What's your ideal ship look like?


Nov 13, 2014
RSI Handle
Curious what you all picture as the perfect ship. Obviously, everyone has their own concept. For me...

+2-3 Crewman (enough for companionship with other players, or NPCs...it'll get lonely all by myself!)
+Long Ranged (I would hate having to constantly refuel after single jumps and DEFINITELY need a jump drive.)
+Mostly pilot fired weaponry (preferably with a single strong gun + supporting weapons)
+Preferably not too maneuverable (odd request, I know, but I dislike the traditional dog fighting. I'd rather it be more along the lines of strafing runs with out all the namby pamby turning and twisting!)
+Modular, or rather, the ability to fit at least some cargo as necessary
+Living quarters

To my specs, I think the Vanguard or the Redeemer is the ship for me. I initially REALLY liked the Redeemer, but I can't way I'm too impressed with it since the Vanguard showed it's face. With the Vanguard, you get that guaranteed long range, plus some art shows the middle and aft sections able to be replaced, so there's modularity...

I don't know, I need to wait for either Redeemer variants or more info drops on it before I can reinvest in my love for it's design. Not to mention the Vanguard's art is SOOOO amazeballs. Almost as cool as the Sabre, but I just know the Sabre will not be a usable ship for my particular style.

What about you?
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Space Marshal
May 16, 2014
RSI Handle
Curious what you all picture as the perfect ship. Obviously, everyone has their own concept. For me...

+2-3 Crewman (enough for companionship with other players, or NPCs...it'll get lonely all by myself!)
+Long Ranged (I would hate having to constantly refuel after single jumps and DEFINITELY need a jump drive.)
+Mostly pilot fired weaponry (preferably with a single strong gun + supporting weapons)
+Preferably not too maneuverable (odd request, I know, but I dislike the traditional dog fighting. I'd rather it be more along the lines of strafing runs with out all the namby pamby turning and twisting!)
+Modular, or rather, the ability to fit at least some cargo as necessary
+Living quarters

To my specs, I think the Vanguard or the Redeemer is the ship for me. I initially REALLY liked the Redeemer, but I can't way I'm too impressed with it since the Vanguard showed it's face. With the Vanguard, you get that guaranteed long range, plus some art shows the middle and aft sections able to be replaced, so there's modularity...

I don't know, I need to wait for either Redeemer variants or more info drops on it before I can reinvest in my love for it's design. Not to mention the Vanguard's art is SOOOO amazeballs. Almost as cool as the Sabre, but I just know the Sabre will not be a usable ship for my particular style.

What about you?
I like the idea of having a long distance freighter that could hold its own against a number of small fighters.
Something roughly circular in shape with an off-centered cockpit, witha couple of turrets...... never mind. (I'm allowed to dream, aren't I?)


Space Marshal
May 16, 2014
RSI Handle
I like the idea of having a long distance freighter that could hold its own against a number of small fighters.
Something roughly circular in shape with an off-centered cockpit, witha couple of turrets...... never mind. (I'm allowed to dream, aren't I?)
Freelancer will have to do.
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Space Marshal
Nov 21, 2014
RSI Handle
Right, here it goes, this is my ideal fighter

Single Seat (on call maintenance at a hotel that's older than dirt, so I don't want to leave anyone stranded)
stealthy, more so than the Hornet Ghost, I like being sneaky sneaky
decent array of missiles, you can't underestimate the power of high explosives strapped to an engine
fast, for when they finally see you

When I saw the Sabre, my heart just about jumped out of my chest. I love that ship, and can't wait for it to be flyable.

And for the explorer

long range.....I know, that seems obvious, how can you explore if you have to stay within 1-2 jumps of a gas station, but I mean even longer than that, closer to 9-10 jumps before I even have to start thinking about fuel

something that looks like a patchwork of parts, something that has the feel of a home built PC, not a pre-built system

something that can be flown solo, but I can take an NPC or PC if I want, cause if I have to go, they can at least scan the system while I'm gone

This one is going to sound weird, but I think, if the modularity is there, the Cutlass Red would be a good choice for retrofitting to be an explorer. Pull out the Auto-Doc and medical stuff, shove in some living quarters and a mapping suite, and there ya go.... Oh, and paint it Yellow, with black trim. :)
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Nov 13, 2014
RSI Handle
I like the idea of having a long distance freighter that could hold its own against a number of small fighters.
Something roughly circular in shape with an off-centered cockpit, witha couple of turrets...... never mind. (I'm allowed to dream, aren't I?)
Hah, I fell you. Honestly, the Carrack has the closest to that feel imo. Maybe not in looks, but in capabilities. I kept looking at the Carrack over and over and I see a ton of potential as a freighter, YT-1300 style. Plus, it looks lots like the Serenity, so it's got that going for it!

Right, here it goes, this is my ideal fighter

Single Seat (on call maintenance at a hotel that's older than dirt, so I don't want to leave anyone stranded)
stealthy, more so than the Hornet Ghost, I like being sneaky sneaky
decent array of missiles, you can't underestimate the power of high explosives strapped to an engine
fast, for when they finally see you

When I saw the Sabre, my heart just about jumped out of my chest. I love that ship, and can't wait for it to be flyable.

And for the explorer

long range.....I know, that seems obvious, how can you explore if you have to stay within 1-2 jumps of a gas station, but I mean even longer than that, closer to 9-10 jumps before I even have to start thinking about fuel

something that looks like a patchwork of parts, something that has the feel of a home built PC, not a pre-built system

something that can be flown solo, but I can take an NPC or PC if I want, cause if I have to go, they can at least scan the system while I'm gone

This one is going to sound weird, but I think, if the modularity is there, the Cutlass Red would be a good choice for retrofitting to be an explorer. Pull out the Auto-Doc and medical stuff, shove in some living quarters and a mapping suite, and there ya go.... Oh, and paint it Yellow, with black trim. :)
I can totally see a nicely developed business in selling gas vis a vis a Starfarer on the fringe systems.

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
Well my ideal ship is something that is very modular(jack of all master of none) that can use upgrade kits to swap things out as needed. Think of the Tech 3 ships in Eve Online. This ship's primary role would be to be a mix and match industrial. Mining equipment, salvage equipment, or repair equipment. None of these would be as good as their larger brothers that specialize but I'd like to see a small industrial.
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Space Marshal
Mar 23, 2015
RSI Handle
My ideal ship is the new idris. Light carrier vessel, holds a wing of fighters, enough turrets to keep it secure, and enough variations of things to do on it that there will be somrthing for everyone.

I mean, I wouldn't mind upgrading to a larger carrier in game, but I'm set for now


Rear Admiral
Apr 1, 2015
RSI Handle
Ok let's see:
1. Crew of ideally 3-4 but between 2 and 5. Big enough that I can really multitask in it but not too big that I have to worry about staffing issues).
2. A reasonable sized interior. A wierd one but the fact that we have ships you can move around in within the same engine as flying really gets me.
3. Modular as hell. Because I can never decide what I want to do. Also so you can't immediatly see what its doing from the outside.
4. Nicely defended. Not worried about manouveability but I want to be comfortable without constant need of escorts.
5. Reasonable range. Because Re-fuelling is a pain in the ass.
6. Looks badass (IMO obviously)

Basically a Retaliator or a Caterpillar. Tali being more 4 less 3; Cat being more 3 less 4.
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Space Marshal
Staff member
Jan 1, 2014
RSI Handle
I really want a Star Destroyer (Battleship). Something that is massive, long range, able to survive against most large enemy attacks without the need of support. Something that when it drops into system everyone and their mother knows TEST has arrived and means business. Able to deploy the fighters needed to destroy enemy space cover and hammer flat entire space stations in single volley's. I know they have said that these will be introduced into the game and that they will take time to get, but to me it says so much more than a Bengal Carrier, which to me does not scream don't kill but rather we have the resources to flood the skies with auroras.

I think have the ship that can be geared out with the gamut of weaponry, and able to change them will be greatly beneficial. Imagine a Star Destroyer's weaponry being swapped out for anti-starfighter guns while having multiple massive railguns at the front. It would make short work of any Bengal. That's my ideal ship, one that makes a Bengal want to run away.

Serious Table

Space Marshal
Nov 29, 2014
RSI Handle
I had actually been thinking on this just the other day, and I've settled on something that fits what I want.

* Crew: About 5. Not a lot, but enough for a unique mix of personalities
* Multi-role: I want to be able to swap some parts around and do something different with the ship, within reason.
* Optional Parasite Fighter: It's handy to be able to have one ship rush out to meet clientele while the main keeps on its way.
* Big, but not too big: I enjoy something that feels slow but tanky. Always my preferred way to fly.

All of this reasoning is that when it comes to ships, I've had the most fun with ships that are similar to those you crew in Star Wars: The Old Republic, or even the Ghost in Star Wars Rebels. A ship that isn't just a ship or a tool, but a ship that is home. A place for you and your crew to interact and evolve, while still accomplishing your goals.

This has me settled on a couple of different ships: either the Constellation Andromeda (presently sitting in my hangar), or the Starfarer Gemini (whose upgrade is in my hangar). The Retaliator fit initially, as well, but I felt it was a little too cramped for what I was hoping to see, as far as a ship experience goes. The Connie is obviously classic and has evolved drastically, so she fits the bill almost to the letter. There's also something almost romantic, if you catch my drift, in living out of a refurbished fuel liner that can swap out for cargo, or possibly a fighter dock (you should be able to fit a Merlin berth on one of those open bays, right?), while also presenting an interesting gameplay option not typically available otherwise.

The other one that rings true is the Caterpillar, but I wonder if that one's going to be almost too big... we'll have to see as she nears completion.

The other "requirement" is a docking connection of any kind. I need them to be able to interface to the Endeavor in one way or another, which we'll use as a mobile base of ops!


Space Marshal
Oct 6, 2014
RSI Handle
My Ideal ship:
Large Crew, hundreds: A versatile, and organized, and skilled crew is more important than the ship itself.
Intimidating: Half the battle is before you start shooting, deciding if you had the chance to fight in the first place.
Self-Sufficient: Able to move over long periods, enough crew to have an expertise for everything you may possibly need.
Universal: Enough room and manpower to be able to address any need, from Relief efforts to large interplanetary conflicts.
Centerpiece: The fact that there is always a job for you to do, where not useful one place, somewhere else could use your assistance, no matter the cause, therefore you're never floating around in space.

So, yeah, Sethious definitely has a similar view. I don't want to join the battle, I want the battle to move with me. Pure intimidation alone is the best tactic there is. People see some Military ship larger than their own, with more pointy sticks, the general move is to run away or surrender. Star Destroyers would be the perfect example. (or if we are talking modern day, something like a Aegis Destroyer, maybe a bit bigger. Or an Aircraft Carrier, all of the above fit the description)

Reptar Khan

Vice Admiral
Feb 22, 2015
RSI Handle
Ideal ship:

3-7 Crew
Modularly combat focused (Anti-Cap / Anti-Fighter / Anti-MidLarger / EWAR / Boarding) Pick 2
Bay that can fit x1 Redeemer Or Cutlass or smaller
Be a potential threat to Idris owners but at an improved cost / danger value
Be the well designed and balanced unannounced Combat Corvette


Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
RSI Handle
I like the idea of having a long distance freighter that could hold its own against a number of small fighters.
Something roughly circular in shape with an off-centered cockpit, witha couple of turrets...... never mind. (I'm allowed to dream, aren't I?)
So except for the circular part, a Caterpillar?
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