*edit* Just getting 50 people organized and ready to actual take the Idris will probably be a feat in and of itself. I might be willing to give New World a look, not too bad a price for the pre-order
So I was forced at electronic gun point to make a post on here. If you didn't know CIG started a new guide system and the month of December they counted the number and amount of time people preformed guide services and on January 1st they stopped counting and the top performers CIG said they...
B.C. doesn't have a lot of maple, it's more Quebec, Ontario and Manitoba. Has to do with weather and geography. I'll just say I'm probably lucky I don't have diabetes from the maple syrup, maple taffy, maple sugar and a spot on my left hand that still gets sore in the rain after 15 years.
Great video @Montoya.
Great stuff as always! I did want to note what seems to me a big deal though, that got skipped over it seems. The roadmap is showing PvP Bounties ready to rock for 3.9. I think that is going to create a lot of difference in game, but we'll see. I think too, could be why we have persistence, so people can pay the bounties.