[Video] YongYea's turn


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Is it wrong I spent most of the video concentrating on watching the tiny fan on your helmet and wondering what it is? I figured it out 9 minutes in, it's a reflection your ceiling fan!!!


Grand Admiral
Sep 8, 2015
RSI Handle
Uhmm... Glorious Leader...

Ever notice when multiple "journalists" seem to plagiarize... err... paraphrase each other in order to frame a narrative... err... shine light on some dastardly deed?

Next will come totally believable accusations (deth thweats, "das wacis", toxic community, oh my!). Then will come demands for CIG to spend half or more of it's budget on bribes... err... contributions to various outlets (that could never possibly sink so low as to be colluding behind the scenes) for good press coverage. Maybe even for the company plagued by the angry mob the press whipped up will have to hire new staff (someone the press vouches for, of course) to keep the crowd in line.

What do we, the audience (backers, gamers, plebs, etc.), get for all this? A free ride on a hook.

The oldest and truest form of journalism is hack journalism. Believe nothing you hear beyond that someone wanted you to hear it.


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
At this point, whether you are an established YouTuber or still struggling, you can always drive up your views by putting out a "Is Star Citizen Going to Fail?" or "Down with the Greedy SC dev's" video based on....zero facts, but the salty comments of reddit users and other YouTuber's.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Just because @Clifford_aka_Miku has the Legatus pack doesn't mean that he will choose to take advantage of his wonderful assortment of ships at the start. He might want to start with 1 of his Auroras & then save the funds that he would usually spend on upgrading his ship to another ship by simply using that next ship from his hanger. Those savings can then be used elsewhere to further his enjoyment of the game.


Heresy detector
May 31, 2017
RSI Handle
Uhmm... Glorious Leader...

Ever notice when multiple "journalists" seem to plagiarize... err... paraphrase each other in order to frame a narrative... err... shine light on some dastardly deed?
View attachment 9872

Next will come totally believable accusations (deth thweats, "das wacis", toxic community, oh my!). Then will come demands for CIG to spend half or more of it's budget on bribes... err... contributions to various outlets (that could never possibly sink so low as to be colluding behind the scenes) for good press coverage. Maybe even for the company plagued by the angry mob the press whipped up will have to hire new staff (someone the press vouches for, of course) to keep the crowd in line.

What do we, the audience (backers, gamers, plebs, etc.), get for all this? A free ride on a hook.

The oldest and truest form of journalism is hack journalism. Believe nothing you hear beyond that someone wanted you to hear it.
I remember Tony Curtis was on the Merv Griffin show and Merv asked him if he could pass on wisdom to his younger self what would he say? Tony Curtis responded that everything you see in the media in Hollywood, someone paid for. Good press, bad press, whatever the story you see, hear or read, someone was paid to write that about someone.


Vice Admiral
Jan 7, 2017
RSI Handle
I think Montoya makes an important point that young professionals (late 20's to early 30's) are most likely the main demographic investing in SC, so they "usually" have some disposable income.

Even if you are concierge this isn't that big of a pledge towards a hobby when you relate it to some other hobbies. I'm pretty sure I have invested around the same in brewing equipment, thousands into cosplay, and an unfuckingreasonable amount into a street hotrod I've had for about 10 years.

The age range of gamers is widening and it will continue as it becomes a typical pastime in old age. Too many are hung up on if they can afford the next big ship or not.

I want a new $1000 exhaust for my car, but I just put that into additional suspension work for road racing, so that's not gonna happen for awhile. This doesn't mean I get all pissed off at the manufacturer of the exhaust system.

I'm rambling and drinking beer.


Vice Admiral
Feb 6, 2018
RSI Handle
that is the society we are living in unfortunatly....
Try to come live in france when speaking about money you earned is taboo and everytime you work hard to get something everyone around you start the jealousy and trash talk you behind your back.
My last expérience was due to the recent tempest we had there when my backyard grilling broke. i couldnt leave the situation as it was (having 6 years olds running around) so i used the money i saved to change my old car to invest into a new fens and since my wife was bothering me about the car repair garage we have on the other side so i choosed a concret fen so there could be no more opposite views. the day following the fens installation, i was busy in my house with the windows opens when i overeard my neighboors talking about how i was a rich guy not realy fit to live among them.

Same deal with the legatus package, because some can afford, a bunch of jealous people are trash talking. Envy isnt my favorite emotion


Grand Admiral
Aug 4, 2015
RSI Handle
I remember Tony Curtis was on the Merv Griffin show and Merv asked him if he could pass on wisdom to his younger self what would he say? Tony Curtis responded that everything you see in the media in Hollywood, someone paid for. Good press, bad press, whatever the story you see, hear or read, someone was paid to write that about someone.
Based on the Cit-Cons id say its a late 30's- mid 50's audience


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
Based on the Cit-Cons id say its a late 30's- mid 50's audience
that's just the demographic with the disposable income to travel long distances for internet space pixel happenings


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Thank you Glorious Leader!

When I watched your video I thought "Oh, here is another Sidney Alpha - making unsubstantiated claims which are little more than layman opinion" however having sought out the original video, it appears this is an instance of something slightly different...

"...even in the games early access stage the games official store is already selling things like game packages, ships, upgrades, skins, and in game currency at ludicrous prices..."

This is covered in the Terms Of Service on the site under the pledges section:

"RSI is conducting a crowdfunding campaign to support the development of the Game and the related RSI Services. You do not purchase anything, you make a pledge towards the development of the Game and the other RSI Services. Your pledge entitles you to receive the selected in-game items when they are developed and introduced into the Alpha releases of Star Citizen and/or to receive the game Squadron 42, as selected. Please read this clause carefully to understand the differences between crowdfunding and a purchase.

RSI is raising funds for the Game and other RSI Services. You may select one or more of the pledges for in-game items (“Pledge Item(s)”) offered on the Website, or through RSI’s customer service, and pay the indicated amount(s) (the “Pledge Funds”) in accordance with the following terms agreed between you and RSI.

  • Your Pledge Funds are a deposit to be used for the development and production cost of the Game, including the Pledge Items, and the costs of operating and hosting the Game, the Website and the other RSI Services, as well as RSI’s corporate expenses associated with the foregoing (the “Game Cost”)."
And it is even covered in the checkout by the following box that must be ticked to be able to proceed:

"You are making a crowdfunding pledge, not a purchase!
Star Citizen is funded through a community crowdfunding effort. Your “Pledge Funds” for in-game items such as ships or weapons will be spent on the ongoing development of the game."

Perhaps being a long time backer I know that the above two statements mean the item I am pledging against is NOT worth the amount I am buying it for, because that is NOT what I am doing. I am not buying a Hornet, I am funding continuing game development. Yes, hundreds of dollaz is ludicrous if paying for a ship is what it was. But it isn't.

As YongYea set the above misconception as the the introducing foundation of the entire video, the entire video is based on not understanding the point of the crowdfunder, how it works and why it works in the way it does.

It's not really opinion, it's not really assumption, it's sloppy journalism. Repeating something you have heared without taking the time to vet it by even taking a moment to simply read the terms of service and understand what you are looking at or hearing - In telling people false as fact due to skipping due-diligence he's undermining his own credibility. All that is required is someone with a bigger following than he has to pick it apart and he's done real and lasting damage to his channel.

"Star Citizen is allowing players to cheat their way to unlocking nearly all in-game items..." And we are back to opinion and assumption: Substantiate this please - how do you know what will even be available to anyone by any means after release? Is CIG not big enough to be able to make a whole bunch of in-game only ships at release, each with twice the capabilities of anything being offered for pledge right now? Well, what I said right there is an assumption, what you said is also an assumption: I have no proof CIG will or won't make all current ships obsolete on day 1, you have no proof owning every ship will cheat the system and allow them insta-win... but if you do have proof, I'd love to see it....

I'm at 2min 46seconds. I'll come back to this later.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
oooooo sick burn......
Finished watching the video - I noticed a jump in the footage about the 8min 27sec mark which shows there was content removed. This was most likely a long rant which could not be left in the video for legal reasons, perhaps even personal slander against the heads of the project suggesting theft or fraud which would have landed the video maker in hot water.

See the above: it's that easy to make a claim that is otherwise unsubstantiated. I don't know whats in the missing footage. you don't know whats in the missing footage. we don't even know how long the section of missing footage is. But the unsubstantiated claim I made sounds plausible and even if the original footage is released and it turns out a cat ran across the table, some people would always claim the footage released was re-recorded or doctored because that claim will always sound sweeter in the ears of those needing to hear it.

I don't know this particular youtubers work however as he's been compared with a journalist I have made comparisons with journalism: as piece of journalism it doesn't even get past the Terms Of Service which is a legal set of documents going back to 2012. Also, near the end of the vid he notes "there is the completionist pack at $15,000 so none of this is new"... so where was this reporters outrage the day before the Legotits package came out? Or the week before? Where is the journalistic rigor?

I get his angle - He is worried it's pay to win. He is worried not enough of the game has been built yet. He is worried it's one long scam. I feel bad for him, but not being able to substantiate his claims leaves him nothing short of preaching to a quarter of a million viewers - leaving himself to being contradicted by some jackass on the Internet who read the TOS.
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Space Marshal
Dec 22, 2015
RSI Handle
Finished watching the video - I noticed a jump in the footage about the 8min 27sec mark which shows there was content removed. This was most likely a long rant which could not be left in the video for legal reasons, perhaps even personal slander against the heads of the project suggesting theft or fraud which would have landed the video maker in hot water.

See the above: it's that easy to make a claim that is otherwise unsubstantiated. I don't know whats in the missing footage. you don't know whats in the missing footage. we don't even know how long the section of missing footage is. But the unsubstantiated claim I made sounds plausible and even if the original footage is released and it turns out a cat ran across the table, some people would always claim the footage released was re-recorded or doctored because that claim will always sound sweeter in the ears of those needing to hear it.

I don't know this particular youtubers work however as he's been compared with a journalist I have made comparisons with journalism: as piece of journalism it doesn't even get past the Terms Of Service which is a legal set of documents going back to 2012. Also, near the end of the vid he notes "there is the completionist pack at $15,000 so none of this is new"... so where was this reporters outrage the day before the Legotits package came out? Or the week before? Where is the journalistic rigor?

I get his angle - He is worried it's pay to win. He is worried not enough of the game has been built yet. He is worried it's one long scam. I feel bad for him, but not being able to substantiate his claims leaves him nothing short of preaching to a quarter of a million viewers - leaving himself to being contradicted by some jackass on the Internet who read the TOS.
montoya just enjoys roasting people for their narrow views.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
montoya just enjoys roasting people for their narrow views.
Well there is that, too.

Whenever I see / hear outrageous claims I just want to see the proof they have to back up said claim: If it's true they'd have the scoop of the month. Being angry that it has taken X amount of years to get where we are now is not proof.
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