What is your current fleet?


Space Marshal
May 20, 2016
RSI Handle
Currently the only ships I have are the base Freelancer LTI and a 85X Game Package.
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Vault Dweller
Aug 5, 2015
RSI Handle
- Herald
+ Hull B

... does anybody still keep track of this?
If I knew how, I'd make some sort of website where you could put in your RSI handle and then add / remove your ships to / from a database that would then make a total of all the ships in TEST. The handle would ID you, so it would only give you permission to remove the ships that you added. I'll look into it.
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Space Marshal
May 20, 2016
RSI Handle
... does anybody still keep track of this?
If I knew how, I'd make some sort of website where you could put in your RSI handle and then add / remove your ships to / from a database that would then make a total of all the ships in TEST. The handle would ID you, so it would only give you permission to remove the ships that you added. I'll look into it.
Do it, sounds like a lot of fun to me!
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I don't yet have a fleet because I don't have a gaming machine nor time to play, but I intend to by fall so I will share what I am interested in.

For a dogfighter, I am waiting to choose between the Ghost Tracker Hornet with a pair of the big BEHR C-788 Ballistic Cannons , or perhaps a Hurricane version of the same. I am leaning toward the Hornet but we will see what happens when the real numbers for hull, etc. come out. The way to run a Ghost ship is with shields down, so you want good hull. The Hornet looks like it fits the bill for a dozen different tasks, and that's what I want in a dogfighter. It is a big departure for me to fly this instead of the Sabre, but I really like those BEHR cannons. The only exception I can see is if when we have PVP data to look at, and if close-in fighting is a thing, the Sabre with 4 Pyros looks like it will be extremely hard to beat. We'll see. It matters much to me the stealth capability of the Ghost Hornet v. the Sabre.

I plan to own all four variants of the Vanguard, and several of some kinds. I can see myself flying second seat in a Sentinel and directing attacks from there. That is my standard "lets go make some trouble, steal some ships" plan, though I will probably only buy one Sentinel and take possession of the rest.

I plan to buy a Prowler which gives me a Hoplite early on to team with the Sentinel. I just love the Prowler and it is replacing my intention to own a Redeemer. My problem with the Redeemer is that for 5 players, you can fly 3 Vanguard and the Redeemer would certainly lose that fight. For combat ships I always think of firepower per player, and it is certainly more efficient, and more my playstyle, to fly something that has much bigger guns than the Redeemer, and can go invisible. The recent figures have the big S4 and S5 guns with much more power, and range. The difference is so much I cannot see putting S3 weapons on a gunship and that is what the Redeemer is stuck with.

If I have to pick one ship that I would consider home, it is the Polaris. I can't wait to buddy up with friends flying the Carrack and StarG. Those three and a few support ships and we can explore Krell space, or terrorize the Vanduul. And I am looking forward to the mini-game around the Polaris pool table.
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Apr 9, 2017
RSI Handle
Following unforeseeable, recurring and catastrophic crashes absolutely unrelated to my skyrocketing BAC, I only have one ship available at the moment (because I still can't crash.. huh fly it mainly...) )
fleet (1).png


Grand Admiral
Mar 30, 2017
RSI Handle
My ships are mainly Drakes (Ejection systems tend to get more and more dangerous the more you drink...) with some others mixed in to explore different play-styles and professions.
fleet (2).png


Grand Admiral
Mar 30, 2017
RSI Handle
I guess the best way to do it would be to use NPCs for all the secondary jobs and use PCs for the most important ones only.

That concept can be applied to individual ships as well as fleets : an escort wing of 10 fighters "manned" by both PCs and NPCs, while less effective than one comprising 10 PCs could still be more dangerous than an escort of 2 PCs alone ; a capital ship's captain would struggle to crew all the ship's positions with players but would gain a lot by having at least some PCs aboard (5-10 seems reasonable on all but the biggest ones).

That means that teams/groups/orgs must be ready to pool resources (including PCs/NPCs) to optimize effectiveness and reach the intended (short or long-term) objectives : ultimately, I think that the choice of a "crew load-out" will be at least as important -and maybe even more- than the ship or weapon selection.

Anyway, the numerous ships in each player's fleet still doesn't mean that these ships will be used all at the same time : many are specialized or size-specific (ie for a merchant ship : holds less cargo but needs less crew than a larger ship) so the individual fleets' sizes should more be viewed as polyvalence rather than brute force.
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