarding the Crucible, if it will increase in size to fit game mechanics?
Not really, though that's usually the story with the older concept ships.

As far as I know the Hull B is up for a complete redesign. Was anything ever mentioned when that might happen?
There's no work scheduled for Hull B currently, but the roadmap for 2024 is entirely open. So, no idea really.


As a bonus, consider this:
Say you got a $10 CCU (that's currently worth just $10) in your hangar and IAE rolls around. You could do nothing, and that's perfectly valid strategy. But you could also melt that $10 CCU with the intention of buying another copy of it at the end of the IAE. But during the IAE you could then use those $10 to buy all sorts of CCUs from the pledge store, melting them and thus having them in your buybacks. You'd basically have your own version of the pledge store, always accessible.
Like for example, currently we know that Hull D will go up in price. No question about it. The only question about it is when. (Oops.) Now, it'll most likely happen during next IAE. If you had a Hull D CCU in your buybacks, you could just go and buy it back, no need to rely on the grey market.

If you do decide to do this though, make absolutely certain you know the date the sale ends and when you got to buy everything back (and keep very good records of what you need to buy back), and keep in mind the 24h limit on melting stuff. And just generally plan ahead.
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Just remember that due to inflation those $250 BMMs are equivalent $328 todays money. You can quite "easily" get a BMM sub that.
You are correct, I didn't even think about that.

Thank you @FZD for answering my questions!

I'll make sure to stock up on CCUs to concept ships this coming IAE. I didn't look into the buy back concept enough, so I thought I would only be able to buy one CCU back every quarter or so with the tokens they give out. I wasn't aware I could buy them back with non-credits any time I want.

Good point on the Endeavor. I managed to get some CCUs to the D which I now hope will increase in price so I can find ways to CCU to the Carrack, Odyssey, BMM, Orion and Polaris in time. Those look like really cool ships to have.

Regarding Melting:

Warbonds lose their savings when melted, correct?
If I buy a CCU to a concept ship on day 1, I can melt it 24 hours after, buy the next one, melt it again after 24 hours, etc.?
So if I want to have multiple in buy back, let's say 10, I'd need to buy 5 first day, melt them all the second and buy the rest, correct?
If I recall correctly, all ships come back on the last/last two days, so I could then add some more CCUs to my buy back queue?

If you do decide to do this though, make absolutely certain you know the date the sale ends and when you got to buy everything back (and keep very good records of what you need to buy back), and keep in mind the 24h limit on melting stuff. And just generally plan ahead.
That is good advice! Thanks!

They could literally just decide at next IAE that "the pricing for capital ships starts at $500 and as such we'll bump up Endeavor by $150 which would've been pretty much the only capital below this price point."
Wouldn't this then mean I'd have to buy back everything before IAE with new money, if these kind of non-development-related price increases can occur without warning?
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Where and when did you hear that? I do seem to have some vague recollection like that as well, but I wonder if it was before or after they came up with the new plan / schedule for pushing out all capitals from a specific manufacturer and then moving on to the next, as that could affect Endeavor as well.
I can't tell you exactly where and when that was. I've only been following the development of Star Citizen for a year now. I'm sure I read it on reddit more than once.

There was talk about the Endeavor being so complicated that they'd need all game mechanics fully implemented before they could even begin designing it and that then would happen after the game is finished.

The fact that supposedly with beta the CCU game ends I also read multiple times, but I've always taken it as fact until now, as I've not taken the time to look up all those old documents.
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Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Warbonds lose their savings when melted, correct?
I've seen CCUs that lose the discount and others that do not. I'm not entirely sure which one is the bug. Personally I avoid melting warbond CCUs.

Wouldn't this then mean I'd have to buy back everything before IAE with new money, if these kind of non-development-related price increases can occur without warning?
Well, concept ships can get surprise bumps whenever, usually when a sale happens.
Flyable ships can get random bumps but there'll be a few weeks / a month of warning. (And this is *very* rare).

So it depends on whether or not the ship in question is flyable or not.

If I buy a CCU to a concept ship on day 1, I can melt it 24 hours after, buy the next one, melt it again after 24 hours, etc.?
Yes, but concept ships can go up in value kinda randomly at sales, so those that you're actually betting on you should keep in hangar. During sales, anyhow.
I mean, if it's one of the new concept ships, those usually get bumps just at flight ready, so you could theoretically keep those in buybacks relatively safely. Just get them out if they're being worked on / are on the release view on the roadmap. But then we have stuff like BMM which was just like "Oh, another sale. Let's bump it by $50. Call it inflation or whatever."

But you don't necessarily want just concepts in buybacks. You might also want a wide selection of flyable time limited ships too so if they suddenly announce that one is going up in price, then you can go and unmelt it. Idk, perhaps it's just my personal preference, but I like it when I can just get a CCU I absolutely know will go up in price within a specific timeframe.
But I suppose if you can't put every imaginable CCU in buybacks, then focusing on the concepts is better. Flight ready ships have comparatively a much lower chance of going up in price, though it has happened for like... Umm... Cutlass Black, Caterpillar, Avenger Titan, Anvil Hurricane, and Vanguard Hoplite. Those 5 off the top of my head. 5 ships out of 127, so, much higher odds than winning a lottery but maybe don't bet your life savings on it.

So if I want to have multiple in buy back, let's say 10, I'd need to buy 5 first day, melt them all the second and buy the rest, correct?
If I recall correctly, all ships come back on the last/last two days, so I could then add some more CCUs to my buy back queue?
To get back to the topic, yes, this is correct. However CIG just recently changed things around with how event sales work (the Warbonds offered during manufacturer day used to all return for the final days. Now it's a new random set of Warbonds instead) so don't count everything always staying the same. They'll probably notify us beforehand of stuff like that chancing tho, so it shouldn't come as a surprise.

I can't tell you exactly where and when that was. I've only been following the development of Star Citizen for a year now. I'm sure I read it on reddit more than once.

There was talk about the Endeavor being so complicated that they'd need all game mechanics fully implemented before they could even begin designing it and that then would happen after the game is finished.
Eh, if it wasn't an official statement, well, even if it was the plan officially, I wouldn't count on it not to change in a year or two. Let alone if it was just speculation between users.

The fact that supposedly with beta the CCU game ends I also read multiple times, but I've always taken it as fact until now, as I've not taken the time to look up all those old documents.
Yes, that's official. So I wouldn't count on it not to change in a year or two. I mean, let's go in with the expectation that that's true and all so be ready to apply your CCU chains before release (or was it beta?), but I'm just saying I wouldn't be all that surprised nor shocked if they continued this CCU sale thing after release.
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Wow, that is a lot of information to process, especially the "chaos" that seems underlying to all of it.

It seems the best I can do, if I don't want to adjust before and after every single sale, is to always keep concept CCUs in my hangar.
Furthermore, so that I can profit from price increases of time-limited flyable ships, I'll keep CCUs to them in buy back and watch for notifications of price adjustments every month.

Then I'll have to plan an exit strategy that allows me to finish all my CCUs chains that I really want, let's say within a year. I suppose that is enough time from first indications that we might leave alpha to it actually happening. I don't really see them alienating most backers by springing the stop of CCU chains on them.

There don't seem to be many ship discounts by either warbonds or price increases of flyable ships in the $50-140 range. Any tips for CCU chaining there?

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Cool! My $10 Gemini -> Hull C is now worth $150! But what the hell am I gonna do with it?!?
Hold onto it. When 4.0 hits, flying bulk into Pyro will likely land huge pesos, even granted you hire escorts. It’s the first trade route that will pay big to move very average wares. It will be exciting too, given piracy will finally be settling into its own. If you really want to fly transport, that’s when your game starts getting delivered. I think we’ll see a lot more interest in transport, piracy and genuine crazy when Pyro opens.
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Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Anyone else not liking the interior? It doesnt seem to have the charm an utility and beauty that the Hull A brought to the table. Dissapointing.
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