What is your current fleet?


Space Marshal
Feb 25, 2016
RSI Handle
oh my... i managed to get tempted to upgrade my aurora to a reliant kore.... to save 10 dollars...

i have done some soul searching, and thought long and hard about ship and future use.
I managed to talk myself into that the only ships i should have for real money, would be a ship i can see myself always use no matter what else happens.

So on that order, i have thought about the Cutlass Red, and my love the starfarer.

Those are the only two i could see that would always have a specific use to me, no matter what ships i end up having in the future of the verse.
The cutlass red, because it can be used not only as a search and rescue ship, but also as a transport ship with it's cargo space.
The starfarer, well because it's simply amazing in looks and utility...

So my thought is to save up once in awhile, and upgrade a little more towards one of those ships. That way i won't take such a hard hit on my economy when buying the ship i love at once... :D


Space Marshal
May 16, 2014
RSI Handle
oh my... i managed to get tempted to upgrade my aurora to a reliant kore.... to save 10 dollars...

i have done some soul searching, and thought long and hard about ship and future use.
I managed to talk myself into that the only ships i should have for real money, would be a ship i can see myself always use no matter what else happens.

So on that order, i have thought about the Cutlass Red, and my love the starfarer.

Those are the only two i could see that would always have a specific use to me, no matter what ships i end up having in the future of the verse.
The cutlass red, because it can be used not only as a search and rescue ship, but also as a transport ship with it's cargo space.
The starfarer, well because it's simply amazing in looks and utility...

So my thought is to save up once in awhile, and upgrade a little more towards one of those ships. That way i won't take such a hard hit on my economy when buying the ship i love at once... :D
If the Cutlass re-work turns out to be as awesome as the Freelancer's, I'll be un melting my Red and patrolling the trade routes for people who have separated from their cargo and/or ships right there with you.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
If the Cutlass re-work turns out to be as awesome as the Freelancer's, I'll be un melting my Red and patrolling the trade routes for people who have separated from their cargo and/or ships right there with you.
Haha. The hardest section I've yet to face when it comes to my fleet is which Cutty I want. I cannot freaking wait for the rework.


Space Marshal
Dec 25, 2015
RSI Handle
So I decided to make some minor changes to my fleet, went from this..
View: http://i.imgur.com/DE11dsP.jpg


View: http://i.imgur.com/NNOvYhd.jpg

Melted my non lti redeemer, lancer mis, gladius. That gave me enough credits to buy the mega explorer pack for $300 usd. Some day i will probably apply a free ccu from blade to redeemer i picked up, giving me lti on it. I can replace my lancer mis with an upgrade from the dur if i decide to, also lti. And then depending on how i end up splitting up my ships among characters/accounts i might buy back that gladius package at some point. But other than that i think i'm done... CR please oh please let me be done.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
i have came to a conclusion that this is the ones that i wish i had
View attachment 3422

But sadly these are the ones i have currently (its changed since last time)
View attachment 3423
Thinking of swapping the reliant back to a 315p or a 325a, kinda not a fan of flying the reliant
Hopefully the reliant will get a balancing pass that adds a wee bit of maneuverability to it. Right now it handles like a pig wallowing in a mud pit.


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
This is mine. Gonna see what happens in anniversary sale and maybe melt/change a few things.



Space Marshal
Dec 21, 2015
RSI Handle
Updated fleet due to the UEE exploration pack & the 20% coupon from subscribing. Melted my Avenger, Dragonfly, & Orion to get it but I basically got the Carrack for $166 once I turn the Terrapin to an Orion when it goes back on sale & buy back my Avenger.

*******Remember all if you have the coupon & want a Carrack now is a good time due to the package sale.********

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