Like I said before EA is at both ends of the spectrum, I don't think there is a single person that has been in any of these threads about Anthem or EA that can honestly say they have not played a great EA game or a bad EA game, they have been some of the best and worst for me over the past few decades, yes lately EA has been spotty in many genre's and titles I could list half a dozen disappointments in the past 2 years alone, division 1, FOR HONOR, Ghost Recon, NHL 19 etc... literally dozens of borderline failures, mediocre middle of the road games or just flat out loot crate disasters and I completely agree EA is a money machine 1st and 2nd, a distant 3rd would be its care for its gamer base. But lets not forget who helped turn this gaming industry into that which we hate, we the gaming community have turned into a brain dead, bored off our ass buy anything bunch of zombies and we helped create these company monsters that sell unfinished, unpolished subpar games.
Until the gaming community comes together and boycotts pre-sale, pre-purchase free stuff lemmings and wait for games to launch and wait for good reviews and hit these companies in their pocket books nothing will change and I admit I am just as guilty as everyone else, I pre order tons of games, I buy currency in some games and I buy loot crates in some games, hell I buy my wife mounts in WoW every time they add one because she wants them all. But what can you do sometimes you just have to play the cards were dealt and this for now is how the gaming industry rolls.
Bottom line is Anthem is not nearly as bad as people are portraying, yes the Demo's were bad in many area's but they were also good as well, to hate all games because EA is attached to it is silly and might cost some people a good time in a good game because they wont give it a chance. Hell after Division 1's launch I was pretty much anti D2 and after several Ubisoft blunders I wasn't even going to try it but after watching a lot of reviews I am now giving it a shot because I don't want to miss out on a good gaming chance. Because F076 blew does that mean I won't give another Fallout game a chance? Prolly not, the point is many companies make gaming blunders lately but they have also made great games as well, I learned to take them 1 game at a time.