I think you need to decide what you want to do with it before you ask the question. IIUC, the Glaive is designed as a glass cannon, so nothing like the Hoplite. If you want to focus on FPS gaming, the Hoplite is going to be hard to beat. If you want to fly a glass cannon, try the Hurricane first. IIUC, you can actually ram other ships with the blades on the Glaive, and if you're going to do that, it might be worth the pesos, but you can buy two Hurricane for that price, so you better use those blades if you pay for them.
IIUC, it is going to be very difficult to customize the Vanduul ships. They were supposedly designed to make customization a problem. Last I heard there was still no place to put a chiller, and it is built into the reactor. If you can't swap out chillers, you have much less control over the capabilities of the ship. Likewise, the standard weapons loadout is very aggressive and powerful, but overheats very quickly. If you can get onto a target quickly and finish it off all at once, this is fine, but you will be stuck with ramming after that. Also, given the reactor issue, odds are you will never be able to equip the Glaive for stealth. Would be good if you could--alpha strikes at point blank range would make the bird all full of awesome, but could well be the Glaive cannot be made stealthy and the Hurricane may. We don't know yet.
The primary design difference between Vanduul and UEE/Aegis and Anvil military ships is the former hit harder but can't stay in battle, and the latter can take a beating but take longer to kill targets. If you like the more aggressive focus, the Hurricane is the exception to the UEE military doctrine rule, and the Polaris is very close as well, but then again all true Corvettes should be.