The Real Reason Star Citizen May Fail.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle

I was not supposed to talk about he 980J... its a straight upgrade from the 890 in every way, but was supposed to be a secret.
I suspect that the 980J is the "Executive" (TESTified) version of the 890J, but it will be upgraded with TEST-droids that slowly move around the public areas topping off the beverages of patrons.

Sandi is going to get the belt.
As much as @Montoya seems intrigued by this, I suspect that @NinjaGirl is taking notes to surprise him for his special day. Whether or not he enjoys that surprise, will be the real mystery until then.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Then they had this idea that the Vandul would possibly invade and even get as deep as some of the core worlds. This was all going to be driven by player actions. I’m hopeful this is still in the works.
Keep an eye out for the "Sons of Orion" storyline and missions series. The last I heard, now a couple years ago I think; was that this is the home for all who want to be directly involved in the Vanduul conflict.

I don't know if this is still a current starmap, but it is probably still close enough to see:

that the Vanduul are to the West and as they are expansionist, you'll see the greatest conflict with them along that boarder. The conflict is centered around Orion, since that was the first world the Vanduul wiped out. You can see other worlds around it have also fallen to the Vanduul scourge. Also note that worlds near but still outside the conflict have their own tensions. IIRC, Null is a slaver world, that is just outside UEE space, where players can get involved in conflicts other than with the Vanduul. Look to the south and you'll find Leir in grey space (unaligned). It was Leir where a pair of Vanduul Void Bombers attacked and killed everyone at an outpost, so that is currently contested space and players ought to be able to make a real difference in the game by fighting for either side, or their own, in that space.

Not everyone wants drama. All drama requires conflict of some sort though, and the game was supposedly designed to provide the players a huge choice, if they want a peaceful or violent life. If you position yourself in the central core of the UEE this should provide peaceful play, albeit less profitable than if you manage the higher risks of work on the frontier. If what you want is to kill things and take their treasure, and to do so lawfully, then you can't plan to play in the UEE central core. The only exceptions are I think the Pyro/Cathcart area that is home for a bunch of pirates. If you want to hunt pirates, I think that is the only place nominally considered "core" where you would find lawless worlds ripe for you "correction".


Apr 29, 2019
RSI Handle
We are going to see thousands of disappointed backers when this game is fully out.

I feel we all have a picture in our heads of what the perfect game should be. When Star Citizen does not move in the direction you hoped it would, you will be increasingly skeptical and unhappy with its progress.

We all have to keep in mind that this is not our vision, this is Chris Roberts vision. While we backers do have some input on design choices and direction, the final say will be his.

That is why I tend to avoid theory crafting on many topics like what I think I my main activity will be in this game. I have no idea if I will like transportation better than mining in the final game.

All I am doing is playing whats available and basing my judgement off what I see happening before me in the present.
LOL the game has already Progressed far beyond what i fist expected. i almost want to stop playing to be wowed by the next release of content. but i'm just having too much dam fun in the game.
I love it. then again i in sea of thieves i made Athena's 10 in the first 4 months of playing LOL


Space Marshal
Dec 3, 2018
RSI Handle
Jumping in late here... but one thing that I personally find that will be helpful when boredom sets in, is all the choices of what you can do career wise. I'm focusing on Medical and Search & Rescue gameplay and have ships specialized for that. In that regard, I hope to make a name for myself as an amazing 'healer', being crucial for getting our people back into the fight, as well as discovering the latest cutting edge medical technologies, and being able to perform procedures most others cannot, etc. However, I already plan to take some time for money making opportunities such as Salvage (finding neat rare wrecks), or Info Running (doing teh hax, stealing your precious info, then trying to get away alive to sell it), or even assisting as a crewman (be it gunner, engineer, wtvr) for a larger TEST ship. Then for those who like role play... well the sky's space is the limit!

Edit: Others already mentioned in-game reputation with factions. I'm all about that. In the end I guess it just is a nice ego boost, getting some high rank with a particular faction, and then reaping the benefits of such. I won't lie, I'm a bit of a whore for in-game titles 🤑, running around in-game like 'ok how do I have to degrade myself to get this shiny new title' lol. Even though SC won't have titles afaik (at least likely not visible ones... maybe in someone's bio perhaps?), getting some arbitrary rank with UEE, or whoever, at least feels like an accomplishment to me.
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