Unidentified Aerial Phenomena


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Pffft you guys, Interdimensional?!

It's clearly Elon Musks "Consciousness-Transference from Organic to Machine" (C-TOM) technology being tested out by the subjects who have already made the leap from meat to metal. You don't have to worry about G's stopping the blood from getting to your brain if you don't have blood or a brain so they can pull such high energy manuvers! I feel sorry for the poor sods who were sent up to "man" those Starlink satellites though.

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
This is just stupid silly, I don't get the problem as UFO/UAP mean unidentified flying object/unidentified aerial phenomena and does not mean green/grey alien in spacer crafts.. :thump:

It is just something unidentified flying and could be anything from a large bird, drone, RC aircraft, blimp or just a frecking balloon. Heck it can only be a natural phenomena that's unidentified.

How and why is that a problem to admit unidentified flying something is a day to day thing.. and it don't mean it's intelligent either so assuming it have a intention is also stupid.

Every time you see something in the sky or flying and you can't identify what it is, it is a UFO/UAP and assuming it's a aircraft is not identifying it, it remain a UFO/UAP until you can identify it 100%.

It's not more complicated than this!

That the general public view is always connecting UFO/UAP as it's intelligent or have a intention or is alien, is just a confirmation of the low education and retarded thinking among the general public.

Yeah I am a bit tiered of the general public stupidity and that of general policy of a lot of governments ability to handle this in a logical and objective educated grownup way.

It is just stupid silly IMO... just silly--- 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🕵️‍♂️🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🕵️‍♂️😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 🕵️‍♂️ 😂 😂 😂

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Devil Dog Hog

Space Marshal
Jan 28, 2016
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I for one vote we do what any good pilot in Star Citizen would do when encountering something new and unusual. . . .SHOT FIRST AND RAM IT!


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
This is just stupid silly, I don't get the problem as UFO/UAP mean unidentified flying object/unidentified aerial phenomena and does not mean green/grey alien in spacer crafts.
I have to agree with this, but I think it's intriguing nonetheless. I do not see aircraft, or weather balloon in those images. I also do not see evidence of alien technology. I think that the human brain is subject to interpretation bias when we see something that isn't readily explained by our own personal experience, and others are likely to use a similar bias if a suggestion is made as to what it is when they see a video with commentary to prime the suggestion. That is not necessarily stupidity, it's human nature.

But what I saw in all 3 examples were evidence of what are poorly understood and rarely seen phenomenon that have a natural origin. The language used by the commentary doesn't help. "The Pentagon admits they don't know what in the world this is. Or this, or this". Seriously? Maybe that wording was embellished, just a bit? Maybe the Pentagon needs to share images like this with the USGS? It's too bad they didn't take air samples, because I suspect two of the "incidents" the air would have not had an odor, but might have been slightly more flammable than an Alien space craft. The other one, the one that rose to meet oncoming aircraft, might have smelled like sulfur.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
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Shadow Reaper
I think you should watch the vid, then try to explain: radar tracks in excess of 13,000 mph, 6-700 gee turns, travel through air, water and possibly space, and has no obvious means of propulsion or surface controls, by craft that were observed every day for two years by USN combat pilots.
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Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Magnetoaerodynamic propulsion (Creates a vacuum cavity around the vessel to remove/prevent friction to the medium it is moving through). Similar to the MagnetoHYDROdynamic drives we currently use on stealth submarines. That, or Star Wars was real and George has been trying to tell us for decades.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
I think you should watch the vid, then try to explain: radar tracks in excess of 13,000 mph, 6-700 gee turns, travel through air, water and possibly space, and has no obvious means of propulsion or surface controls, by craft that were observed every day for two years by USN combat pilots.
At one point, the story did mention an altitude drop of 80,000 feet in less than a second. It did not mention a constant velocity. The story was talking about the 2004 incident. The ships involved were over 100 or so miles Southwest of San Diego. The anomalies that were investigated were several miles further on, "over the horizon" from the ships involved. They sent a flight of two aircraft to investigate. They saw, according to the article, broiling water about the size of a 737 and there was an anomaly just floating around the area. I have no problem with the initial description. Where I have a problem is with the idea that this must be some kind of "craft". Why not say just for fun, a meteor? One that mostly broke up and burnt up before impact, leaving a ball of charged particles floating around in it's wake?

Sky Captain

Space Marshal
Oct 13, 2018
RSI Handle
A meteor does not tend to hold station or gain altitude over the ocean, as the pilots state they observed.

My hunch is that these are TR3B Astras. Especially if recent patent activity reported online is real.

Link: TR-3B Anti-Gravity Spacecrafts | Military.com
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I have no problem with the initial description. Where I have a problem is with the idea that this must be some kind of "craft". Why not say just for fun, a meteor? One that mostly broke up and burnt up before impact, leaving a ball of charged particles floating around in it's wake?
They stated they saw it descend, and that there was no impact.

These guys are all trained to know what a meteor looks like. They're saying this is not that.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
They stated they saw it descend, and that there was no impact.

These guys are all trained to know what a meteor looks like. They're saying this is not that.
They did not see the descent, it was reported by a radar operator using a new radar. They went to investigate, and saw a "Tic Tac" milling around a disturbance in the water. As they went to investigate, the anomaly rose mirroring their movements, until it was close enough they could estimate it was roughly the same size as an F18, then vanished - only to re-appear 60 miles away. Or. Another crew saw another anomaly 60 miles away, but we don't have their description, so we don't know exactly what happened there.

As I said, I don't have any problem with their description of what they saw. I have a problem with the conclusion that therefore it must be technology - and I don't care whether it is US technology, a foreign power's technology, or alien technology - without knowing why any other idea was discarded.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Having already commented I thought it may be time to watch the video.

Yep, it's definitely in the air, you can't identify it and some of those items you can't really call "Objects" so Phenomena does fit the description...

What we know:

No one knows. The in person eye witnesses don't know. Scientists don't know. Senators don't know. The makers of the technology making the recordings don't know. No one knows.

If some of the examples are man-made, even the handful of people working on something which may have caused one single instance of phenomena probbably don't know either... they are probably in a position that they don't know exactly what they are working on, what it does or that it was observed by third parties operating like this... but even then that can't account for all examples of phenomena... So TL;DR no one knows.

What I think:

We may well find out but probably not in our lifetime. This seems like one of those times where, if we think about phenomena which we know the cause of today but which was until it was worked out was unidentified, makes perfect sense in retrospect whereas before it was a total mystery... an example: The creepy sailing stones of Racetrack Playa in Death Vally. Those things moving along the ground by themselve leaving tracks hndreds of feet long, be well weird but someone worked out it was caused by ice forming and melting, pushing the stones along...

It could literally be anything. It might be rare natural phenomenon. It might domestic ultratech. It might be foreign ultratech. It might be alien in origin at which point any concept of tech goes out the window anyway. It might be none of these. It might be all of them.

One day, hopefully before the end of civilization, the world will know just as we now know what causes the sailing stones, ball lightening etc today...

But... I mean, Science still isn't sure why people yawn let along what these phenomena are so it might take quite some time...

Patrick Spaceman

Grand Admiral
Oct 4, 2020
RSI Handle
I was in the Army (Australia), and on New Years Eve 1993 I was at an NYE party in Darwin. It was very humid, so humid that a thick fog had settled some ten or so metres above the ground. and the clouds above were very low. The street lights at the time were the orange ones, and when they were on inside a blanket of fog, they made the fog also orange and difficult to see though (looking upwards past to the clouds) That night I as not drinking as I was the driver for my wife and kids.

Around 2300Hrs we noticed three bright slow moving lights, in a line through the fog and clouds. The last light would fly "over" the other two and go to the front, then the now last light would do the same but "under" the other two, and this leap-frogging continued from one side of the sky to the other. Being Darwin in the 90's a lot of people still owned guns, so my mate, the host went and grabbed his .308 with a decent scope and we tried looking through the scope to see what was going on. Every time we got a break in the fog and clouds the lights seen, still appeared blurred, also to note the three lights were the same colour as the local orange street lights.

We decided to call the duty room at Larrakeyah barracks, as we knew the Duty Officer, and the Corporal that was on that night (Everyone had a roster, for their turn in the barrel). After getting through to the Corporal we knew, we asked if anyone had called about weird shit. Given that we were in a large patch of military housing, every man and his cat had been calling them. He told us Darwin Airport had picked up radar signatures, as did RAAF Darwin, but not RAAF Tindal (some 320km South-ish) suggesting they were low flying. He then said RAAF Tindal had been called and they were in the process of scrambling two F/A-18's from No.75 Sqn (Fighters), and that also he did not talk to us, nor did they call the RAAF, nor did they scramble two fighters. (It sounded like there was at least another three people with them in the duty room, when it's usually two people, and we could hear people on radios and phones in the background).

Within a few minutes the lights and made it to the horizon that we could see from the roof of the house and a short time later we could hear two fighters. (Flight time from RAAF Tindal is about 12 minutes to move 320-ish km's using afterburners) and that was the last we saw or heard of anything.


Grand Admiral
May 27, 2018
RSI Handle
I was in the Army (Australia), and on New Years Eve 1993 I was at an NYE party in Darwin. It was very humid, so humid that a thick fog had settled some ten or so metres above the ground. and the clouds above were very low. The street lights at the time were the orange ones, and when they were on inside a blanket of fog, they made the fog also orange and difficult to see though (looking upwards past to the clouds) That night I as not drinking as I was the driver for my wife and kids.

Around 2300Hrs we noticed three bright slow moving lights, in a line through the fog and clouds. The last light would fly "over" the other two and go to the front, then the now last light would do the same but "under" the other two, and this leap-frogging continued from one side of the sky to the other. Being Darwin in the 90's a lot of people still owned guns, so my mate, the host went and grabbed his .308 with a decent scope and we tried looking through the scope to see what was going on. Every time we got a break in the fog and clouds the lights seen, still appeared blurred, also to note the three lights were the same colour as the local orange street lights.

We decided to call the duty room at Larrakeyah barracks, as we knew the Duty Officer, and the Corporal that was on that night (Everyone had a roster, for their turn in the barrel). After getting through to the Corporal we knew, we asked if anyone had called about weird shit. Given that we were in a large patch of military housing, every man and his cat had been calling them. He told us Darwin Airport had picked up radar signatures, as did RAAF Darwin, but not RAAF Tindal (some 320km South-ish) suggesting they were low flying. He then said RAAF Tindal had been called and they were in the process of scrambling two F/A-18's from No.75 Sqn (Fighters), and that also he did not talk to us, nor did they call the RAAF, nor did they scramble two fighters. (It sounded like there was at least another three people with them in the duty room, when it's usually two people, and we could hear people on radios and phones in the background).

Within a few minutes the lights and made it to the horizon that we could see from the roof of the house and a short time later we could hear two fighters. (Flight time from RAAF Tindal is about 12 minutes to move 320-ish km's using afterburners) and that was the last we saw or heard of anything.
Your last name is Spaceman...this is really the story about how you got to our little blue marble isn't it? ALIEN SPAI!

Patrick Spaceman

Grand Admiral
Oct 4, 2020
RSI Handle
Naw, it's what happens when you install low pressure sodium lights upside down. Cuz Australia.

Actually I was going to ask if there was a nearby railway yard?
I think that was intentional, around that time of year we get bugs....lots of bugs....millions of bugs. By changing the lights from white to orange it apparently didn't attract as many of them. As for railway yards, we didn't have any until 2001. Old rail lines existed for transporting munitions during WW2 but long gone, some traces of them are still around.

As for the train yard, it's for a mostly tourist train "The Ghan" although they have used it to start transporting goods, as most things came in via road-train or via the port.
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Patrick Spaceman

Grand Admiral
Oct 4, 2020
RSI Handle
Your last name is Spaceman...this is really the story about how you got to our little blue marble isn't it? ALIEN SPAI!
I like you, we'll save you for last after our conquest for your resources.
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