Shout out to the wives, who, while taking the picture, were cracking up the entire time.
To be quite frank, @UbEcLoWn smokes that meat soooooooo good. Incredibly delicious, and this was the SECOND rack of ribs he had (which remained in the current state you see in the picture, above)I said I was going to be jaelous and hate both of you, so I am, and I do.
I second thishaha. love it. My ribs should be the official food of TEST Squadron. TEST Ribs BEST Rbis.
That about sums it up, yes.
I'm a little offended we're not Sam and Frodo. Much more romantic relationship.How I imagine @UbEcLoWn and @ThomSirveaux now
edit: spelling is hard. Good thing I've been quoted so everyone will know how badly I screwed up lol