The TEST Squadron Mission Guides Initiative

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
The TEST Squadron Mission Guides Initiative

Starting with SC Alpha 2.6 I will be launching an initiative to create a mission walkthrough to go on the TEST Wiki for every currently available mission in the game. This is not just for TEST, though we will be the first and primary beneficiaries of such a guide, but the larger SC community as well. I have searched and currently see nothing analogous to this so it would be a first. In speaking with Montoya he agreed that it would be worthwhile to create such a catalogue of walkthroughs for our members to help them in the verse going forward and especially once 3.0 hits and missions start becoming more in-depth.

Why do this? Good question:
  • It would be the first org-wide project ingame that TEST has done and start building some teamwork.
  • TEST members will see a direct benefit of knowing what to expect on these missions when they wish to do them.
  • TEST will see some good publicity once word gets out from the community at large.
  • Montoya is always on the lookout for emerging leaders and this may be a good way to show your skills and attention to detail.
What will happen is a subforum will be set up for people to submit their reports and their actions to complete the missions along with any details that may be needed. I will be writing up a template to post to give people something to go off of and we'll have one thread for each mission. Any additional or new information people find should go in that mission thread. From there a group of editors will collect this information and post it to the TEST Wiki for publication.

So what is needed for this to work? You! Seriously this will require people to make happen. Grab a friend or two and some escorts and you can all do the mission together and post your thoughts and experiences as a group. Different views will make for more complete walkthroughs. Do it in a variety of ships and try new things each time. I will be looking for 2-3 people to help collect and edit reports together once this kicks off and a couple people that would be able to take those collected and edited reports and post them to the TEST Wiki. Maybe even the Star Citizen Wiki as Seung is helping revive it.

If anyone has questions I'll answer to the best of my ability! Will you answer the call for an org wide op?


Grand Admiral
Apr 2, 2015
RSI Handle
Okay I have done all the missions, in 2.5, well all that ICC would give me. I did them in a cutless with the weapons that came with it, and with 3 Tarantula MK3 no gimbal. go with the MK3s . BUT...... I find it much easier to do them in the Freelancer with 4 gimbaled MK3s and the missiles help put them on defense. I also find it easier to board the ship after EVA. I`m now exploring around Yela, picking up smokes and booze. also found Grem-Hex, got my pirate garb and got the hell out of there. really not much there, and the risk is high getting in and out. I really want to start mining the rocks out there.
Also tried with the Connie,....... yeah smoked the AI Pirates fast. but try getting back in that ship in space, now try to do it fast cause you know some random guy is bearing down on you. Ha Ha have fun with that.
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Grand Admiral
Jul 15, 2015
RSI Handle
fuckit, ill help!

Step 1.) crash a star-farer and stop the cartographer from spewing out any more shit banter!

jk, i love her Banter! Count me in
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