Which CIG Shows "Worked"?


Space Marshal
Apr 11, 2016
RSI Handle

Seems no matter what CIG does with their weekly online shows somebody is salty saying "it's boring", "not enough info", "too much info", "I don't like Lando", "I like Lando", "where's news on the Carrack", etc.

Of all the shows/segments produced by CI(G) which three were most beneficial to you?

1. Wingman's Hangar
2. Calling All Devs
3. Citizens of the Stars
4. Ship Shape
5. Around the Verse (ATV)
6. Reverse the Verse (RTV)
7. The Loremaker's Guide to the Galaxy
8. Bug Smashers
9. Inside Star Citizen
10. Subscribers Town Hall
11. Star Citizen Live
12. Happy Hour
13. 10 For the Chairman
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Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
How about all of them?

Of the latest Pillar Talk has been great, Inside Star Citizen is ok but it really is such a short format that it lacks any sort of time for depth. For me, I really am not as interested on what is the next feature (easily shown by the road map) but what went into the next feature, what was the expectation and design goals and that's something severely lacking in the new formats. Something that was present in shows like Calling All Devs, Reverse The Verse, Subscribers Town Hall and 10 For the Chairman.

I also greatly miss Bug Smasher but that might just be a sense of comradery with others fighting the good fight against the ever-present software bug.

Loremaker's Guide to the Galaxy was great in keeping us up to date on the lore itself and the backstory to this game. And while at times it was a bit dry it still fun to see the history and how it was shaping the content being created in the game. It gave reasons to some of the outpost locations and understanding of what we were starting to see int he persistent universe.

The shows I never really got into was Citizens of the Stars and Happy Hour.

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
To me all shows worked just great mostly cause I never have a expectation about it before it airs that way I can't be disappointed, I watch them for what they are not what I want them to be.

Reason I like them all is I know they can't possible make a show every time that every one like hence some time they are less some time they are more but I still like them.

Tho I'm a bit on Montoya's track lately I hope to see more about ships and new locations, but I'm not expecting it so if there is a show about a new ship I be happy surprised. 🧐🙃🤪



Space Marshal
Sep 27, 2016
RSI Handle
I tried to sort them from i like most, towards i have mixed feeling. Overall there have been really boring shows, but most of the stuff was interesting and i liked it.
Also i'm not a very early backer so some are less prominent in my memory.
Also its not necessary the perfect order, there are some which mostly equal.

So 1-5 is mostly liked it.
5-9 everything turns a little more grey
9-13 mixed feeling

1. 10 For the Chairman
2. Calling All Devs
3. Around the Verse (ATV)
<- Pillar Talk
4. Bug Smashers
5. Inside Star Citizen
6. Ship Shape
7. Wingman's Hangar (no real memory towards this, but i have seen some)
8. Reverse the Verse (RTV)
9. Star Citizen Live
10. Citizens of the Stars (I don't remember what it was about)
11. Happy Hour (no memory towards this)
12. Subscribers Town Hall
13. The Loremaker's Guide to the Galaxy
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
It's entirely subjective. Some things the community spaffs like crazy over stuff I find dull as ditch water, some things the community demand killed with fire I find interesting and informative.

I don't generally like watching things that are "popular" as it seems my own personal interests aren't, so if the output descends to a popularity contest we may as well put it on Public Access Television as filler at 2 in the morning.

Some context:
I live in the UK and was speaking to a PHD gentleman who insisted that the TV license we pay in to legally access TV, which funds the BBC meaning no adverts, was a kind of tax and that he would scrap it if he could and make all TV stations commercial funded through ads.
"Okay, so you're a PHD type, what things do you actually watch on the BBC?" Asked I.
He gave a long list of intellectual stuff X, Y and Z befitting his status as a PHD educated person. I went over the list agreeing the things were interesting and then asked:
"Okay, so which commercial stations show stuff like X, Y and Z?" I responded.
He paused for a moment and replied "None of them".
"Unfortunately commercial TV only shows what makes money, as they are commercial. So that means they only show whats popular. So that means they don't make the type of TV you like to see, as that isn't a money spinner. The TV license pays for what you want to see - the charter for the BBC is 'Inform, Educate and Entertain.' so two of the pillars of that corporation are just for you." I finished.
There was no acceptance, but there was no further argument either.

Long and the short of it - no matter what they do, they are always going to alienate a section of the community as they can't cover all interests without making a tonne of differently themed shows all covering the same material from "SC Bro'Verse" to "Storytime with SC" to "The SC Intellectual Hour with bonus word-jumble competition at the end" to "Code-gazers Slow TV - 12 Hour Compile And Render Sequence Number B237492406".
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Grand Admiral
May 13, 2015
RSI Handle
I miss the old ATV for sure, with an occasional studio tour from one of their many studios.
But to be fair, I haven't checked the latest video formats, so maybe it's still the same.. 😂
Tonight! IT part 2 and beer! 🍻


Aug 28, 2019
RSI Handle
The one that I would love to see more of, would be the specials where a few top people like Chris, Tony Z, Todd Pappy, Erin and Brian Chambers would just sit in front of the camera and 'spit ball' for a couple of hours.
Getting a glimpse of how those guys thought and theory crafted was really cool.


Mar 24, 2019
RSI Handle
View attachment 13547

Seems no matter what CIG does with their weekly online shows somebody is salty saying "it's boring", "not enough info", "too much info", "I don't like Lando", "I like Lando", "where's news on the Carrack", etc.

Of all the shows/segments produced by CI(G) which three were most beneficial to you?

1. Wingman's Hangar
2. Calling All Devs
3. Citizens of the Stars
4. Ship Shape
5. Around the Verse (ATV)
6. Reverse the Verse (RTV)
7. The Loremaker's Guide to the Galaxy
8. Bug Smashers
9. Inside Star Citizen
10. Subscribers Town Hall
11. Star Citizen Live
12. Happy Hour
13. 10 For the Chairman
I liked all of them but The Loremaker's Guide to the Galaxy was a fave. I still go back and watch them from time to time. Loved Wingman's hanger too. ATV was always hit or miss with me.

Sky Captain

Space Marshal
Oct 13, 2018
RSI Handle
I'm voting for something a little more upbeat than this week's video with Todd Papy. Felt like most of the discussion was on solving problems. We're all living bugs in game and again reported in the forums, no need to relive them in videos too I'd say. I'm assuming if there are bugs, CIG knows they need to squash them. I'd rather see focus on ships, places, feature development, etc.
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Heresy detector
May 31, 2017
RSI Handle
I really enjoyed Ten for the Chairman, but good luck getting that back again. Even if CIG groaned every time CR made up some thing they would have to deliver that they'd never heard of before, on a time table they could never keep, it was still awesome listening to him talk with us.


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
Cherie Heiberg makes my tongue hard

I don't understand why

but I like it
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