The way Star Wars should go

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Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
The thing is he tells us to 'go read somewhere else' like this forum is his personal stomping ground. I'm sorry but that don't fly here. This isn't his personal soapbox for him to post YouTube/Facebook garbage, hurl abuse at Test members who challenge him, and then put them on ignore the moment things don't go his way. Ever since he started on this anti-Disney/Star Wars warpath he's barely concealed his homophobia, transphobia, sexism, and what have you. Of course he candy coats all this with his pseudo-philosophical anti-Gnostic bullshit which makes it even more annoying. He starts off talking about how terrible a particular Star Wars show is and a couple of posts/pages later, he's on a full rant about how evil woke/trans/women/whatever are. Every SINGLE time in EVERY thread he starts.

Of course I could have done the simple thing a long time ago and put him on ignore (Like he has for me) but that'll mean he'll go unchallenged here. One of the reasons this forum is so dead is because folks drop by, see all this and nope the fuck out. I remember seeing a newer TEST member or two post WTF on one of his comments before disappearing. I hope they've moved on to the Discord channel (Where folks tend to behave because it's more actively moderated) but I wouldn't be surprised if they've moved on completely. Yeah we actually have members who are LGBTQ, who would have thought?

No I don't want this community to become an echo chamber for alt right sweaty neckbeards. Not on my watch.

The crazy thing is I've actually worked with Mark Hamill and you know what? Now matter how much these 'fans' want to call him their own, he hates them with a passion. I've also worked with Kelly Marie Tran and these same guys made her life a living hell.

Also notice the target of his ire are almost always women. Kathleen Kennedy, Brie Larson, this Headlund lady. Speaks volumes huh.
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Holy shit. So I dug into Shadow Reaper's online presence and came across a picture of the guy. Can't say I'm surprised in the least...
I'm all for arguing with them, or telling them to 'sssshhhh', we're not interested', but I'll draw the line at outright insults. Lets keep it awesome here.

Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm all for arguing with them, or telling them to 'sssshhhh', we're not interested', but I'll draw the line at outright insults. Lets keep it awesome here.
Did....Did you look at the picture? Because it's not. That's the joke. You feel free to draw your line wherever you want it, choom. Our friend already cracked the can on personal insults, so that particular freight train is already on the tracks and movin'. Choo-Choo. And until he stops polluting our forums with grandpa rage; Choo-motherfuckin'-choo.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
So I'll go ahead and remind the hate squad one more time. When you stalk a TEST member from thread to thread in order to bully them, harass and threaten them, making no contribution to the thread and thoughts therein, and make unverifiable slights against their character, when you participate in the wholesale fabrication of slander against them and justify your diseased behavior as some sort of righteous crusade, you are violating the terms of this forum and should be removed.

It’s more than a couple times now you’ve all been warned and others have stepped in more than once to tell you they’re ready to report you. If you continue violating our terms here, you should expect the moderators to step in. What you are doing is diseased, forbidden behavior and you need to expect eventually it will have consequences. I’m not the mechanism for that. I’m just noting your slander is already way past what’s legal and if I were the litigious type, you’d have a lawsuit for what you’ve already posted. Stalking me into other platforms and bragging about it? What lawyer wouldn’t want to handle that case?

Complaining about Kathleen Kennedy’s diseased influence in Star Wars is nothing new. The fans have been doing this for over a decade and they have a right to complain. It’s protected speech under the first amendment. What you are doing is not protected speech. It is stalking, harassment, and slander.

As to this story that Hamill hates the fans with passion, well judge for yourself who is full of shit and who isn’t.

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Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
So I'll go ahead and remind the hate squad one more time. When you stalk a TEST member from thread to thread in order to bully them, harass and threaten them, making no contribution to the thread and thoughts therein, and make unverifiable slights against their character, when you participate in the wholesale fabrication of slander against them and justify your diseased behavior as some sort of righteous crusade, you are violating the terms of this forum and should be removed.

It’s more than a couple times now you’ve all been warned and others have stepped in more than once to tell you they’re ready to report you. If you continue violating our terms here, you should expect the moderators to step in. What you are doing is diseased, forbidden behavior and you need to expect eventually it will have consequences. I’m not the mechanism for that. I’m just noting your slander is already way past what’s legal and if I were the litigious type, you’d have a lawsuit for what you’ve already posted.
I guess we will see who they tire of first...

Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
I were the litigious type, you’d have a lawsuit for what you’ve already posted.
Also, you're a dork. You can't sue people for being mean on the internet. Why is it that the people always calling everyone else snowflakes are always quickest to cry and try to hide behind the rules when someone pierces their echo chamber? If you want to present your opinion to a public forum, I suggest you develop a thicker skin...

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
So back to the way Star Wars should go. . .

It’s not that I think Star Wars has to involve people like Mark Hamill. Quite the contrary. However, it does need to involve respect for the source material. Listen to these guys discussing bringing back Luke. Just as Dave Favraue says here:

“We knew that if we could pull this off it would represent so much to so many people. . .and let it be a celebration.”

This is the way.

And then immediately, Kathleen Kennedy needed to fuck this up by firing Gina Carrano. Decide for yourself. How should Star Wars go?
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Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
Stalk a member from thread to thread? Nobody’s stalking you, you goof. You post the usual crap you do across multiple threads instead of sticking to one. It’s often the only new thread for days. If you keep it to one thread it’s not as bad but no….you gotta spam the same stuff like this is your personal blog.

I think we should put this to the test. Summon a moderator and clarify this once and for all.

Also Mike Zeroh sucks….like sucks donkey balls suck.
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Vice Admiral
Oct 15, 2022
RSI Handle
Also, you're a dork. You can't sue people for being mean on the internet. Why is it that the people always calling everyone else snowflakes are always quickest to cry and try to hide behind the rules when someone pierces their echo chamber? If you want to present your opinion to a public forum, I suggest you develop a thicker skin...
It's honestly so incredible how much hatred he throws out but the moment he gets some back he actually cries about being bullied. "Wha wha wha I'm being told off for being a jerk". So surreal at times.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
It's honestly so incredible how much hatred he throws out but the moment he gets some back he actually cries about being bullied. "Wha wha wha I'm being told off for being a jerk". So surreal at times.
Yeah no kidding. I'm expecting the Internet Police to bust my door down and arrest me anytime now. The crime? Cyberbullying a grown ass man for mocking his views on what a fictional universe should be. It's just Space Wizards bro. None of this shit is real.

Read the room bud. Most of us don't care about Star Wars that much here. Even if we do, we certainly aren't going to humor your nonstop posts from the same YouTube Star Wars 'Insider' losers.

In one of his other 10000 threads about the same subject our friend makes the comment that anyone who likes The Acolyte is perverse. Like WTF?! That's not even the kicker...I remember vaguely him making a comment about our tacit acceptance of Star Wars. That this acceptance is (and woke culture) is akin to the 'degenerate' counterculture of the Weimar Republic. You know...Nazis and shit. Yes....he went there. What Disney has 'done' to Star Wars isn't evil. War of aggression is evil, poverty is evil, greed is evil, cruelty is evil. Need I go on? Somebody needs to get a grip on reality and find their moral compass.

Here's a novel idea.

He should take all this....

'Gestures above'

to a STAR WARS community. Perhaps he'll find more likeminded souls in his Quixotic Crusade against the Mind Virus.
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Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
Let’s make a deal. You limit all Star Wars complaining to a SINGLE thread. It can be this one or another….your choice. Hell…let’s get @Montoya to sticky it. I can’t speak for the other guys but I’ll in turn stay the fuck out.

The issue from day One hasn’t been your views (which I think suck). It’s that you spam these boards non stop with the same tired, boring subject. I honestly think it drives people away whether they’ve been around or are new members. For an Org that supposedly boasts numbers in the thousands the participation here is absolutely dire. I don’t think I’ve ever see more than twenty members at a time browse these boards.

I’ve chatted with guys on Discord and many of them think all this is a bad look.

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