Video: A look at the Crytek response to the CIG motion to dismiss


Space Marshal
Feb 16, 2017
RSI Handle
Hmmm... since CryRngine is now free, could CIG not claim that Faceware obtained their own instance of CryEngine to develop their FOIP software?
and 1st


Space Marshal
May 21, 2017
RSI Handle
The short answer is when the deal was signed it was easy money for CryTek and the GLA clauses were cherries to top the deal in favour of Crytek. A tiny little crowdfunding company giving them 2 million euros.

Then it got huge, and it kept growing and now Crytek were looking at it as a huge marketing deal, that logo in front of the biggest crowdfunding, the most ambitious and simply biggest game in development.... and it's built on CryEngine!!!!

This was the last and best hope for CryTek future and then they moved to Lumberyard and their future was gone.

I can understand their frustration and yes maybe it was not in tune with the agreement in a few ways but this lawsuit won't suddenly land Crytek with a hundred huge contracts and a massive payout so they are hoping it will at least bring SOME exposure and keep them alive.

Poor little ducklings.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
NaffNaffBobFace Crytek were looking at it as a huge marketing deal, that logo in front of the biggest crowdfunding, the most ambitious and simply biggest game in development.... and it's built on CryEngine!!!!
But with all the extra shit CIG had to code to make the game is it actually built on CryEngine? They even called it StarEngine thats how much they had to change so how much Cry really remained?

I note it interesting that they say it's Cryengine that is the route cause of CIG raising $170 million. Would Chris Roberts have made as much money with Unreal Engine? Or Source Engine? How do we know because of all the additional development they had to do on the engine we would not have MORE money right now due to being further on in development?

Can CIG Counter-sue for earnings lost due to the engine not being fit for requirement?
"Can CryEngine do what we need it to?"
"Oh, yeah and if it can't right now we'll just knock up a bit of code and you've got what you need."
"Okay..." *Pays 2 million euros, gets CryEngine*
"So wheres the bit we need to make it seamless experience without level loading? and where is the Star System maker?"
"Don't worry about that guy, here let us help you make some pretty videos."
"But the mechanics?"
"Look, sparkles!"
"But the bloody game!"
"Yeah, about that, once you've made those bits they are "Bug Fixes" and you need to hand them over, because thats some seriously useful shit, right?"


Space Marshal
May 21, 2017
RSI Handle
Good question, CIG could in theory bite back asking "You said you would provide assistance, so where is it, show us proof!".

This is going to be a very interesting case but SC shouldn't be affected no matter what scenario plays out.


Nov 2, 2017
RSI Handle
In my opinion. Crytek is just digging themselves a deeper hole. It's already been shown that there is a Waiver of damages in the contract. Crytek, even if they had something, has NOTHING.

"I can understand their frustration and yes maybe it was not in tune with the agreement in a few ways but this lawsuit won't suddenly land Crytek with a hundred huge contracts and a massive payout so they are hoping it will at least bring SOME exposure and keep them alive."

But this will NOT bring them business. anyone who considered going Cry is seeing them attack not only startup's like CIG but going after others as well. This is nothing but bad publicity. The fact that CIG had to alter and then abandon CryEngine just goes to show the immense limitations of the engine.
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Space Marshal
Sep 12, 2017
RSI Handle
Ok so I got two points to say here (TL;DR crytek will need to work hard to make it stick, if at all possible)

1) About "Bug fixes", from a software engineer's (that's me) point of view, I would say a bug is defined as this: was A supposed to happen but didn't? that's a bug. Now, since CryEngine wasn't able to fulfill some of the requirements CIG needed, and they had to add it themselves, that's not a bug fix, that's extra that belong to whoever made it. So I don't see how CryTek will get away with this claim.

2) Breaking confidentiality of the code, well, I think in this point they were talking about Bugsmashers here. They do show code there, which could be trouble IF the code is indeed part of the CryEngine and not Lumberyard or code that CIG wrote from scratch. But I honestly doubt CIG would make such a silly mistake of showing other people someone else's code, that is not open source (i.e. the owner shares the code openly with the masses), I do believe they have legal guys that Bugsmashers will be consulting with about what they can or can't show.

And about the other points they had, horse:poop:.

P.S. About the point montoya made, that CryEngine is free right now so there is no harm that they shared source code with third party, think of it like this: I made an amazing recipe for lemonade, I gave you that recipe so you can sell lemonade (and anyone that asks), still not ok to pass that recipe to someone else without an ok from the owner... or at least that's what I think :banana:
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Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
P.S. About the point montoya made, that CryEngine is free right now so there is no harm that they shared source code with third party,
I think the sharing of source code was the episode of bugsmashers. Either that or anything done with FaceWare, we don't know which.

How much damages is CIG on the hook for if they showed some lines of code on bugsmashers?

How much financial damage did they cause them?


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Ok, I've got a few questions about all of this.

1.) Hasn't CIG promised to be open about the development of the game all along? If so, then CryTek knew & understood that this would show some of their coding being actively used in the development of SC which would be free marketing for them.

[Beer time]

2.) IF the faceware people were given actual CryEngine coding to be able to install that into SC, then there is no actual loss to CryTek as they can state that as a possible benefit to get new users of their clearly out of date development engine. Otherwise, they have no claim in that anyways.

[Beer time]

3.) I believe that I learned somewhere that somebody bought out CryTek within the past couple years & that there are only a few games left in development that use their engine. If so, then clearly those that purchased Cry are looking for a payoff on their investment which was all based on the free advertisement from SC & SQ42. More than likely, the old owners of Cry made them all sorts of promises of the financial rewards they would gain once SC & Sq42 are released as well as that CIG would be effectively building them a new engine upgrade based on the old & out dated software. In which case, the current owners should file suit against the old to get whatever is left of their money back given they bought into a fraud. Or am I wrong on any of this?

[Pitcher of Beer time]

It seems to me, that this lawsuit has effectively sealed the fate of Cry & regardless of the outcome will be the final nail in their coffin. This is nothing more than a massive pile of bad publicity, greed & bad will on their part towards those who currently use the CryEngine, have used that engine & would have used it in the future had this not become public. There are only a few people left that I can think of who are not Smart enough to work on a new project with CryTek at this point. I'm sure that some of you can imagine who 1 of them is without my directly naming them. I do however think that individual & CryTek deserve each other.

[Pitcher of Beer time]

It also seems to me that all CryTek did to help with the crowd funding or development of the project was to assist with a few starter pics & vids that at the time in no way showed actual in game footage. They were still thinking along the lines of how you would have a cheaply made game created quickly that would have a few better made cut scenes for the visuals. Unfortunately for them, CR clearly wanted the released game to be almost just as great of fidelity as the promo vids. Which was far beyond the potential of the CryEngine & they had to redesign their own initially to get close before moving on to Lumberyard to effectively get there.

[Screw it, it's time for a Keg of Beer]

Carry on & enjoy the rest of your drinking. Cheers!


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Didn't CryTek and CIG have a clause in the Game License Agreement to inform the other in writing if they ran into issues (funding etc) and the failure of one to do so would void the GLA outright? Did CryTek write to CIG and say "Hey, just so you know we are not paying our staff right now because we don't have the dough."

It's not like GIC didn't know Cry wasn't paying their employees - they hired half of them.


Space Marshal
Feb 16, 2017
RSI Handle
How much financial damage did they cause them?
I do believe that even if "sharing" CryTek's code is/was a violation of their agreement (if CIG did indeed share their code), CryTek must show that damages have occurred in order to be compensated for those damages.... I think it would be a pretty hard point to argue that damages have occurred when anyone can get the game engine/code for nothing.
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Space Marshal
Sep 12, 2017
RSI Handle
I think the sharing of source code was the episode of bugsmashers. Either that or anything done with FaceWare, we don't know which.

How much damages is CIG on the hook for if they showed some lines of code on bugsmashers?

How much financial damage did they cause them?
Yeah that's what I said in my second point :D
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