Very cool art style! Wish we could have something like this set in the SC universe.
Must be because George Lucas was glorifying the evils of the Empire while making the good guys look weak,and ineffective. George was Tflirting with evil. There can’ be no other answerI never understood why the bad guys get the cool ships and the rebels cap ships all look like turds. I like the MC30. She’s fast as hell for a ship her size, but looks like it just got squeezed out. MC80 looks like some planetary sized Titan pinched a loaf.
I like where you’re going with this. In GTAV it was always a nice diversion to occasionally turn on the in game TV and watch some funny TV shows. Could do the same here and watch SC related content in your apartment or ship while soaking in the views. Would be a nice touch.Yo that's phresh. No reason I can think of not to have stuff like that broadcast in game for people to stream on the Spectrum while QDing between wherever, enough ships have TV screens in them to suggest that might be a thing in the end...?
I saw a mockup someone did of the Starfarer being a Fury carrier with all the snubs being external, ah, think I found it or at least one similar:This just reminds me, imagine the impact that a ship dedicated to quickly launch a dozen furies into a combat scenario, get out of the way & then return to collect those that survive, could bring to a fleet fighting forces with dog fighting battles.
And so I close my eyes and I can see her:This just reminds me, imagine the impact that a ship dedicated to quickly launch a dozen furies into a combat scenario, get out of the way & then return to collect those that survive, could bring to a fleet fighting forces with dog fighting battles.
Not going to lie, if a squadron of these Death-farers were to jump into the edge of a fleet battle, deploy their furies & jump away before attacked, I believe that they would be force multipliers. Especially if equipped with half their weapons being distortion to help drop the systems of ships in need of boarding.I saw a mockup someone did of the Starfarer being a Fury carrier with all the snubs being external, ah, think I found it or at least one similar:
EDIT - Wait what people have glitched it into being a carrier already...?
I'm keeping hold of my 'Farer no matter what - and it's name is "The Murderers Child" based off of something what happened in TEST years ago, which is even better.Not going to lie, if a squadron of these Death-farers were to jump into the edge of a fleet battle, deploy their furies & jump away before attacked, I believe that they would be force multipliers. Especially if equipped with half their weapons being distortion to help drop the systems of ships in need of boarding.
I'm still waiting for its gas harvesting mechanics to come online, I have not yet tried to refuel anything because that's not what I have the ship for.Problem with the beautyfarer is that is flys like a bag of bricks and it's currently pretty much completely useless due to the fuel mechanic being non existant (fill up your capital ship with quantanium at a station for the price of a t shirt)
Not to mention that if any space debris is large enough, has enough mass or is traveling fast enough to penetrate those MOABs happens to come into contact with them, something just became an unexpected "spicy meatball". There's also the question of what the heat from entering an atmosphere might do to them with them being exposed as they'd be. All of this being said, I love the idea. It's similar to me stating that IF CIG ever states that we can deploy alcohol fueled casks the same size & shape of the A2 bombs & slow their decent in some manner to land safely, I'll melt whatever I need to in my fleet to purchase 1 just for the sake of getting those at in game TEST events "absolutely bombed" in all the most enjoyable ways the game allows. Also, though I'll always be a fan of the legendary Robin Williams, I will not be dropping any destructive bombs from the A2 mixed in with the alcohol casks, so that nobody knows which will get them bombed or "bombed" until it's too late. Cheers!I'm keeping hold of my 'Farer no matter what - and it's name is "The Murderers Child" based off of something what happened in TEST years ago, which is even better.
I also want to be able to refit my 'Farer with MOAB S10 gravity bombs. One per Gas Tank will do, so 6x MOAB on a 'Farer. Sounds OP until you realise those eggs are just sitting out there all vulnerable and a single bullet would send the whole outfit up in a moment of "oopsie" proportions