I think this fleet will do for now. Until I can turn the Aquila into a Harbinger or a Sentinel. Mwaahahah
This is the very reason I why I don't want to make a chart!Damn...I didn't realize how many I had!!!
just curious, why do you have a picture of a Crucible that is labeled as Starfarer?Hmmm...
The fox named ships are for my RP explorer char. The rest for Rolo.
Oh, add another P-72 from GHG named Avatar to match Eleanor from Nighthawk.
Vibrant & I will tour with those and the twin bikes. Speaking of which...
And my wife's Mako, Miss Perception.
I think that's all of them...
Better find some friends with a fleet like that or you'll be flying that Aurora around looking at your pretty, big ships. (Nice fleet)View attachment 4424 New fleet.
Go ahead and put them here:http://raylehnhoff.github.io/SCFSD/#, be sure you save locally befoe you enter anything so that you can restore it if you mess up.Wow.
Lots of ships.
I have
Dragonfly x 2
Never spent much on this game. I plan to earn my ships in game with hard work and theft.
I tried to use that link. Too drunk.Go ahead and put them here:http://raylehnhoff.github.io/SCFSD/#, be sure you save locally befoe you enter anything so that you can restore it if you mess up.