What is so special about TEST Squadron?

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
But that dude drinks all the beer!

On a semi-serious note:
We're inclusive, fun, and helpful. Because there's no BS at the top level, there's none flowing down from the top level. There's no stupid hierarchy and a list of do and don't that's five miles long. There's just a bunch of people who get together to have fun.

And that's what makes TEST awesome.

Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
We are fundamentally a fun-centric org. Many orgs out there exist as a medium in which keyboard Kommanders get to exercise power over others, veiled as "Structure" or "Discipline". These orgs lose sight of what we are all here for; A goddamn video game. So come on down, drink some beer, shitpost a bit, then go fly an aurora into something flammable.

Blessed to be TEST


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Traditional Orgs tend to be obsessed with the power having a large amount of members has - Great now they have 200 members they can set them on a rotating shift pattern to block Jump Point X or occupy Security Base Kareah until the server crashes.

But TEST is not obsessed with this. It may eventually have objectives you can join in with but you are also more than welcome to do your own thing, and if that thing finds something huge you need help with (like an abandoned Bengal battleship to bring back to life) then you've over 17,000 buddies who can lend a hand if they feel like it.

I like to think of TEST as a herd of cats. Cats'll do whatever they want - if you show them a toy they might feel like playing that day or they may have something more interesting to do like licking their arse or gazing out of the window or chasing down some wildlife or ripping up your sofa or whatever.

Gamers, especially in a Sandbox game world, are a bit like cats and have that option - do the missions or mess about entertaining yourself. Who hasn't spent hours running around a Grand Theft Auto city or building a Tower in minecraft rather than going to The End or another of its mission endpoints...? Even in non-sandbox games like racing games, who hasn't turned round and gone the wrong way round the track against the flow at least once just to see what happens?

This is how TEST is presented to players: You can do TEST org stuff, but you are more than welcome to also do your own thing. If you are aiming to fly to Taranis just to sight-see, go nuts - I hear the Broken Moon there is worth a visit. There are going to be 100 systems in the game and your Org wants you to go pick up some toilet rolls for the base when all you want to do is go surfing on some planets sandy beaches? Naa. I've got Housework IRL to be getting on with.

Heres something I've never let on: I wasn't interested in ORGs. I didn't think I'd have the time to invest to make it worth joining one. But the way TEST aims to play in every single way possible from "ultra-timesponge role-play" to "super-casual login once a month" means I have the option to join in as I want, or not even engage with Org aims and activities at all if in the scant moments I get to log in I decide I have something I want to do (I wanna go to Taranis, damn it!).

It's what got me hooked in anyway... so if thats special, then thats what makes TEST special.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
oh TEST Squadron is "special" alright...
Do you mean 'special' spelled with a capital R?

(I was called that at work by a colleague when I messed something up. "Oh, you've done something special there... Special spelled with a capital R")
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Space Marshal
Oct 30, 2015
RSI Handle
Orgs are just a group of people.
TEST is Special because the members are Special.
Just a group of fun Gamers here.

I hope you are also one and join us.
TEST SQAUDRON - BEST SQUARDON (spelling not required)

btw - We have @Blind Owl and @CrudeSasquatch --- In fact, we have the entire animal kingdom.
And some plant life as well.
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