Things that are different in Canada


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
Well, latency is basically just whether it's copper, fibre or carrier pigeons with high capacity SSDs. And while there can be a huge difference over shorter distances, over longer distances it becomes more or less irrelevant, and most of the way would then be over the same few cables laid in the ground/ocean.
If you're downloading a book store, I have a couple of 2 Gb SD cards that carrier pigeons wouldn't worry about too much. I had 5, but 3 seem to have grown legs and wandered off.
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Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
All these people talking about 100MB plus connections and it makes me cry a little inside. 100 Mb/s down and maybe 2 Mb/s up is the fastest in the area I currently live for 120 a month unless you go commercial.


Vice Admiral
Mar 1, 2019
RSI Handle
When Ryan was born in 2009, I think I had to pay $500, if anything... I can't remember if I had to pay out of pocket. Good thing he was born before Obama Care.
To be clear here, I'm neither liberal or conservative, I'm only interested in the truth.

I am really tired hearing people say is how Obama Care is the blame for all the cost increases in medical. Honestly @ColdDog it sounds like you have an amazing insurance plan. I have 3 kids, born in 06, 08 and 15. The cost of each out of my pocket was approximately $3500.00. I've had expensive co-pays since before and after Obama Care and a $5000.00 deductible. Obama Care neither helped me or hurt me, I've watched medical expenses steadily increase over the past two decades, most notably for me during the Bush Administration, continuing into the Obama Administration and nothing's improved in the Trump Administration. I have the Cadillac of plans for my company and it costs me approximately $1600.00 p/mo, with a 5k deductible and $50.00 co-pays, oh and they declined to cover the blood work my 10 year old needed for reasons that are between my Pediatrician and my self, so that was an extra $500.00 out of my pocked. No I don't work for a small company either, we're a Fortune 500 with nearly 18k employees.

What I hate the most here is this, we are so divided as Americans by what politics tell us to believe, that as a people we couldn't fix a broken light-bulb at this point. ...and I'm sorry, it's all of us, not just Democrats and not just Republicans, if you really think your side is the exception, then you're part of the problem not the solution.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
To be clear here, I'm neither liberal or conservative, I'm only interested in the truth.

I am really tired hearing people say is how Obama Care is the blame for all the cost increases in medical. Honestly @ColdDog it sounds like you have an amazing insurance plan. I have 3 kids, born in 06, 08 and 15. The cost of each out of my pocket was approximately $3500.00. I've had expensive co-pays since before and after Obama Care and a $5000.00 deductible. Obama Care neither helped me or hurt me, I've watched medical expenses steadily increase over the past two decades, most notably for me during the Bush Administration, continuing into the Obama Administration and nothing's improved in the Trump Administration. I have the Cadillac of plans for my company and it costs me approximately $1600.00 p/mo, with a 5k deductible and $50.00 co-pays, oh and they declined to cover the blood work my 10 year old needed for reasons that are between my Pediatrician and my self, so that was an extra $500.00 out of my pocked. No I don't work for a small company either, we're a Fortune 500 with nearly 18k employees.

What I hate the most here is this, we are so divided as Americans by what politics tell us to believe, that as a people we couldn't fix a broken light-bulb at this point. ...and I'm sorry, it's all of us, not just Democrats and not just Republicans, if you really think your side is the exception, then you're part of the problem not the solution.

I think part of the problem is first of all the Democrats allowed everyone to call it "Obamacare" the official name of the law is the Affordable Care Act or (in full) the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Lets not forget this bill or law relied heavily on states accepting government funding for medicare which virtually every red republican state turned down and did not participate in out of sheer spite for Obama, lets not also forget the democrats have been fighting for better healthcare for nearly 40 years this was a huge part of Ted Kennedy's fight for better healthcare “For four decades I have carried this cause-from the floor of the United States Senate to every part of this country. It has never been merely a question of policy; it goes to the heart of my belief in a just society.” - Ted Kennedy he passed away in 2009.

I think people tied healthcare to Obama and the republican party was so set against Obama from the start it never had a chance, they deliberately sabotaged it every chance they had again out of pure spite, never once offering a solution or alternative, the republicans themselves in the 90s had put up their own healthcare plan which included an individual mandate similar to what the ACA has now yet no republican could support something they had literally tried to implement themselves in the 90s. I am not saying its exactly the same, Romney had his own individual mandate/ACA in Mass. yet again even he would not support the ACA and the only logical answer the republicans had for not even attempting to work together was the fact that an African American with a middle eastern name had been elected president.

Fast forward to 2017, 70 Republican-led attempts to repeal, modify or otherwise curb the Affordable Care Act since its inception as law on March 23, 2010, even their own republican controlled supreme court shot it down because they didn't have a single plan that was better, not one idea to cover the 30+ million who would have lost healthcare and millions more still without it, this is proof positive they never had a plan, they never had a solution under Obama all they knew was they didn't like the man and that was all it took.

Sad fact is republicans are largely to blame for the divisiveness in our politics, I wont say democrats are perfect, we aren't, but we more often then they tend to cross party lines, our party does not metaphorically excommunicate a colleague because they didn't agree with the overall viewpoints and this is what the republican party has turned into, when justice Roberts upheld the ACA the republicans attacked him, calling a liberal and traitor, when McCain put a thumbs down he was attacked by the president and many others, this is all the republicans know anymore, intimidation, fear mongering and manipulation of the facts and its sad so many of their voter base eats it up on a daily basis.


Heresy detector
May 31, 2017
RSI Handle
I don't appreciate being told that to live in the USA as a citizen, I HAVE to have health care. Pure, unadulterated socialism and completely un-American. People in the USA have gotten their heads twisted around so badly that they can't even see they've squandered their birthright of freedom and independence in exchange for bread and circus. Enjoy what you have left, I'm laughing at your whining about how much the government should be providing for you. No one here gets out alive, no matter what plan you have.


Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2016
RSI Handle
I skipped all the stuff about Health Care, to get down here, and say, as a Canadian, I love Murica, and I have had so many adventures there. Also, there is a hilarious series of videos @Montoya can watch that will help him understand his new country.

This first is a bit slow, maybe not easy to watch because it's a bit dated. Kid's these day's don't have the attention span.

This next video will catch you up on the 90's teen pop sensation Robin Sparkles.

There is a series of Labatt Blue commercials featuring Voyager's dodging the British, and commenting on how much better Canada will be once it discovers Beer.
Unfortunately, I believe they were taken off the internet because they were products of their time.

There's more, but I'll ease you into it


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
I don't appreciate being told that to live in the USA as a citizen, I HAVE to have health care. Pure, unadulterated socialism and completely un-American. People in the USA have gotten their heads twisted around so badly that they can't even see they've squandered their birthright of freedom and independence in exchange for bread and circus. Enjoy what you have left, I'm laughing at your whining about how much the government should be providing for you. No one here gets out alive, no matter what plan you have.

I guess you stopped paying that social security and medicare to eh? The car insurance your required by law to have? There are many state laws that require you to have or do something you may not want to do, does that make your state a socialist state? Some states require helmets when riding a motorcycle I guess that's a socialist state lol. Its amazing people have been paying social security for damn near a century and here we are demonizing healthcare as if it would make the country a socialist country by simply adopting one aspect in thousands that would make a country a socialist country, by many standards the fact that people toss that word around so lightly you in fact lessen the manner in which people who are and were socialist and had to actually live in a socialist country.

There are many reasons why everyone should have access to healthcare, one example is why should I or anyone else have to pay higher premiums because some loser (presumably you) decided not to get healthcare and gets run over by a truck and lives in a coma for 10 years on the tax payers dime that I pay??? Or the dumb answer the uninsured usually come up with is (pull the plug) but that's not how the real world works, every time some non insured or underinsured drip walks or gets driven in an ambulance to the emergency room the people who actually pay for insurance rates go up to fill that gap, but I guess if people actually did research instead of beating the I am American, freedom, independence drum you might actually get the point.



Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
To be clear here, I'm neither liberal or conservative, I'm only interested in the truth.

I am really tired hearing people say is how Obama Care is the blame for all the cost increases in medical. Honestly @ColdDog it sounds like you have an amazing insurance plan. I have 3 kids, born in 06, 08 and 15. The cost of each out of my pocket was approximately $3500.00. I've had expensive co-pays since before and after Obama Care and a $5000.00 deductible. Obama Care neither helped me or hurt me, I've watched medical expenses steadily increase over the past two decades, most notably for me during the Bush Administration, continuing into the Obama Administration and nothing's improved in the Trump Administration. I have the Cadillac of plans for my company and it costs me approximately $1600.00 p/mo, with a 5k deductible and $50.00 co-pays, oh and they declined to cover the blood work my 10 year old needed for reasons that are between my Pediatrician and my self, so that was an extra $500.00 out of my pocked. No I don't work for a small company either, we're a Fortune 500 with nearly 18k employees.

What I hate the most here is this, we are so divided as Americans by what politics tell us to believe, that as a people we couldn't fix a broken light-bulb at this point. ...and I'm sorry, it's all of us, not just Democrats and not just Republicans, if you really think your side is the exception, then you're part of the problem not the solution.
$1600/mo and $5k deductible?
Have you ever considered getting a dual citizenship so you could just fly to some other country and get treated there? Because I think that would only be the fraction of the cost.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I slept on this and woke up with the following running in my mind:

"Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

I think I get it now.

The constitution was written on the founders fears of a government that was too powerful and would be able to control and persecute its citizens, and so was forged in restrictions to ensure it would never have more power over the population than the population were able to deal with. Very understandable considering the conditions that had lead them to that conclusion.

But what I think taking that strong angle may have caused, eventually, is a viewpoint that a governing body can only ever be a potential persecutor in waiting, never a servant to make things better... but a government is supposed to be a body put in place by the people to serve the needs of and enact the will of based on what the representatives voted in by the majority proposed to do.

Life. Liberty. Happiness.

Although all three things are definitely whats wanted, in the modern day they contradict each other chronically in an age where you generally don't die from things like stepping on a rusty nail and contracting lockjaw. That's easily survivable today with a tetanus shot, but wasn't in the 1700's as that didn't exist. Back then the three may have been mutually attainable without encroaching on each other but today... While Liberty means to be free from constraints, as in the government placing a nationally accessible healthcare system, Life means that's exactly whats needed, but in doing so potentially a national insurance scheme is put in place which effects Happiness as it's essentially a tax an no one gets happy about taxes, but by not doing it you fail on the first grounding principle, Life.

I think that's where my conclusion has reached. I'm not saying the constitution is wrong, I'm not saying having it built the way it is is wrong, I think I've just come to the point where I can say that while it was perfect for the 1700's there may be factors in modern life which cause it to contradict itself such as what we have discussed here.
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Space Marshal
Dec 9, 2015
RSI Handle
In holland it varies, I pay 40 euros a month for fiber, 100mb up and down. Fiber is not everywhere yet, 2 blocks down my street they dont have it. Its a package deal though with TV channels and stuff.
We also have healthcare.
And dykes!

edit: apparantly its fiber, not fibre
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Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Although all three things are definitely whats wanted, in the modern day they contradict each other chronically in an age where you generally don't die from things like stepping on a rusty nail and contracting lockjaw. That's easily survivable today with a tetanus shot, but wasn't in the 1700's as that didn't exist. Back then the three may have been mutually attainable without encroaching on each other but today... While Liberty means to be free from constraints, as in the government placing a nationally accessible healthcare system, Life means that's exactly whats needed, but in doing so potentially a national insurance scheme is put in place which effects Happiness as it's essentially a tax an no one gets happy about taxes, but by not doing it you fail on the first grounding principle, Life.
Man, I love your mind.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
lmao love the Canada jokes, always give my wife a hard time about Canada!!

Look I keep hearing about the 2nd amendment, 1st amendment, constitution etc...

Its clear the founding fathers intended the constitution to progress and adjust with the times, there have been 27 amendments to the constitution and 6 more which were denied so a total of 33 amendments, the constitution was designed this way because the people who created it knew it would have to change and left that change to the will of the people if it were to remain intact and strong, if we as a people do not change and adjust whether its climate change, gun laws or healthcare than were doomed as a society period.

20 years ago I would have been as stubborn as some and said many things I hear right now but I am 45 years old and much wiser these days and after everything I have seen in this country and the world its clear to me we are reaching a boiling point in this country, capitalism no longer works in our favor but only in the favor of the top 2%, healthcare is profit machine aimed at making people rich not healthier, our oceans and lands are being raped for said profits and here we are fighting over trivial things like owning firearms, taxes and scumbag in the oval office none of its going to matter if the planets dead in 100 years and our kids kids have no food, oxygen or water.


Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2016
RSI Handle
lmao love the Canada jokes, always give my wife a hard time about Canada!!

Look I keep hearing about the 2nd amendment, 1st amendment, constitution etc...

Its clear the founding fathers intended the constitution to progress and adjust with the times, there have been 27 amendments to the constitution and 6 more which were denied so a total of 33 amendments, the constitution was designed this way because the people who created it knew it would have to change and left that change to the will of the people if it were to remain intact and strong, if we as a people do not change and adjust whether its climate change, gun laws or healthcare than were doomed as a society period.

20 years ago I would have been as stubborn as some and said many things I hear right now but I am 45 years old and much wiser these days and after everything I have seen in this country and the world its clear to me we are reaching a boiling point in this country, capitalism no longer works in our favor but only in the favor of the top 2%, healthcare is profit machine aimed at making people rich not healthier, our oceans and lands are being raped for said profits and here we are fighting over trivial things like owning firearms, taxes and scumbag in the oval office none of its going to matter if the planets dead in 100 years and our kids kids have no food, oxygen or water.
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