This is why I bought the Endeavor...


Space Marshal
Jun 17, 2018
RSI Handle
One of the earliest movies I remember watching in my childhood is "Silent Running" (1972 or something). Of course I didn't watch it when it came out because I wasn't born yet. It must have been sometime in the 80ies and it made a strong impression even though I couldn't possibly grasp its meening at that time. For those who don't know it. There's a small flotilla of spaceships holding the last remains of what's left of Earth's flora, trees in particular, in a couple of biodomes. The trees are tended to by skeleton crews which get recalled. For a short period one single astronaut remains in the last of the ships and also gets recalled by ground base later on because the ship is going to be repurposed. Anticipating this recall, during the last couple of weeks he remains he teaches the robots aboard to tend to the trees and when the the order to explode the biodomes and return to base is issued he instead seperates one biodome from the ship with the reprogrammed cute little robots leaving us with the last hope for nature floating aimlessly in space only tended by the sun and said tin cans. This is accompanied by the song "Rejoice in the Sun" sung by Joan Baez, singing:

"Gather the children to your side in the sun,
Tell them all they love will die. Tell them why... in the sun"

I'm not very sentimental often but this still kicks me in the head. Strangely on topic this movie after all this time. Also strange why the only effect it still has on me is that I want to cultivate drugs in virtual space.

Am I mad? Probably the answer is yes.

If you bought the Endeavor what's your reason?

Will we live to see it? :D
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Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle

Sky Captain

Space Marshal
Oct 13, 2018
RSI Handle
One of the earliest movies I remember watching in my childhood is "Silent Running"
Aye! I remember this. This film definitely is a classic whose visuals and environmental message stuck with me. Its premise was a somewhat ahead of its time but right on the mark on where things may be heading. And its exactly what I thought about too when I first saw those biodomes on the Endeavor concept! I bought one because of it. Cheers!!!


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Last time I saw that movie I was a kid and got sad when the robots were in peril. Should try to see it again I'm sure I'd get more meaning out of it on a second viewing :-) but yes the domes did spark the memory of that movie, the least sci-fi theme song out there, I think?

I got the Endo as I wanted a pocket carrier (only option beside the Idris at the time) and the SuperCollider seemed to be something cool to play with and make it and my other ships better. First thing I intend to do with it is throw a big box of Fridge Magnets into it and see what happens. Either a Cap-Ship scale EMP or a big explosion. Or both? It's win-win either way.
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Space Marshal
Sep 3, 2019
RSI Handle
Boy my age is showing..First thing I thought of when you mentioned the movie title was Run Silent, Run Deep.....
Held off on my purchase but if she ever does become a pixle I will fly her for the same reason I love the space brick(Raft)...Sometimes its good to take the old AMC Pacer out for a spin and just be...different :o7:


Space Marshal
Jun 17, 2018
RSI Handle
When writing about this from memory I totally forgot that this crewman actually killed his colleagues in order to save his plants. Man, this was true drama, could even be interesting to Fridays for Future kids not just us old farts ;). I definitly have to rewatch this! Wish I'd find a proper stream somewhere, might have to order a DVD instead.

Also I want robots like that in SC :D


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Looks cool with all the modules it can have truly an in space base of operations has it even started being worked on yet ? .
When it was first put up for concept pledge in (I think it was) 2015 they were up front about it and said the Endeavour would be the last ship in game and might even arrive after launch as it needed all of the mechanics and game play loops to be in before the ship could be completed.

A lot has changed over the years this ship is bases on, too - for example the Endo hangar is supposed to fit 2x Cutlass Reds. The Cutlass got a rework which made it bigger... So immediately it raises questions, does the Endo and hangar get bigger too, or is another solution found like docking or open to spavlce pads? (Neither very attractive options to a atmosphere filled hangar.)

She's going to be a heck of a ship... Just how, or when...? :-)


Space Marshal
Oct 22, 2018
RSI Handle
The most recent CIG commentary on the Endeavor -

John Crewe has also stated in the not-to-distant past that the ship needs a complete re-concept pass, which makes sense given how far back the original was. Of the ships you can pledge for, this one may be the biggest gamble to hold on to, and possibly the benefactor of lessons learned from every other ship in the game.
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