[Video] - Youtuber says Star Citizen backers are manipulated!


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
CIG offers cool looking ships, for a game they are developing...I buy said ships...whats the big deal?

As long as the "manipulation" occurs between consenting adults, who cares :P

(Yeah, I can see why this guy has 300k subs, the key to winning the YouTube views "war" is to constantly make controversial videos that provoke an emotional response, both positive and negative).

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Good Video as every time @Montoya :beer: :beers: :beer:

Geeee.... WTF!
I usually avoid calling people names because it's not nice, but that person is a retard.. IMO !

He should do good in practice some research before he have a opinion about things..

I 'm 100% on same side as Montoya here... I back for I like the idea of the game and sure I hope it is a success.

But if it fail so it fail, if it don't YeahaaHAA!

It's simple you back with money you can be without if you can't and still back then you're being dumb, simple as that and if he can't understand that I come to conclusion he's dumb and a retard!



Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I wonder when the guy throwing shade on everything anybody enjoys will grow the balls to declare that beer is just a fad & will never work out as an industry of any sort. The day after he does, thousands of people around the world will die ... from laughing at him until their diaphragms rupture. The video would go viral & would have to be uploaded by random people periodically because YouTube would have to keep taking it down to "save lives" & avoid lawsuits being filed against them from the family & friends of those who laughed themselves to death.


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
I am a fanboi who has been brainwashed into joining the Star Citizen cult despite it clearly being a gigantic scam

tl;dr: I have been manipulated

help me ease the pain of my victimhood

send money
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Grand Admiral
Jun 19, 2018
RSI Handle
Good video Montoya, as always. The guy just doesn't understand the concept of backing a game. I have back several and nobody made me back them. I did it all on my free choice.... and now I learn from this guy that I have been manipulated all this time. Dam can someone steer me to a support group..... I would like the support group to consist of like minded members..... wait.. could it be... is this the support group I was looking for.. hell yeah!


Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
Can you "invest" in a "vision"? Can you "invest "in "yourself"? Can you "invest" in a "hobby"? I would use the term "invest" for star citizen... via participation - monetary or not - and that has value in itself. An investment to me has many different meanings, like when you invest time at home with your family... it has its own intrinsic value, not for monetary reward but creating memories. You are right... if SC shut down tomorrow I'd be disappointed but it is not going to be the end of the world - I would feel some loss and because of the feeling, it is an investment.


Heresy detector
May 31, 2017
RSI Handle
I'm going to abandon my usual attempts at making sensible arguments related to the content and just say that this guy looks to me like a cross between two nefarious youtubers, one a militant (and possibly homicidal) vegan and the other an unabashed lover of used feminine hygiene products.


Grand Admiral
Sep 8, 2015
RSI Handle
I'm going to abandon my usual attempts at making sensible arguments related to the content and just say that this guy looks to me like a cross between two nefarious youtubers, one a militant (and possibly homicidal) vegan and the other an unabashed lover of used feminine hygiene products.
Worst buddy cop movie yet.
Who will play the grizzled Captain who's fed up with those reckless loose cannons but knows the city needs results?


Space Marshal
Aug 20, 2016
RSI Handle
This is just a prime example of the victim mentality that has become unreasonably popular since the advent of social media and the resulting justice warriors. People started receiving positive feedback from society once they entered the "victim" status. Suddenly, thousands would rally behind them. It became the preferred situation to be in.

If you were normal and without problems, you had your usual handful of friends. If you were a victim though, the sky was the limit. You suddenly had tons of people offering support. They would hang on your every word and anything you write would earn the response "they're so brave" and "they're my hero". They could do no wrong and everyone would just fall in line and become a card toting member of the pity party.

With all this victim idolism, it's no surprise that others strive to be victims too. Why settle for an average life when you can have your 5 minutes of fame as the latest victim of the latest issue. The way things are now, just do a quick search and you will find a dozen ways that you can stake your claim as a victim. Media outlets jumped into it with both feet as well. They found that they could get their views by simply deifying the latest victim. They could also double down and point out to everyone ways to be considered a victim.

That's where drivel like Downward Thrust comes in. They're just trying to catch the fever of the latest victim mentality. They do it in the same way as any other. They abandon fact. They twist logic. They use phrases and buzzwords that are designed to generate emotion instead of provoking thought. You want to talk about manipulation? You'd better look a little closer to home...

Honestly, that's why I can't take anyone seriously that jumps on this (or any other) victimological bandwagon. If they fail to realize that the story that brought them to their conclusions actually used infinitely more manipulation than the issue they're pointing out, then they don't deserve credibility themselves.


Vice Admiral
Feb 6, 2018
RSI Handle
So if i understand correctly this guy:

"we are manipulated idiots" because we gave money for a project we believe in and that we are actualy patient and understand this will take time.

Patience is a virtue that allow you to solve many problèms. Of course it wont and will never solve every things but it can make it go smoother.

But the major problèm in patience is that it will never give you the money !!

Let s call it the androméda effect, this game isnt finished and need a lot more polish but screw the patience as the investissor need there rentability there and now even if that means the compagny who actualy build the game will lose all crédits for futur itérations.

Is that the investissor problèm? hell no, they will just back up an other project in an other compagny and does the exact same thing again.

The losers in this are the game developpers and by extension the players. I m pretty sure there are awesom and skillfull developpers, artist , programmers, etc.... in bioware but there was no patience behind the project so they couldnt express themself.

Now a part of the player base is to blame to new génération need to have it all now right on the spot, waiting is so "have been".

Back in the days how many time did it take to créat from scratch one of those games on our old pc/consoles. The first legend of zelda took 6 persons and 1 year to make, now look in the content in this game compared to what it is now..... the legend of zelda breath of the wild took more than 200 persons and 6.5 years to developpe for an open world wich is limited in size.

Good thing take times Now they are working on the next itération since Febuary 2017 and the project will certainly take nearly 7/8 years to came out.

The problèm is that the majority of players still believe it still take 2/3 years to make a game, that is so 1990 !

The majority of the gamer renting youtubers are what we call in french "putaclic" wich could translate to "clicwhore". Meaning the only purpose is to get ppl clic the play button to generate profit and nothing else.
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