Thinking of investing in a Vanguard. Help?


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Vanguard are about the best you'll find for a sniping machine
I have to wonder if the Defender will be better suited to being more of a sniper stand off fighter then the Vanguard.

freelancer MIS?
This is also a great suggestion as its heavier armor, shields and stockpile of missiles will make it easier to engage enemies with out having to rely as much of dog fighting.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I like the vanguard due to:
1) range
2) versatility ( sentinel/harbinger)
3) firepower

I've heard that she's great to fly now, although I haven't been in game in months. She's also getting a rework.

She's one of my personal favs.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
For a long range escort, you need a long range fighter. None of these are actual dogfighters, so as marcsand2 notes, you need a plan for when things go badly wrong.

Personally I think the guns on the Vanguard are about the best you'll find for a sniping machine. It carries the only S5 gun mount in a fighter. You need to practice shooting at distance where you're lack of maneuverability is not as important. The turret isn't great at distance but I am hoping it will work well for anti-missile duty. If we can shoot down incoming with a pair of Jokers or some such, that makes this an amazing distance fighter.

The Vanguards have the fastest missile lock system in game, and very few fighters carry S3 missiles. If you want to out-think opponents, and perhaps even cause them to avoid what you're escorting, a Sentinel might accomplish that for you, and you waste no ordinance. If you want to punch hard, the Harbinger can be loaded with all S3 missiles, and there is nothing that moves as fast and can carry that missile loadout.

So yeah, if you want to fly long range escort for exploration, I doubt you can do better than the Sentinel or the Harbinger. Just you need to practice fighting styles that play to the strengths of the big gun, especially range. Learn to fly backward.

Amen to all this. All hail the mighty Vanguard.
I did the deed. The Terrapin and 315p are gone and I’m now the proud owner of a Warden.

Thanks for your input, everybody!
Great! Now hunt down the Harbinger and Sentinel BUKs and get them into your inventory post haste. Don't worry about LTI on them either. They will be getting changed by CIG eventually, so ensure that you get them ASAP. There are a couple folks on the marketplace here with them for sale I do believe.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I have to wonder if the Defender will be better suited to being more of a sniper stand off fighter then the Vanguard.
I still don't know what to make of the Defender. I think it is supposed to be a real option for long range escort--that's what it is designed for. But IIRC, it has lots of little guns which means no range on your weapons. You have to engage up close which is definitely a dogfighter's forte'. I think it is not going to have an S5 mount. If what you want is to kill things and take their treasure, but not up close, the Vanguards are really hard to beat.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I still don't know what to make of the Defender. I think it is supposed to be a real option for long range escort--that's what it is designed for. But IIRC, it has lots of little guns which means no range on your weapons. You have to engage up close which is definitely a dogfighter's forte'. I think it is not going to have an S5 mount. If what you want is to kill things and take their treasure, but not up close, the Vanguards are really hard to beat.
Its going to be intresting to see how these ships shape up into Beta. But I would think if you wanted to kill things and take their treasure you'd want the cutlass black.


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Vanguard was one of my first loves. I may buy one back at some point but I got the Freelancer Mis at the moment which does a similar job - long range dissuasion via guns and missiles.

Ideally I'd have both!


Space Marshal
Jan 3, 2015
RSI Handle
I still don't know what to make of the Defender. I think it is supposed to be a real option for long range escort--that's what it is designed for. But IIRC, it has lots of little guns which means no range on your weapons. You have to engage up close which is definitely a dogfighter's forte'. I think it is not going to have an S5 mount. If what you want is to kill things and take their treasure, but not up close, the Vanguards are really hard to beat.

Not so sure its much of a dog fighter and really a defender (lol) by that i mean it defends the convoy and gives it lots of room to escape then escapes too.

you cant win. But there are alternatives to fighting!

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Its going to be intresting to see how these ships shape up into Beta. But I would think if you wanted to kill things and take their treasure you'd want the cutlass black.
I am not a Drake guy. I get the appeal, but the Vanguards will kill any Drake product pretty quickly. Looks like even the Bucky can't take a hit, and the Cutty maneuvers way too slowly to be dangerous, IMHO. The Vanguards rotate slowly compared to a dogfighter, but the Cutties are way slower again and they are going to fly like shit in atmo.

And that's just as it should be. Look at the difference in price between a Vanguard and a Cutty, and the Vanguard can't carry cargo. You need an additional ship for that.

I'm not expecting my dog-fighting skills to be great despite I have lots of that in my background. I just don't have the time to develop the skills I would need. It does not take much time to learn to point a big-ass gun though, or to learn when best to launch bigger, better missiles than your opponent has. So I do prefer to be a sneaky bastard, flying a Sentinel or even leading a small wing of various Vanguards, even if they're piloted by NPCs. While I would never want an NPC piloting one of my birds in a dogfight, if I can keep a wing of Vanguards at distance and ravage an opponent, I am all for that. The big S5 guns have the best range, and if we can get a good twin S4 mount for the Vanguard's S5 chin mount and go ballistic, that is death on a platter for any opponent. So we'll see.

The recent announcement that CIG is not going to allow smaller guns in bigger mounts is very troubling to me. They did it because they say they had trouble making room for things like twin mounts and ammo, but they had twin mounts and they're taking them out of game. Maybe they'll relent when they find they have ripped much of the customization out of the process that was their original selling point. Every time they make this kind of compromise, they fail to deliver on the product they said was their intention, so I am not planning yeah or nay about the weapons mounts yet. I think when they hear the cry of outrage, that you can't put an S3 scattergun in an S4 mount, they'll reconsider their priorities. Weapons mounts probably make up 1/2 the customization any player would want, and taking that away was a horrible idea, IMHO. I think their solution is to provide every type of gun for every size mount, but where then is the genius in a custom build? I just don't see room for it this way.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I am not a Drake guy. I get the appeal, but the Vanguards will kill any Drake product pretty quickly. Looks like even the Bucky can't take a hit, and the Cutty maneuvers way too slowly to be dangerous, IMHO. The Vanguards rotate slowly compared to a dogfighter, but the Cutties are way slower again and they are going to fly like shit in atmo.

A well thought out ship evaluation but I was more going towards the tong in cheek play on the standard assumptions about the cutlass being a pirate only craft.


Space Marshal
Sep 24, 2016
RSI Handle
I put a CF-557 (S5 repeater from the reclaimer) on the nose of my vanguard today per Noobifier's video to try it out. I melted a pirate Connie in about 5 seconds.

I have a sentinel in my fleet ATM. It's not my favorite fighter, but it's earned it's place in the lineup.
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Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I put a CF-557 (S5 repeater from the reclaimer) on the nose of my vanguard today per Noobifier's video to try it out. I melted a pirate Connie in about 5 seconds.

I have a sentinel in my fleet ATM. It's not my favorite fighter, but it's earned it's place in the lineup.
I can't wait to try this. Mwaahahahaha.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
You need a CCU to a Warden? Or a Harby? Sentinel?
Ah, after a lot of soul searching its an Endeavor i've got my eye on. I was originally going to not go for a ship that required lots of crew, but we've got to have somewhere to base TEST Weapons Research Lab out of and the Endeavor is about as Science Lab as it gets. :slight_smile:

EDIT - I've CCU'd the Saber to an Aquila now so should be giving myself the best chance of a CCU to the Endeavor.
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Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Ah, after a lot of soul searching its an Endeavor i've got my eye on. I was originally going to not go for a ship that required lots of crew, but we've got to have somewhere to base TEST Weapons Research Lab out of and the Endeavor is about as Science Lab as it gets. :slight_smile:

EDIT - I've CCU'd the Saber to an Aquila now so should be giving myself the best chance of a CCU to the Endeavor.
Cool. Like I mentioned in the other post, if we can find a CCU to a 350 ship (anything but the BMM) I can do it for you.

I'd have to do the upgrading on my account, then gift it back to you. But it can be done. PM me for details.
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