This is an empty wallet


Grand Admiral
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Ooooo. . .you get special bonus posting points for mentioning negative mass. Did you know after decades of wondering if that is even possible, it was created in the lab back in April, I think it was. This is a VERY big deal for future space travel. Kudos.
Oh you mean the mini blackhole created in the lab? Yup I read that article, but there's also another about the EmDrive that NASA was testing, and they were talking about how they are currently researching into why it works, since they found it works as an reactionless drive apparently. They're both interesting topics to follow lol. Might have our first quantum AND jump drive in the making here indeed :laughing:

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
The EM Drive does not work. That is just misreporting based upon misreporting, based upon misreporting. My old mentor was involved in that work from day one, and I know Sonny White who lead it. It is all over with. Was a complete failure, as was the even more heavily funded version in China. (This is actually my field. I do epistemological analysis in philosophy of technology.)

The recent stuff in negative mass wasn't black holes, which we don't want to create 'cause they might eat the Earth, which would be very inconvenient for everyone I know. However, negative mass is the stuff necessary to create both warp drives and wormholes, and that is what was just created this last year. Was published by an all-star team in a top peer review journal and is now turning the advanced propulsion field on its ear. Likewise, the team doing Mach Effect research at Cal. State Fullerton has just landed some NIAC (NASA) funding this last year. It's a brave new world.

PS- Physical Review Letters has been the number one peer review journal in physics since Einstein moved from Germany to the USA. There is no better place to publish this kind of work. This is a true turning point in modern physics that relates entirely to building warp drives and wormhole generators.


Grand Admiral
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Wow! That's great to hear, thanks for providing the facts and articles on the topic, and glad to know we have someone who knows the straight story on this. Like you said, if the research on this works out it'll push the frontiers of space travel. We certainly live in interesting times! Looking forward to further progress on this, thanks for pointing me in the right direction.


Space Marshal
Mar 6, 2016
RSI Handle

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Looking forward to further progress on this, thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
My pleasure. Note the guy who wrote that did so before the lab verification of negative mass in the lab. Woodward has actually been churning out evidence of his "Mach Effect", that mass can be temporarily fluctuated, for almost 20 years.

My girlfriend happy smile after shopping for shoes, on the other hand
and btw. what the hell up with that ....
( She only has two feet, why does she need 47 pairs of shoes ??) !
You are obviously new to this so let me clue you in. Smile approvingly, nod, and pay for the shoes. Punch a pillow when she is not around.


Space Marshal
Mar 6, 2016
RSI Handle
You are obviously new to this so let me clue you in. Smile approvingly, nod, and pay for the shoes. Punch a pillow when she is not around.
Not new, but clueless

can't do the pillow thing, shes always around...... watching me :eye::eye:

once I tried to leave her at the airport
but when I came home she was there, watching me :eye::eye:

shes trying to be mad now
but can¨t stop laughing

Yea i know honey im a idiot
but a funny idiot !!!!


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
All this fear of lack of funds and no one considered the kidney market, blood and plasma donations, and sperm banks. These fleets don't build themselves without blood, sweat, tears, and stickies.....
Who needs a kidney when you can have a... a...

*checks organ market prices*

An Avenger!

Oh... seems the bottom of the market has dropped out since CIG ship sales came along... Supply and demand, I think far too many people have been selling their bodybits...

*checks Sperm prices*

Dear god...
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