Thoes who say Voice attack is cheating...

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
"Push to talk" so you'll not take your finger off the flight stick to fire a missile, but you'll take your finger off the flight stick to push a button to tell the computer to fire a missile...? Or better fly keyboard and mouse and use the middle mouse button to spam those darts.
If you're not using your voice for piloting commands, you can toggle to VOIP as always open, and just don't sing while you shoot.


Space Marshal
Jul 22, 2016
RSI Handle
no you
"Push to talk" so you'll not take your finger off the flight stick to fire a missile, but you'll take your finger off the flight stick to push a button to tell the computer to fire a missile...? Or better fly keyboard and mouse and use the middle mouse button to spam those darts.
no you misunderstand.. the push to talk is for TS or Discord voice attack is always on
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Space Marshal
Feb 2, 2015
RSI Handle
Not if you are maneuvering mid flight. That requires you to take your hand off the flight stick to arm the missles.
I use my HOTAS for IL2 and DCS and I prefer mouse and keyboard over it in star citizen at the moment. Also if you're in a fight you can get excited and that could mess with the program picking up your voice commands. When I play SC the only program I use is grid on my touch screen attached to the keyboard for power management.
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Space Marshal
Apr 4, 2015
RSI Handle
I use my HOTAS for IL2 and DCS and I prefer mouse and keyboard over it in star citizen at the moment. Also if you're in a fight you can get excited and that could mess with the program picking up your voice commands. When I play SC the only program I use is grid on my touch screen attached to the keyboard for power management.
This was in reference to real pilots.
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