What books are you currently reading


Space Marshal
Apr 23, 2014
RSI Handle
Words Of Radiance by Brandon Saunderson. 2nd book of an excellent series so far and a brilliant author. If anyone here likes fantasy novels check out his back catalog for sure.

+1 on The Stormlight Archive (Way of Kings and Words of Radiance) Excellent series, sure to be a fantasy staple for years to come.

I'm currently reading The Silo Series by Hugh Howey. Fantastically written story about a group of people who have lived and died in a specially constructed Silo for generations. Started out as a amazon-only short story (Wool), and now its so popular that someone already bought the movie rights and the dude finished the series. Would recommend to anyone who enjoys science fiction or survival stories. Even my girlfriend liked it!
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Space Marshal
Aug 19, 2014
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"The Outcast Dead" from the Horus Heresy series.
This entire series is great. gets amazing-er after roughly the 12th(?) book i believe.

I'm currently reading some Noam Chomsky stuff along with a book called "Crime and Punishment"
the latter of which is slow to read but very engaging after a while.


Space Marshal
Nov 3, 2014
RSI Handle
On the list of a million things I plan to do that first week when I get back stateside is to watch Interstellar on my bigscreen LED with some nice Jameson or Johnny Walker on hand. This book may be a follow-up to me watching this movie.
You HAVE to read the book, after watching the movie. It is must. Actually, on second read-through. This time with some notes. Doing about 15 mins a morning. And Jame-O does goes well with this one. Fuck, Jame-O goes good with almost anything.

Also, TRY and see if you can get to see it in IMAX somewhere. I heard rumors you could still see it on there. If not, then at last resort watch on the TV. Though, it is going to be rough to get a good real Hi Res copy for a while. When Nolan was asked about why he didn't send out screeners of his work that he was most proud of he was quoted as saying something like, "If they can not get off their asses to go into the movie theater to see the movie as it was intended to be seen, then fuck em". So, there are not going to any good quality copies for a long time, sadly. I will of course know instantly when one hits the webs and will PM you :) The story was very important, and was half the reason to see the film IMO, as it really moved me. However, the truth of the matter is that I also really really loved the scope, scale, and CG Science of the movie that was best seen in IMAX, and preferably 70MM IMAX too. I have seen it in Regular 35 or whatever too, and it was not that great at all. Also, I have seen the best copies out there and they are abysmal cams. Still, the movie is EPIC for us Citizens of the Stars.
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Space Marshal
Oct 29, 2014
RSI Handle
You HAVE to read the book, after watching the movie. It is must. Actually, on second read-through. This time with some notes. Doing about 15 mins a morning. And Jame-O does goes well with this one. Fuck, Jame-O goes good with almost anything.

Also, TRY and see if you can get to see it in IMAX somewhere. [ /QUOTE]

I heard my local aquarium, that has an IMAX, still has their copy for use but do not have any scheduled showings. Wife and I are members and donators so I plan to pull some favors on that one to see if I can get a screening setup. Just got to get enough people to request it as well... and then add Jamo to flask and I would be a go! :)
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