what is yalls opinions on org taxes?


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
To be honest I would rather pay taxes to Lord Montoya than to all the twat politicians and gov officials I currently pay tax to!


Space Marshal
Mar 4, 2020
RSI Handle
Thankfully SC does not have an in-game built-in tax system like in Eve (which not always benefit the corps there but just a handful of people...).

What I more likely see is people coming together to help achieve org goals. For exemple gathering ressources to establish outposts, to fit our mighty Javelins fleet and so on...

Other than that, people will mostly stick to their own business.


Sep 30, 2019
RSI Handle
1) Way to early to even try formulate an opinion about a mechanic we have no idea about and no grasp about the inputs and outputs.

2) The game will definitely have money sinks that an org will have to pay

3) Im taxing you double!

in response to glorious leader:

1. i get the "its too early" argument and its attempt to safeguard our sanity, i agree with it however it doesnt hurt to ask right?

2.absolutely, hence asking these questions and getting peoples ideas on them, thank you to those who have provided genuine feedback :)


anyways, i hope people understand my sentiment, as im just here to ask questions, get answers, and help the org with those answers :D

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I think I said several years ago I think it is a great idea to leverage TEST's size b y having a $1/month org dues, but for that, we should try to have supplied some things that other orgs cannot. For example, with that kind of cash a real micro-jump calculator could be developed and handed to org members, that would give them a serious advantage in combat, and that could be shut off when members don't pay their fees. That would likely grow our numbers hugely and I'm sure there are other possibilities..
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Sep 30, 2019
RSI Handle
I think I said several years ago I think it is a great idea to leverage TEST's size b y having a $1/month org dues, but for that, we should try to have supplied some things that other orgs cannot. For example, with that kind of cash a real micro-jump calculator could be developed and handed to org members, that would give them a serious advantage in combat, and that could be shut off when members don't pay their fees. That would likely grow our numbers hugely and I'm sure there are other possibilities..
i like that set of monetary projecting sort-of thinking, as i understand the sentiment, but In my humble opinion it goes against TEST's core values as we arent here for a service or for money, we are here to play games with one another and have fun. its not an investment of time or money to be in TEST, its an investment of yourself and your skills to help us have fun and play the game our way.

and i do think projects will get funded somehow, just need time and a compelling reason to add such an investment to our shenaniganry and good times :)


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
I think I said several years ago I think it is a great idea to leverage TEST's size b y having a $1/month org dues, but for that, we should try to have supplied some things that other orgs cannot. For example, with that kind of cash a real micro-jump calculator could be developed and handed to org members, that would give them a serious advantage in combat, and that could be shut off when members don't pay their fees. That would likely grow our numbers hugely and I'm sure there are other possibilities.
Have you done the math on that? How to screw up @Montoya's taxes!

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
If Toys forms an LLC, he can pay himself and any staff he desires quite apart from his own taxes. That's also the best way to do a Kickstarter, which could easily be combined with. It's not uncommon for such to exceed a million dollars income in a couple days. Key though, is to have a) a large following to start, and b) access to the proper people you want to pay. TEST has A. I have no idea about B, but it is continually surprising the talent here. I myself have previously hired talent I found posting in TEST's General Forum.

Looking at others who have made avocational gaming into a paying gig, the obvious cases are Critical Role and The Dungeon Dudes. Both have Twitch live streams each week. I don't watch Twitch at all, but sometimes catch them afterward on YouTube. The first step appears to me is gather the proper talent and get the team to function on a voluntary basis with the expectation of pay when Kickstarter delivers if any given voluneteer performs to task. Look at the credits for DD and CR and you'll see what they're doing is labor intensive.

Of course many people shy away from turning avocations into vocations as that can often rip the fun out. I would not blame anyone for deciding they don't want to do that, but I am impressed with the talent at Critical Role (despite they are below-average gamers, they are fantastic voice actors) and Drakkenheim is pretty spectacular. First thing is to note where is the value added, and make sure its a really high value. IMHO, live streaming an online game is not value added. You want to provide your members with things they want in addition to play, and live stream is time spent not gaming. Gaming aids like a micro-jump (Spline Jump) calculator make perfect sense to me so long as it is linked to a monthly subscription. Daily updates to trade route rates database, etc., would likewise be a worthy perk, or eventually access to a privately built installation in a special location. Say for example TEST eventually takes over Leir, then you could conceivably force players to pay in order to access that section of the game without being KOS. There are lots of ideas to choose from. Choosing the best is the issue, IMHO.
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Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
There is a thing called overthinking.. .. then the everything, does not need a complete rundown to be fully understood.

That said.. what's the point.. we are years from anything remotely like this needed.. as most of uss pitch in on free will with what ever is needed when ever it is needed..

Some call it common sense.

... hmm....

One could say that.. we still can't figure it out.. I know why..



Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I have no problems with Test getting a small percentage of my earnings, provided it goes towards improving the ability of Test to do things. I think 10 percent is pretty much where I would draw any line on taxes, with a preferred rate of 1-5 percent.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
i like that set of monetary projecting sort-of thinking, as i understand the sentiment, but In my humble opinion it goes against TEST's core values as we arent here for a service or for money, we are here to play games with one another and have fun. its not an investment of time or money to be in TEST, its an investment of yourself and your skills to help us have fun and play the game our way.
The point is if you can provide an unique advantage to member ship, that is value added. A microjump calculator is not something someone will code without payment, but if you provide it to members you have to be able to shut it off or all ten million players will join TEST, pay their dollar and leave with the calculator. None of this has anything to do with playing the game your way. It does not impact play style except unless you have a very rare game style that does not benefit by the calculator.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Annnnnnnd there we go ! @Montoya death to the bot ! ;)
Why do I only ever have a point when someone who doesn't exist is making one? 😅

EDIT - And damn your nonexistant eyes @Sean11 we held out our hand in friendship, you had a chance to become a TESTie and you threw that all aside to shitlink some crappy website Google is going to wipe off the face of their search engine never to be seen again because that's what happens when you do this kind of crap, google slaps it down and slaps it down hard. This is what you get for not existing, Sean, 2 out of 10 you must try harder to exist!
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Space Marshal
Mar 4, 2020
RSI Handle
EDIT - And damn your nonexistant eyes @Sean11 we held out our hand in friendship, you had a chance to become a TESTie and you threw that all aside to shitlink some crappy website Google is going to wipe off the face of their search engine never to be seen again because that's what happens when you do this kind of crap, google slaps it down and slaps it down hard. This is what you get for not existing, Sean, 2 out of 10 you must try harder to exist!
🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣🍻

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