What is your current fleet?


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle

Starting out in an Aurora is nothing to be ashamed of. You will have low upkeep, fewer operating expenses, and you will be able to find and take on the early starting jobs that SHOULD be easy to find on starting planets. Those with bigger ships or fleets will be needing to figure out how to pay for the upkeep on them, find those bigger jobs...that may or may not be available on the starting planets, hire crews, etc.

PLUS, you can hire yourself out to one of those people that NEED more crew and get paid for it.

Lots of people have multi-crew ships. Some will want to be the pilot, others the captain, or the science officer, one of the gunners, the snub ship pilot, the escort pilot, etc. That leaves a lot of room for you to come in and take one of the other roles...all without spending an extra dime on your game.

Test is a huge group of people, and a lot of them will have slots that need filling.....probably more slots than there are people...and if there isn't anyone else on line in your area, you can just do some nice easy solo gigs.

It doesn't matter what the size of your fleet is, but what matters is that you play the game and enjoy it.

See you in the 'verse!


Space Marshal
Jul 19, 2016
RSI Handle
This is what I currently have in my Fleet...you don't even want to know what I have in melt status;)
Sorry I forgot to add the 4 ANVIL TERRAPINs' I've purchased :oops: (Account Currently stands at $39,254.43 USD TOTAL SPENT) yes it's weird because of Texas Sales Taxo_O and yes I do plan on going over $40k before CitCon to Celebrate:D
I need to find this hangar and liberate one of those 890s :D


Space Marshal
Feb 25, 2016
RSI Handle

Starting out in an Aurora is nothing to be ashamed of. You will have low upkeep, fewer operating expenses, and you will be able to find and take on the early starting jobs that SHOULD be easy to find on starting planets. Those with bigger ships or fleets will be needing to figure out how to pay for the upkeep on them, find those bigger jobs...that may or may not be available on the starting planets, hire crews, etc.

PLUS, you can hire yourself out to one of those people that NEED more crew and get paid for it.

Lots of people have multi-crew ships. Some will want to be the pilot, others the captain, or the science officer, one of the gunners, the snub ship pilot, the escort pilot, etc. That leaves a lot of room for you to come in and take one of the other roles...all without spending an extra dime on your game.

Test is a huge group of people, and a lot of them will have slots that need filling.....probably more slots than there are people...and if there isn't anyone else on line in your area, you can just do some nice easy solo gigs.

It doesn't matter what the size of your fleet is, but what matters is that you play the game and enjoy it.

See you in the 'verse!
you are soo right... really going to tag along with the other rock people in TEST when the game launches. Going to be a good race to see how fast i can earn the ingame credits to fly a starfarer...

and it doesn't hurt to have a LTI multi role starter ship to throw away constantly when bored... :D


Mar 18, 2015
RSI Handle
Here's my fleet: an Aegis Avenger Titan (my personal starter ship), a Drake Dragonfly Yellowjacket (which will either be used as an LTI token, or as a parasite spacebike for my 'Cat), and a Drake Caterpillar (my flagship, for me and my IRL friends to loaf around tactically operate in).
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Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
This is what I currently have in my Fleet...you don't even want to know what I have in melt status;)
Sorry I forgot to add the 4 ANVIL TERRAPINs' I've purchased :oops: (Account Currently stands at $39,254.43 USD TOTAL SPENT) yes it's weird because of Texas Sales Taxo_O and yes I do plan on going over $40k before CitCon to Celebrate:D
Holy shitballs! No wonder you're getting kidney stones removed! Haha.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
fleet (3).png


New Fleet. Mega Explorers pack + Caterpillar Combo pack. Yay. Upgraded to 315p and the 3rd DF to an Avenger and Gladius, respectively. Going to hone my combat flight on those two ships as I decide on what fighters I want to settle on.

I'm really torn, but I want to end up with two fighters. My choices as it stands are:
Super Hornet
Warder (or Variant thereof)

I want a "light" and a "heavy." I know thats rather ambiguous in SC, but I think y'all understand. My light will almost certainly be a Bucky. Leaves me wondering what I'll choose for my second ship. The long range Warden makes the most sense when combined with my exploration fleet, but who uses sense when spending thousands of dollars on one video game?
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