VirtualAce (Now N_forcer from Aerospace Alliance) Exploiting / Lag Switching Drama Queen


Space Marshal
Feb 14, 2016
RSI Handle
@TheNOOBIFIER1337 you are, and have been, the most stand up guy I've met since joining the greater SC community. I exempt Test Squadron because, reasons. They know what they are.To all the peeps who came to us from AA and the Drama Llama ding dong, Welcome!

I suppose it's time to spend more time in AC with the Worst possible ship now that the Cutlass is being rebuild.

nice to know who I can give no fucks about. It's kinda like a personal list of disregard as non-entities. Until shot at.

currently at work, so sober sadly.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
@TheNOOBIFIER1337 you are, and have been, the most stand up guy I've met since joining the greater SC community. I exempt Test Squadron because, reasons. They know what they are.To all the peeps who came to us from AA and the Drama Llama ding dong, Welcome!

I suppose it's time to spend more time in AC with the Worst possible ship now that the Cutlass is being rebuild.

nice to know who I can give no fucks about. It's kinda like a personal list of disregard as non-entities. Until shot at.

currently at work, so sober sadly.
Very well said.


Space Marshal
Mar 6, 2016
RSI Handle

So lets see what we have here ....
bla bla bla....... hmmmm.........bla bla bla bla.... yes, I see
bla bla bla ........ nothing new there
more bla bla.........WAIT.........Uhhhhhh.

┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻
A double flip......... impressive

it's Gonna be a good day !! :grin:
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Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle

My first experience to Star Citizen Organizations began with Aerospace Alliance. I like many others were new to the verse and stranded with a criminal stat not sure how to fix this. I kept getting thwarted from Kareah and hours later none other than Virtual Ace came to my rescue ;-) He offered me membership in his exclusive "non-pirate" org. Upon joining he was redundant in saying how anti-Pirate/ Troll behaviour his org was and yes he used those terms synonymously.

Months later as I began to learn to fly and get a feel for the scope of this game, I became a part of org battles in the Verse with orgs, he claimed, " were griefing his org"

My first clue: Myself along with AA was battling WHP, an org he had a huge dislike for because they had a youtube stream and made him feel inadequate. At the end of this battle, while we were licking our wounds, I made the terrible mistake of saying, "Good Game to WHP" in Local chat in the PU. How dare I, what was I thinking. I was immediately yanked down into a private berating in Discord for, . . . get this . . . "Making VirtualAce Look bad"

He told me I wasn't a team player, I need to be behind my guys. I spent 15 to 20 minutes listening to him ramble about how I need to have his back and be on "his side" and how terrible it was I said "Good Game" to WHP for what I considered a great fight. (yes the entire fight I had to ignore his 12 year old name calling to all their players in local) I used to say I had to turn off chat because it obstructed my HUD views, I really was too embarrased to watch him carry on like he did during any combat sequence.

Not knowing any other players or orgs at the time . . . What was I supposed to do? I loved the game, had lots of money invtested and KNEW if I left he would have a KOS sign on my back for ETERNITY. The same boat many of his org members are in. Notice very few of his '400' are ever online. I know what many of them are thinking I was in that boat with them for over half a year . . .

How you get a KOS for life in Aerospace Alliance and what determines "An Act of Piracy" in VA's eyes? I've already mentioned above he uses the word 'Pirate' loosely and uses it synonymously with the word 'Troll'. Conveniently enough both those words describe Mr. Ace perfectly.

If you are in the "Alpha Test Universe" and actually test ALL the game mechanics, this will make you a 'Pirate' in Mr. Ace's eyes. Don't even consider trying to play the Public Enemy mechanic, which needs more testing by the way because of griefers like Mr. Ace.

If you have a Criminal Stat and feel like testing all those "EVIL 'PIRATE' MISSIONS" . . . YES that makes you a 'Pirate' and KOS for LIFE in Mr. Ace's eyes.

If you are involved in any type of conflict whether it be FPS or Dogfighting with him or any member of his org while he is online . . . If you even say some clever shit talk in local chat during the altercation . . . YES that not only makes you a 'Pirate' and KOS for LIFE but you graduated to 'Pirate Troll' and therefore are associated with all thats evil in the universe for life.

If you routinely spawn at Grim Hex and test those mechanics . . . Do I really need to go on . . .?

Welcome to the rigid belief system that is Mr. Ace -- Trying to prevent Testing of Star Citizen all across the Verse . . .

If he replys to this I shall go on about how he has pad camped me an about 3 dozen others for testing pirate mechanics in the PU . . . . And ordered his org memebers to lock down Grim Hex and force those guys testing those mechanics to move servers . . . I have a witness list a mile long . . .

Thankfully I found Test Squadron and some sound leadership, its such a huge change from a psychopathic Dictatorship who runs a Cult!

Welcome to the Best Org in the Verse, Kancer. I'm honored you choose to be amomg us fellow Testies.
Test Squadron - Where the cool guys hang!


Space Marshal
May 6, 2016
RSI Handle
Wow, I've been off the forums for a bit. I just jumped on and started reading this thread (took the advice of some early posters and got popcorn and beer). Game isn't even finished yet and Drama, Drama, Drama:money_mouth: This thread is better than daytime tv. Can't wait to see what's next LOL. Also welcome to all the new members:grinning: TEST IS BEST


Mar 6, 2017
RSI Handle
AA Victim
The problem with VirtualAce is, he isn't a great pilot but he orders his guys to fill up servers and pad camp anyone they see trying to test the game from the criminal mission side at Grim Hex. They literally form up and make sure no one can take off and force people out of the servers. This griefing and taking things personal is the issue, the griefing of anyone who tests game mechanics he finds unappealing to his play style. Somebody has to test it but he won't allow people to test this content while he is online. The sooner they give us more options to get in a ship and at least take off the better. I wish he were a better player and could actually play Public Enemy once, its really fun and gives some content to the current alpha. His envy of those players capable of playing PE drives much of his hate/rage.

He doesn't seem intelligent enough to recognize this tactic, his only successful tactic, won't work when the game is more complete and all he is doing now is creating a mile long list of enemies (LOL including many very large organizations). The way he gets his org behind this is propaganda and they believe him when he tells them Aerospace Alliance is the "victim". Its really amazing to watch this behavior and yes it is worth a book or two, if he was 12 years old I would understand but hes at least 35 years old and should know better. I used to feel sorry for those guys until I saw them also participating in the spawn camping. There really is no lower form of unethical behavior in an alpha build than spawn camping testers. This however is a very good indicator of VA's idea of "competition".

My guess of what is going on of late: VirtualAce says, "Listen guys they are trying to bring our organization down and calling you guys names." He will show them highly edited screenshots making it appear that he is the victim and these, what he calls "Troll Orgs" are the aggressors.

If any of you stumble upon this, VirtualAce is the "Troll" all you have to do is monitor his behavior in any competitive scenario. And POOF you have his own words here several times in this thread to judge for yourself how mature he is. Or is he saying someone made all that up? I don't understand why you guys stay in that org? The behaviour your org exhibits in Alpha Test is what many of these orgs are going to do to you from day one when we finally have a game to play.

As I type this he has several players spawn camped at Hex . . . what a douche bag

I guess if your guys aren't good enough to fight fair you can always pull a VirtualAce camp at Hex and call that some sort of "moral victory". I really don't understand what goes on in those minds. He always leaves me speechless after I really try to wrap my head around his actions.

Some might say, "don't play criminal and they can't do this" Well guess again, if you make their list for testing the criminal mechanics they will also spawn camp you at Olisar by group ramming as you try to take off from that space port. He even has videos of him ramming people outside of Olisar and bragging about it like he did something good. He really thinks that is a "good thing".

Again speechless . . .
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Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
The problem with VirtualAce is, he isn't a great pilot but he orders his guys to fill up servers and pad camp anyone they see trying to test the game from the criminal mission side at Grim Hex. They literally form up and make sure no one can take off and force people out of the servers. This griefing and taking things personal is the issue, the griefing of anyone who tests game mechanics he finds unappealing to his play style. Somebody has to test it but he won't allow people to test this content while he is online. The sooner they give us more options to get in a ship and at least take off the better. I wish he were a better player and could actually play Public Enemy once, its really fun and gives some content to the current alpha. His envy of those players capable of playing PE drives much of his hate/rage.

He doesn't seem intelligent enough to recognize this tactic, his only successful tactic, won't work when the game is more complete and all he is doing now is creating a mile long list of enemies (LOL including many very large organizations). The way he gets his org behind this is propaganda and they believe him when he tells them Aerospace Alliance is the "victim". Its really amazing to watch this behavior and yes it is worth a book or two, if he was 12 years old I would understand but hes at least 35 years old and should know better. I used to feel sorry for those guys until I saw them also participating in the spawn camping. There really is no lower form of unethical behavior in an alpha build than spawn camping testers. This however is a very good indicator of VA's idea of "competition".

My guess of what is going on of late: VirtualAce says, "Listen guys they are trying to bring our organization down and calling you guys names." He will show them highly edited screenshots making it appear that he is the victim and these, what he calls "Troll Orgs" are the aggressors.

If any of you stumble upon this, VirtualAce is the "Troll" all you have to do is monitor his behavior in any competitive scenario. And POOF you have his own words here several times in this thread to judge for yourself how mature he is. Or is he saying someone made all that up? I don't understand why you guys stay in that org? The behaviour your org exhibits in Alpha Test is what many of these orgs are going to do to you from day one when we finally have a game to play.

As I type this he has several players spawn camped at Hex . . . what a douche bag

I guess if your guys aren't good enough to fight fair you can always pull a VirtualAce camp at Hex and call that some sort of "moral victory". I really don't understand what goes on in those minds. He always leaves me speechless after I really try to wrap my head around his actions.

Some might say, "don't play criminal and they can't do this" Well guess again, if you make their list for testing the criminal mechanics they will also spawn camp you at Olisar by group ramming as you try to take off from that space port. He even has videos of him ramming people outside of Olisar and bragging about it like he did something good. He really thinks that is a "good thing".

Again speechless . . .
I know what you mean. I went thru the same with some children from MAGA. One of their guys started to snipe me on an ICC mission. He had an Avenger and I had my Sabre. It didn't go well for him. The rest of them decided to hunt me down over and over with the usual troll language. I logged of to go to another server. I had to do this for a week until thy got bored and I haven't heard or seen them since. It sucks when you want to bug test and the kids won't leave you alone.


Jun 1, 2017
RSI Handle
Hello All, I am StreetgangActual (HHN_StreetgangActual in the verse), and like many who have commented here, I share a similar experience as a former AA member. But that's not really what I'm commenting on-- a few pages ago, @Mr_UrChin was talking about Holy War and @AlphaSufi, who fiirst introduced me to the movement, and also to Mr_Urchin and the rest of the brethren involved in the Hunt. The thing that has become poignant for me in this whole (sometimes dirty) business, is that what was inititally a communication channel meant for coordinated attacks against an aggressor at first superior in number, has become something of far greater value to the community as a whole. So many players of incredible skill that I had once seen only a faceless enemy, suddenly become comrades, mentors, and general like-minded buddies who share a similar dedication to improving personal skill and fostering the amazing spirit and comraderie, of COMMUNITY that this game can sometimes bring out in people. Sure, it all started as an act of vengeance. Now, to me, at least, it is a force for community. It has become the very thing that Aerospace Alliance claims to be.


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
If you can get video proof of LAG SWITCHING or any other form of in-game CHEATING.......Send these videos to the CIG Devs via discord or Spectrum message...... The CIG Devs will BAN anyone caught cheating in the PU or AC for a period of time.... CHEATING is forbidden.

Pad camping, trolling etc is not cheating but using a LAG SWITCH is.
CIG has already Banned (temporarily) several people for cheating & added their handles to a list for the servers to monitor.
CHEATERS have been & will continue to be added to this list.
(This applies to AC and SM as well as the PU.)

Thank you.

There will always be the 'Purer than everyone else' white knights... They think it makes for good recruiting & of course chest thumping......

@marcsand2 - There will be Persistence starting with 3.0 - Including Citizen/Criminal Reputation.
I suggest that you always allow the white knights to fire first. (Teasing them to do so is legitimate game play.)
That way they get a Criminal status and, from 3.0 on wards, all the Bounty Hunters will be after them as they are the CRIMINALS will have bounties.
Just a suggestion.

3.0 will change everything regarding how people play the game.....We have not actually had the 'game' yet.
It will be very interesting........
I've never heard before, that 3.0 would be the first "real" persistance alpha version. Where has this been stated?

The real shocker to me is, that he managed to get 400+ people in his org... xD
400 people is not that shocker imho - but if they are really "exclusive" members, then I wonder, based on the comments of ex-AA, why those 400 aren't that active...?

Hello all, my name is VirtuaAce, the "subject" of this thread. I was pointed here and want to clarify a few things from mine and our guys perspective. My post may get deleted to hide certain truths but I will go ahead in anticipation that this is a free forum where everyone can voice their own opinion. So just grab a small size popcorn and coke because I doubt I will post anything further than what I will write below. I plan to address everything now and let it stand. I know I know, it is fun for some to watch this sort of thing go back and forth but hey we are all busy with real life right?

Firstly the passing of personal email exchanges from myself and theNoobifier and then theNoobifier giving that to Montoya and then it getting posted here is a clear sign of our differences. I see certain parts were left out where theNoobifier was insulting me by calling me delusional and self-righteous, they were left out intentionally, also the screenshots of his org members he is supposed to be the leader of were omitted. I have them below with a few others.

Those insults are what solicited my responses to him. If you read my original post to theNoobifier above you will see that I went in good faith and was polite and cordial. I also tried to be polite and cordial over voice with him in his discord. He came off cold and gave me the tough guy treatment, basically raising his voice to me at one point early on saying "I took care of it!", later telling me it's his way because he was a "Canadian Soldier?" OK then... Regardless we settled on keeping the peace and ExoNomad agreed as well and to his credit he was not trolling in chat and yes we did fight in ships again but with no toxicity from his part, perfect, just what we wanted, now we are getting somewhere.

theNoobifier then wrote me back a day or so later telling me he basically changed his mind because of all the "rumors" I call it "fake news" that was going on about me/AA. I basically was not happy about him going back on the agreement to chill and hence my harsh words to him which now you understand the context. Anyways, I had originally come to him about his guys ExoNomad and AshAngel. Here are some screenshots which were also missing from the OP and theNoobifier.

Holy mother of God - such a HUGE wall of text. Is there any short conclusion of it...?

From someone who would rather be a non-com but . . .

I was in AA for a while - some very good people whose company I enjoyed.
I left after questioning a Virtual Ace directive to shoot Auroras on the pads at SPK - they were not a threat.

I was then subjected to an, often abusive, verbal tirade in open VOIP while the others present went into their well practised "embarrassed silence" mode waiting for our Glorious leader to finish.
I was not thrown out but left a few minutes later wishing them all luck for the future.
The End?

Nope - about 2 months later . . .
I am in a well know organisations Discord that VA happens to hate (as friend - not a member) doing some weapon testing and getting some very cool tips on decoupled flying. Note that nobody in AA ever got any flight training / debrief but that's another matter, anyway - I get sent this pm

Wow - "How does he know" I think but then the sheer arrogance of this "person" hits me.

Leaving aside the fact that kill lists are very much against CIG rules this person wants to hurt my enjoyment of a game I have put many, many $ into and is prepared to document it. !!!!

I went from wanting to stay right out of this to being pulled right in.
I still do want to stay out of it - I have other plans for my game play and it does not include useless woe from small minded people.

I have posted this as I do believe that many in AA are not so happy with how things are going (you know who you are) and that they deserve better so, maybe my comment here is a good thing.

One thing is very clear - Virtual Ace(?) sure does know how to bring it out in people.
Why haven't you sent this evidence to CIG, along with such KOS-statements which were collected by your other ex-AA bros?

Sorry for this wall of text but writing isn't my thing . . . This is mainly for current members of Aerospace Alliance who get lucky enough to find this thread and get away from that Psychopath

My welcome to Star Citizen (I'm writing this for those in AA that are concerned with their situation)

Found out about the game in a doctors office. The magazine had Mark Hamill and John Rys Davies on the cover just like Wing Commander on my 3DO. I came into SC extremely excited and was addicted after my first successful trip into the PU. Then came Arena Commander and I was hooked for life. One day in PU I was stuck with crime stat and by myself and having issues clearing it at Kareah. None other than Virtual Ace came to my rescue and invited me to his “EXCLUSIVE NON-PIRATE NON-TROLL” organization.

At face value they appeared as great people and very professional. AA had lots of big dollar backers and a complex system in place from its previous founders, many of which have moved on due to VirtualAce's toxic personality during competition; more on this later. A routine day would have 10 to 20 players online playing in the PU and AC. Most of their time was VirtualAce pressuring people to hang out at SPK and run “operations” in the same instance. The problem with this is that the servers are limited to 24 players and once you get 8 or 10 guys together in a server there really isn't any competition. At first I just stuck to Arena Commander as that seems to still be the best place for competitive play until server loads are expanded.

Mr. Ace would constantly come in with stories about how this org or that org had wronged him or one of the org members somehow and one began to notice he seemed to be taking competition in the PU very personal. I finally had some skills several months in and was participating in the “org battles”. This again was pretty boring most of the time. It was generally AA with vastly superior numbers and superior ships fighting against randoms in starter packs or minimalist ships. Very boring stuff against our guys working as a team. At first I just figured these players in AA had never experienced any real competition in life and no harm appeared to be happening.

During one several week stretch a member from UINS and on another occasion someone from WHP had made a clever remark to VirtualAce in local chat. Purely harmless trash talk but VA took it very personal and began exaggerating claims and getting very agitated. It took me another month or so to see past his exaggerations of these other org's “crimes”. What is really going on here is VirtualAce has very little self confidence and is the poorest sport I have ever encountered in 45 years of competitive play in live or virtual gaming. Also if you pay close attention to his past transgressions he absolutely has to have the last word. If he gets the last word, no matter the outcome on the battlefield, he claims victory. I've embarrassingly watched this play out more times than I should have, so sad . . .
Woah, another wall of text. Interesting thing is: I've read through it, a 100%. Usually I don't do this. But this was written in a way that kept my attention. Well done. And I'm sorry for your trouble. Imho the best way is to get into another org, get some hugs and company and be sure, never to fly alone again in the verse. I mean, who would travel through real space alone? To be with TEST for sure is a good way finding back to the fun of the game. And the second point is: there will be way over 2 million accounts when SC goes into beta phase. At least! And even if 50 or 70% are fake accounts (which I do not believe!) - what meaning has a tiny org with 400 players? This is nothing. Even TEST is nothing. I mean, 12k people out of 600k (imho there will be 1 Mio. +...), its 2%. Two percent!! So, just relax, hop into TEST (or any other org you like), enjoy company and have fun. And don't let your soul or life be darkened by such poor souls like this VA. It is not worth anything in any way, looking to your own life and lifes' quality. Besides, even IF you will be alone in the verse: because of the risk levels in space, people like VA can't go rage in every part of space. You will have your "feel-safe-and-good"-ingame-areas where no human pirate can harm you. People, who want to play pirate, can do this in the risky areas - but they also have to count on the fact, that there will be other, probably better skilled pirates who will ambush them. So, again: don't bother anymore. Everything will be fine.
Hopefully, that my words will help you out of this trouble a little bit.

Im not sure I see the problem here.

I get told I am the worst leader every single day by TEST members.

In fact, as I wake up, I have a bunch of PMs telling how I suck.

I always thought this was normal!
@everyone From now on you will send our GLORIOUS leader EVERY F*CKING DAY a HUG&LOVE-message!!
This is for you, poor Montoya:


Space Marshal
May 20, 2016
RSI Handle
The problem with VirtualAce is, he isn't a great pilot but he orders his guys to fill up servers and pad camp anyone they see trying to test the game from the criminal mission side at Grim Hex. They literally form up and make sure no one can take off and force people out of the servers. This griefing and taking things personal is the issue, the griefing of anyone who tests game mechanics he finds unappealing to his play style. Somebody has to test it but he won't allow people to test this content while he is online. The sooner they give us more options to get in a ship and at least take off the better. I wish he were a better player and could actually play Public Enemy once, its really fun and gives some content to the current alpha. His envy of those players capable of playing PE drives much of his hate/rage.

He doesn't seem intelligent enough to recognize this tactic, his only successful tactic, won't work when the game is more complete and all he is doing now is creating a mile long list of enemies (LOL including many very large organizations). The way he gets his org behind this is propaganda and they believe him when he tells them Aerospace Alliance is the "victim". Its really amazing to watch this behavior and yes it is worth a book or two, if he was 12 years old I would understand but hes at least 35 years old and should know better. I used to feel sorry for those guys until I saw them also participating in the spawn camping. There really is no lower form of unethical behavior in an alpha build than spawn camping testers. This however is a very good indicator of VA's idea of "competition".

My guess of what is going on of late: VirtualAce says, "Listen guys they are trying to bring our organization down and calling you guys names." He will show them highly edited screenshots making it appear that he is the victim and these, what he calls "Troll Orgs" are the aggressors.

If any of you stumble upon this, VirtualAce is the "Troll" all you have to do is monitor his behavior in any competitive scenario. And POOF you have his own words here several times in this thread to judge for yourself how mature he is. Or is he saying someone made all that up? I don't understand why you guys stay in that org? The behaviour your org exhibits in Alpha Test is what many of these orgs are going to do to you from day one when we finally have a game to play.

As I type this he has several players spawn camped at Hex . . . what a douche bag

I guess if your guys aren't good enough to fight fair you can always pull a VirtualAce camp at Hex and call that some sort of "moral victory". I really don't understand what goes on in those minds. He always leaves me speechless after I really try to wrap my head around his actions.

Some might say, "don't play criminal and they can't do this" Well guess again, if you make their list for testing the criminal mechanics they will also spawn camp you at Olisar by group ramming as you try to take off from that space port. He even has videos of him ramming people outside of Olisar and bragging about it like he did something good. He really thinks that is a "good thing".

Again speechless . . .
Hello All, I am StreetgangActual (HHN_StreetgangActual in the verse), and like many who have commented here, I share a similar experience as a former AA member. But that's not really what I'm commenting on-- a few pages ago, @Mr_UrChin was talking about Holy War and @AlphaSufi, who fiirst introduced me to the movement, and also to Mr_Urchin and the rest of the brethren involved in the Hunt. The thing that has become poignant for me in this whole (sometimes dirty) business, is that what was inititally a communication channel meant for coordinated attacks against an aggressor at first superior in number, has become something of far greater value to the community as a whole. So many players of incredible skill that I had once seen only a faceless enemy, suddenly become comrades, mentors, and general like-minded buddies who share a similar dedication to improving personal skill and fostering the amazing spirit and comraderie, of COMMUNITY that this game can sometimes bring out in people. Sure, it all started as an act of vengeance. Now, to me, at least, it is a force for community. It has become the very thing that Aerospace Alliance claims to be.
I've never heard before, that 3.0 would be the first "real" persistance alpha version. Where has this been stated?

400 people is not that shocker imho - but if they are really "exclusive" members, then I wonder, based on the comments of ex-AA, why those 400 aren't that active...?

Holy mother of God - such a HUGE wall of text. Is there any short conclusion of it...?

Why haven't you sent this evidence to CIG, along with such KOS-statements which were collected by your other ex-AA bros?

Woah, another wall of text. Interesting thing is: I've read through it, a 100%. Usually I don't do this. But this was written in a way that kept my attention. Well done. And I'm sorry for your trouble. Imho the best way is to get into another org, get some hugs and company and be sure, never to fly alone again in the verse. I mean, who would travel through real space alone? To be with TEST for sure is a good way finding back to the fun of the game. And the second point is: there will be way over 2 million accounts when SC goes into beta phase. At least! And even if 50 or 70% are fake accounts (which I do not believe!) - what meaning has a tiny org with 400 players? This is nothing. Even TEST is nothing. I mean, 12k people out of 600k (imho there will be 1 Mio. +...), its 2%. Two percent!! So, just relax, hop into TEST (or any other org you like), enjoy company and have fun. And don't let your soul or life be darkened by such poor souls like this VA. It is not worth anything in any way, looking to your own life and lifes' quality. Besides, even IF you will be alone in the verse: because of the risk levels in space, people like VA can't go rage in every part of space. You will have your "feel-safe-and-good"-ingame-areas where no human pirate can harm you. People, who want to play pirate, can do this in the risky areas - but they also have to count on the fact, that there will be other, probably better skilled pirates who will ambush them. So, again: don't bother anymore. Everything will be fine.
Hopefully, that my words will help you out of this trouble a little bit.

@everyone From now on you will send our GLORIOUS leader EVERY F*CKING DAY a HUG&LOVE-message!!
This is for you, poor Montoya:

Me reading this wall of text...


Mar 6, 2017
RSI Handle
AA Victim
Talking about Holy War . . .

it is a force for community. It has become the very thing that Aerospace Alliance claims to be.
Very well put, sir. Yes VA has his members believing that is what they are doing by griefing testers and just anyone who comes in contact with VA and says ANYTHING to him in chat becomes his enemy. You either bow down and submit to him and his way of thinking or get added to his KOS for LIFE list.
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