Nice video

in a good way it was hilarious to see how lost you where in the ship at times but at the same time this gave a great sense how large this ship really is.
And we already have fish in the game, had that a long time in the hangar fish tank, they're just not working at the moment.. soon™

Yeas it's the main suit can be used by captain or rented out as "penthouse suit"

I agree would be great with a explorer version of the 890j like "Star Trek Voyager"
And I already own one(
two) tho at this point it is in my buyback cause some of the reason you mentioned, like there is little use for it now and it's not finished fully so I'll wait and see where it end.
A tip, if the menu is missing from interaction go in to PTU/user or LIVE/user folder which ever you're playing and in the shaders folder delete all inside the shaders folder and you get the menu back.
This works for most weird graphic anomalies in the game like water missing in pool, elevators that don't show, graphic that load in and look strange etc..
I taken it as a practice to after each session or before starting a new I delete all inside the
"shaders" folder, that way game always start with fresh loaded stuff and any corrupt files will be gone.