[Video] Zyloh responds to Squadron 42 delays


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
This whole road map thing to me is bizzare, to implement an entirely new and more advanced road map tells me this game is many many years away from being done. I think their going to break down the teams and what they are working on in an almost live type scenario, maybe I am looking into this to much but for them to actually make this road map better and more reliable it would have to be a lot more accurate and to do that it would mean an almost live type of service, Team A is working on flight mechanics right now blah blah blah I really don't care personally, the road map to me doesn't mean a whole lot because lets face it, if they don't finish something, if something disappears from it without explanation what is the consequence of that? Nothing, we as a community really can't do anything except complain on a forum which gets a reaction in the form of a post from CIG which may or may not be the truth, we will never know lmao.

This statement kind of gave me this impression - "This new Roadmap will drastically change how you follow the development progress for both Squadron 42 and Star Citizen. The new Roadmap will focus more on breaking out teams and features so you can interactively see what is being worked on across all teams, as opposed to what features will make X release. "

I really think this is the next step in the road map evolution, they want to throw something at us so insanely transparent that when they announce all the delays we will be awe over the fact that we can see what their doing everyday or maybe even every hour. I don't know exactly what it will be, I am totally guessing but I just don't see what else they can do with a road map that is going to give the community any more sense of involvement or knowledge that the old one didn't give us without it being updated in a much more detailed and timely fashion. Maybe I am just off my rocker! lmao.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
This could explain why the web developers are to busy to put out content - "While it’s not quite ready, it’s currently top priority on the web team’s current projects. In the immediate future"


Space Marshal
Oct 30, 2015
RSI Handle
I need a video to explain your video. LOL

Personally I am glad that they concentrate on game development......
we have a functioning bartender and the emotes work......Oh yeah, we can now wipe our helmets.
much better than a progress report.

Seriously, 3.10 is the best update we have ever had.........I for one am excited... I do not need a progress update. I test/play it every day.

Back to BETA testing SQ42 LMAO


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
The flow of Youtube hacks from this Kotaku report is just insane, the fact that its clear NONE of them even play the alpha yet feel they have a right to criticise it makes me lose my shit lol. I feel if these clowns and turds want to post negative feedback then they need to actually put some hours into the game and give their own report not just some bandwagon BS from Kotaku, hell their even reposting Kotaku's 2016 report, its laughable.


Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
Agree... problem is what if the answer is not positive? Fresh out of college I worked on a project for a Toronto automotive plant... putting in new automation equipment... the management always asked me, where are you at... 90% sir after two weeks... two weeks later... where are you at 90.5% sir... that is where they are at... I would suspect they hit a major road block but who knows. Too often with this game people defend the business and take the perspective that they will finish when they finish (early days, I agreed... in 2020, almost 2021, my patience is running thin). Like telling your kid to pick up dog poo... "Dad, I'll get around to it.."... a week later the neighbors are complaining. This is the same scenario... SC community is the neighbors.

Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
A: They lied about all of their progress and actually have nothing
B: They ran into a show-stopping hurdle they cannot overcome (Server meshing kaput) so they are playing dumb
C: Chris lost all of the funding in the divorce


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
One thing for sure is that there was some major hurdle or refactoring after 2016 that was supposed to take a few months which turned to be a few years.

I honestly do not believe we will get the real story until SQ42 hits the shelves.


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Since SQ 42 is a single player game, I don’t think server meshing is the issue. My biggest concern is that CR decided to trash it and start over because he didn’t like it.
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Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
My money is on Chris's ambition and scope creep. We continue to see it in the PU as one just needs to look at planet tech while it has added a lot of potential depth to the game it was not part of the originoal scope. It has also knock on effects like the flight model for in atmosphere, caves and POI and now land vehicles.

Chris has always been known for being ambitious and having a real hard time staying with in the bounds of the inital scope. Its also the reason why I backed this project as it will never be done it will always be a work in progress and thus it will never get stale or old but always be enhanced. The one caviod is if they never finish the framework then there will not be much of a framework for game elements or things for us to do in verse.

As for games like SQ42 that are story bound they do need to have a feature freeze or they will never be released. The fact that they are still going back to mocap for new animations shows the story has not been locked down yet and there is still a lot of rework and do overs that will continue to push the release date forward. One can say they should just lock down and push what ever they have to release which is what large publishers like EA does and we can see what a dumpster fire that is. The other end of the spectrum is projects that stay in purgatory to long and then get released well beyond when they should and we end up with a dated graphics and forgetable story like what Duke Nukem Forever turned into.

So while SQ42 is at risk of being delayed for years and finaly getting released to lacklusterness, the good news is the PU because of its nature can be continued to be polished and enhanced and we the players will greatly benifit from it.
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