To my surprise, I got a PM on Spectrum from VirtualAce... while I assume it's some kind of bulk eMail everyone got, I'll just put it here:
Thanks to the PSU of my main PC acting up, I can't check that... atm.
This doesn't look like anything VA is capable of writing on his own which shows he may be seeking help of others to write his messages now.
Now for some perspective: we are talking about an individual and an organization that is guilty of pad camping scores of players at Grim Hex alone, they even manage to pad camp players at olisar by ramming their ships. He is also using this hack to find players and stalk them from server to server. We have evidence of him bragging in his own video that they are rage quitting (forced to leave the server). Have evidence of him packet sniffing or whatever you call it to gain information of players in the server on multiple videos.
Another thing to consider - He has managed to know when those he stalks are entering a server without them saying anything in local chat while he is in a server already. While he is picking on the newer players he kicks from his org that didn't agree with his unethical organization practices, we show up to help them and poof him and his org will log out. No way they knew we had logged in unless he was in the act of pad camping, which is quite often, and then sees us as we try to get in ships. Multiple occasions though we have had players log in to Olisar and before they were out of their bunks he knew they were in the server and fled the scene of the crime.
We have been forced to create an alert system for all the rest of the decent players in Star Citizen to attempt to thwart his bullying with some success. We have Holy War which was created out of necessity by Mr_Urchin to help all the people with integrity that had enough of Aerospace Alliance and their bullying of the community. Also TEST has an early warning system created by MarcSand2 that is in its alpha stages.
If the guy is gonna cheat in alpha,its likely he will cheat when the game is live. Why would CIG tolerate this to begin with? What seems to be worse is the fact an evocatti member is aiding them. Without him VirtualAce is nothing anyway.
The evidence of him cheating and bragging about it alone should be plenty of an early warning sign of how twisted this individual is.