What's the state of fighters?

Will C.

Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2017
RSI Handle
Any Hornet,Sabre,Arrow,Bucc. Can all kick ass. The latter 2 requiring more skill to be good. Yes the flight model will change but that really doesn't matter it will still be getting angles no matter how the ships fly. Anyone need practice send me PM here or on discord i'd be happy to work with you.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I never had real issues with the handling of the Vanguard. Saying that, the Vanguard and the Hornet sit right in my flying comfort zone but I found the Saber and Gladius were a little twitchy for me. I can put my nose on most targets in the Vanguard fairly quickly, which is a bad place for anyone to be.

The Vanguard is due at least a little rework, to make the module system work and to bring things up to the current standards, but it should still fit in the same speed and maneuverability area it is now with lots of bang out of the nose. In the Aegis day video they called it tweaking, but since the Warden module mesh looks to be part of the hull mesh, it is definitely going to have to spend a bit of time in rework.

And in Quantum the Vanguard is very, very fast. It gets from Olisar to Hurston much faster than the Saber, the Hornet, or the Cutlass, (They take, about 1.5 times longer to make the trip) while carrying enough fuel to make the trip 4-5 times without refueling. If things don't change longer trips are going to be much nicer in the Vanguard.
Dammit. You're making me question the fact that I've said no to the Vanguard, haha. The Vanguard is my ship of choice for fighter, but gaaaaa, the cost is so extraordinary, lol. I love the Harby/Sentinel back.
Great question, and great answer. With the new flight model, and the ever-changing gun load-outs and balancing, I think your best bet is to try to best identify which fighting style you prefer (dog-fighting or zoom & boom), then get a couple of CCU's for a couple of ships at either the light, medium, or heavy range (or 2 of those 3).

The one thing for certain with the new flight model is change. Having said that, they made it pretty clear that the Alien ships will handle more like the 6 DOF we currently have in the game, and that the human ships are going to have more "thrust from behind" if you forgive the porn allusion, ha ha...if you think you might like the 6 DOF flight model, definitely throw your wallet at an alien ship or two.
Yeah, that new alien ship looks amazing. And the defender is pretty high on my list as well. I wonder if it'll be the 6 DOF style.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Alot depends on your personal flight style as well. The Gladius and Saber, which I spent quite a bit of time in the cockpit a year ago, and a little time on Aegis Day, and the little bit of time I spent in the Arrow, are a bit twitchy for me. I overshoot putting my nose on target all too often. Their fragility combined with my overzealousness on the stick is a bad combination. With the Hornet, Super Hornet and the Vanguard the nose goes exactly where I intend to put it, every time.
Yeah, I've traditionally been more of a tanky dog-fighter/pilot. So the SH and Vanguard have been more my style than the excessively fast and nimbly bimbly ships.
Any Hornet,Sabre,Arrow,Bucc. Can all kick ass. The latter 2 requiring more skill to be good. Yes the flight model will change but that really doesn't matter it will still be getting angles no matter how the ships fly. Anyone need practice send me PM here or on discord i'd be happy to work with you.
Thanks Will. I'll hit you up once I'm back home and have my sticks setup and ready to go. Will dual stick still be a valid setup with the new flight model? I imagine so, but you never know.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Dammit. You're making me question the fact that I've said no to the Vanguard, haha. The Vanguard is my ship of choice for fighter, but gaaaaa, the cost is so extraordinary, lol. I love the Harby/Sentinel back.
I will launch with no more than 4 ships. I have 3 ships and 4 ground vehicles, currently.
Avenger, Vanguard and Retaliator. One of the ground vehicles is likely to become a 4th ship, probably a Freelancer, maybe a Cutlass Blue but I am not a huge fan of either. :)


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
Vanguard was a favorite of mine for a long time! I still may upgrade my hornet to one eventually I just don't want to drop another 150$ into the game right now.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Dammit. You're making me question the fact that I've said no to the Vanguard, haha. The Vanguard is my ship of choice for fighter, but gaaaaa. . .
So borrow one. I'm sure people here in the forum have dozens of them they seldom fly.

I doubt the flight rework is going to change the general characteristics of most ships. They're mostly flying as intended.

Besides, I want to hear the stories of what happens when someone flies the Absolution Distortion Scattergun. At close range, that is able to knock any ship in game down within a couple seconds. What is a better way to test the big guns than the Vanguard? Seriously, I am rethinking the Raven now that I understand better what they're trying to do with the scatterguns. The Raven is quicker and harder to see, but its EMPs can't compete with these guns, IIUC.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I will launch with no more than 4 ships. I have 3 ships and 4 ground vehicles, currently.
Avenger, Vanguard and Retaliator. One of the ground vehicles is likely to become a 4th ship, probably a Freelancer, maybe a Cutlass Blue but I am not a huge fan of either. :slight_smile:
Yeah, that's my philosophy. Be that's why I sold my account and started from nothing. I'll have a Cutty, Mercury Starrunner, a Dragonfly, and probably a Warden variant.
Vanguard was a favorite of mine for a long time! I still may upgrade my hornet to one eventually I just don't want to drop another 150$ into the game right now.
Yeah, I'm in the same boat. I think I have to scrounge up about 100 bucks to have my Warden back.
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Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
So borrow one. I'm sure people here in the forum have dozens of them they seldom fly.

I doubt the flight rework is going to change the general characteristics of most ships. They're mostly flying as intended.

Besides, I want to hear the stories of what happens when someone flies the Absolution Distortion Scattergun. At close range, that is able to knock any ship in game down within a couple seconds. What is a better way to test the big guns than the Vanguard? Seriously, I am rethinking the Raven now that I understand better what they're trying to do with the scatterguns. The Raven is quicker and harder to see, but its EMPs can't compete with these guns, IIUC.
Yeah, I think I'm flipping back to having one. I'll buy the CCU today, then slowly work my way to the ship over the next bit
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Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Alot depends on your personal flight style as well. The Gladius and Saber, which I spent quite a bit of time in the cockpit a year ago, and a little time on Aegis Day, and the little bit of time I spent in the Arrow, are a bit twitchy for me. I overshoot putting my nose on target all too often. Their fragility combined with my overzealousness on the stick is a bad combination. With the Hornet, Super Hornet and the Vanguard the nose goes exactly where I intend to put it, every time.
Good point, my advice to anybody who wants to try dogfighting, but doesn't know anything about it (or their own style) is to go with the Hornet, Super Hornet, or Vanguard first, and see if they like it...you can't go wrong with those heavy-hitting tanks!

Right. That 325a may be quite relevant, especially considering the fuel scoop tech.
My only concern about the 325a is, what is the armor going to be like? Otherwise, the Size 4 in the nose and the Size 3's on the wing are pretty beefy.

Vanguard was a favorite of mine for a long time! I still may upgrade my hornet to one eventually I just don't want to drop another 150$ into the game right now.
Lol, to make it easier, why not upgrade your Hornet now to a Hornet Wildfire? Then, it will only be an $80 upgrade from that to the Vanguard! (btw, I'm only half joking, the weapons on the Wildfire make it pretty lethal!).

Dorian Grey

Space Marshal
Feb 7, 2015
RSI Handle
Well, I tested the Bucc, Arrow, Wildifre and Sabre. I am not a fan of the Saber's design but it is a good ship. the Bucc is MY FAVORITE in terms of looks but it made of paper and if you sneeze you can destroy the ship. I like how the arrow feels and its default load feels strong. The Wildfire is like a mini tank. this is all using AC because as soon as I accept an ECN mission I get one shotted by anything so I suck at combat! lol. and anyways, 3.5 flight change might change everything.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Yeah, that's my philosophy. Be that's why I sold my account and started from nothing. I'll have a Cutty, Mercury Starrunner, a Dragonfly, and probably a Warden variant.

Yeah, I'm in the same boat. I think I have to scrounge up about 100 bucks to have my Warden back.
Pick up a Connie Andro to Warden CCU for $25 or to Sentinel for $35 (Test Colors as a bonus). Then you can get there without the sale.


Space Marshal
Oct 14, 2014
RSI Handle
Fighters are in a good place, maybe not as good as sorcerers or some other magic users, however, if you add the usage of Matt Mercer's Gunslinger to the subclass roster.....
oh, you were talking about in Star Citizen.... we will really have to see what the flight model makes of things come 3.5 (https://robertsspaceindustries.com/roadmap/board/1-Star-Citizen) but I would put money on the Super Hornet and Sabre still being top dogs for most people.
Sorcery is magic, and magic is heresy!


Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I will launch with no more than 4 ships. I have 3 ships and 4 ground vehicles, currently.
Avenger, Vanguard and Retaliator. One of the ground vehicles is likely to become a 4th ship, probably a Freelancer, maybe a Cutlass Blue but I am not a huge fan of either. :slight_smile:
Looking again, looks like the Mercury is in the same general class as the Freelancer and that one I actually like the looks of. That may turn out to be my fourth ship.


Grand Admiral
May 27, 2018
RSI Handle
I've got a super hornet that is probably going to be my primary fighter for a while, I'm hoping I made the right choice. I don't have fantastic reflexes so I'm likely not going to be darting around all over the skies, more likely find the target and shoot until one of us is dead. Plus I'm just getting used to flying HOTAS for the first time, but with the new flight model maybe I should wait before I build muscle memory that I'll just need to readjust in a little while anyway.
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